January Donation Drive
If you have found value in Unglossed this month, please consider supporting!
The first-ever Unglossed donation drive is now underway!
To contribute, please use my new Ko-Fi page. Ko-fi works with Pay-pal / credit, so there’s no registration required. The page will be open for the next two days:1
You can send whatever amount suits your fancy. If the default of $3 is too high, knock that sucker down to size!
Why a drive?
I won’t filibuster the reader on why I think a subscription model is not favorable to most creators nor ideal for most readers. Two stand-out flaws are that it creates a “subscriber subclass,” and that it makes email subscription a requirement for cash support (who says bookmark-based readers wouldn’t want to contribute a few bucks?)
But I do think there is a logic to framing support in monthly terms. In the past 30 days, Unglossed has:
Investigated the likely mouse serial passage origins of Omicron.
Analyzed and reviewed a major myocarditis study and a flawed, manipulative pregnancy study, both comparing outcomes after infection vs Covid-vaccination, and provided evidence of high reinfections in the Israel Omicron wave.
Waded way into the philosophical wilderness, on the question of whether viruses are fake. (I still have much more to add on the matter, including a spin-off post on Host Theory as “Germaphobia 2.0”.)
Among other odds-and-ends. If you have found these posts enjoyable or informative, now is your chance to leave something in the tip-jar, or else face lifelong regret.
What’s next for Unglossed?
Your support will help this journal continue to pursue its core mission: Posting posts. I mean, exploring the myths and mysteries of biology and the immune system, and the historic and modern health impacts of vaccination.
In the coming days, weeks, and months, likely topics include:
A theoretical argument against “over-treating” SARS-CoV-2 infection in the not-at-high-risk - at least now that we are in the Omicron era. In “subduing” SARS-CoV-2 with chemical weaponry, do we risk leaving the immune system under-prepared for future challenge? For which age groups does this tradeoff make sense, and which not? Can treatment even prolong recovery? And did it ever make sense to take a “prophylactic” for a virus?
Continued research and reporting on the harms of the experimental Covid vaccines, based primarily on the biology and on reported adverse events. This is the story that will never go away as long as we are all alive, even if the virus finally does. Unglossed will continue to take a fine-grained approach to the issue, centered on the technology and the human element (I think the all cause mortality trends for 2021 are not the smoking gun we are waiting for).
A theoretical taxonomy of host-virus mutualism models. Sexy; exciting.
Our “banished” viruses. Highlighting polio, measles, HPV etc. This series will look at the unresolved mysteries at the time of their respective mass vaccination campaigns, what the research now tells us about these bugs, and what the future likely holds when the dam of imperfect vaccine-induced immunity finally breaks in the West.
“Climate lockdowns”? Were the past two years merely psychological conditioning for blank-check Science Authoritarianism? Are we in for a new kind of stop the spread regime? Unglossed will begin to take a look at the skewed perspectives on both sides of the climate debate - the weaponization of climate change at the expense of more salient concerns over ocean and soil degradation, and magic “climate innovation” as the right’s own secular religion.
And more. But only with the help of reader support.
Future donation drives may take advantage of Ko-Fi features to offer content rewards. Readers who contribute now will be able to say, “I was there in the days when it was just the weird green icon and a payment button.” Imagine the cred.
Thanks for reading, subscribing to, and / or supporting Unglossed!
I haven’t actually figured out how to turn it “off” at the end of the drive yet, but that’s the plan.
"Climate lockdowns" - that's a vast, enfolding story. And as always it's a story of too much energy at our hands - even if we think we don't have enough of it. Ever read anything by Armstrong? You may think what you want of him, but one should listen to him now and then nonetheless because his AI named SOCRATES is unique by taking natural cycles into consideration.
Wherever we look there is energy abound and on the loose.
"... including a spin-off post on Host Theory as “Germaphobia 2.0”."
Oh no, please spare us here in Germany this embarrassment. Our ''pandemic'' list of incapacity is already long enough and does not stop getting longer and longer. We are penalized enough for our bio-logical short-sightedness. Please have mercy ...