The second Unglossed donation drive is now underway! (edit: The drive is now complete, and no longer under way!)
To contribute, please use my new Ko-Fi page. Ko-fi works with Pay-pal / credit, so there’s no registration required. (January’s announcement provides a short description of why I am using a “drive” model.1) The page will be open for the next two days:
If you found anything of value in this month full of unexpected tangents, please consider chipping in. You can send whatever amount suits your fancy. If the default of $3 is too high, knock that sucker down to size!
And now the recap. In the last month, Unglossed has:
Offered a treatise on BA.2, the likelihood or not of reinfections, and the vagaries of defining the “identity” of a virus! (Holy cow! That’s excitement.) (A commentary on BA.2’s early indications of pathogenicity is forthcoming.)
Reviewed a study clearly finding lower IVF success rates among Covid vaccinated women! (A commentary on the Israel hospital story may be forthcoming;2 I think this one is mostly noisy data but will take another look today.)
Fired off an entire trilogy of contrarian “OAS is Not Real” posts!
Developed and somewhat abruptly described a new diagram for visualizing coding gene mutations as a sort of “biological board game”! (How many other substacks created nascent biology board games this month? Full explainer / walk-through still pending, though I will be featuring the diagram in upcoming comments on the Moderna patent thing.)
Explained why a lab-origin is necessary for the Omicron siblings!4
And at last, offered a lab origin theory for the Omicron siblings!
Among other odds-and-ends (and all despite an 9-day internet outage). If you have found these posts enjoyable or informative, now is your chance to leave something in the tip-jar, or else face lifelong regret.
What’s next for Unglossed?
Your support will help this journal continue to pursue its core mission: Exploring the myths and mysteries of biology and the immune system, and the historic and modern health impacts of vaccination.
Last month’s description of the long term goals remains in place;5 the next month however should be exceptionally busy with taking advantage of my new self-declared oneness with The Force, which is to say genetic forensics:
The Moderna patent controversy, as seen through my newly-acquired literacy in the genetic code (I should be sending preliminary thoughts out later today).
A total revisit of the spike protein itself, per same. The inserts, the Fuzzy Cleveland Sights, the Patterson et al. “Long Vaccine” study if it posts online, follow-up with the “Imprinting” / germ-center study, all the stuff. What meets the hype; what’s just hype; what isn’t being hyped enough…
Backfilling the missing graphics on Omicron Origins, and the missing explainers / walk-throughs for all of last week’s gene stuff!
A look into how BA.2 infections are going, as mentioned.
As with last month, I have yet to set up / take advantage of Ko-Fi’s content rewards features. Efforts are still focused on keeping up with core output here! So, readers who contribute now will be still able to say, “I was there in the days when it was just the weird green icon and a payment button.” Imagine the cred.
Thanks for reading, subscribing to, and / or supporting Unglossed!
Wait, I can just paste the description here. It is very short:
I won’t filibuster the reader on why I think a subscription model is not favorable to most creators nor ideal for most readers. Two stand-out flaws are that it creates a “subscriber subclass,” and that it makes email subscription a requirement for cash support (who says bookmark-based readers wouldn’t want to contribute a few bucks?)
But I do think there is a logic to framing support in monthly terms.[…]
Referring to Guetzkow, Josh. “Stillbirths, Miscarriages and Abortions in Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Women.”
(I didn’t find the same story very alarming when I saw it in Jessica Rose’s post, but maybe this is more/different data).
Also the vets and “hidden post-Covid-vaccine myocarditis?” one, though that was in the height of my internet outage. If you are wondering, nothing in the supplemental materials turned out to contradict my assumptions, so I could have safely put my simulation’s ~4 to 5X post-injection myocarditis rate implication in the headline instead of hiding it in the last diagram!
Per the “rules” of not assuming a biological miracle, even though this list started by asking why we shouldn’t assume such a thing!
I guess I'm just dense. I studied that Ko-fi page for quite a while and clicked several places but nowhere did I see where I could Donate. Any tips? Screenshot, maybe?