On Turbo Aging
Brief discussion of a simple mechanism (for an anecdotally proposed Covid vaccine harm which, I must say, I haven't seen much evidence of here in SoCal).
Summary (click to expand):
What is turbo aging?
Turbo aging is the anecdotally-reported idea that the recipients of the experimental gene-transfection Covid vaccines seem to be aging rapidly, either in an acute “burst” following injection, or as a continuous process.
I would note immediately that I have not seen evidence of the process here in Southern California. But, maybe we just got a lot of the “blank” vials out here1 (including due to deficiencies in the “cold chain” for injections shipped here in 2021, as I have previously speculated).
Also, Californians are vain and terrified of aging, so maybe we are just hiding the phenomenon with freeze therapies.
Further, even if it is happening, it wouldn’t be obvious how to disentangle the role of the Covid vaccines from myriad other aspects of life that have always caused observed bursts in aging. 11 years ago, after a gruesome bicycle accident, for example, I woke up in a hospital looking years older than I had that the same morning.
At all events, the idea was brought up in a post today by the blogger who goes by Sage Hana:
So, I thought I would post my stock “pet theory” for the phenomenon, which I have been holding onto for a year simply because it isn’t clear that the phenomenon is actually happening. This mechanism isn’t meant to be exclusive, all-encompassing, or overwhelming of any other theory; it’s just one that strikes me as an obvious lead suspect.
Glands, LNPs, and aging.
Anywhere your body wants to move a lot of molecules between tissue and blood, it will use pores in capillaries. Medium-sized particle exchange is enabled by fenestration. Bigger stuff — like tossing defective red blood cells into the beautiful garbage can of the liver — uses sinusoids.
Fenestration, naturally, describes “window-having,” thanks to the Latin root which is at the heart of the French word fenet-hhhh. Endothelial cells in fenestrated capillaries have holes that go from one side to the other. This is ideal for glands that want to secrete hormones.
Quite relatedly, here is what BioNTech CEO Ugir Sahin proposed about mRNA payload distribution, back in 2014:2
From the examples given (spleen, liver, tumor), it’s clear that “large fenestration” refers to sinusoids. However, on paper, it’s not clear that “small” fenestrations, as are found in glands and kidneys, would fall into the top row rather than the bottom. Nor is it plausible that Sahin would really know. He’s just spit-balling.
Should capillary fenestration fall into the bottom row, then LNPs will theoretically pass through endothelial cell pores and directly transfect tissue cells in glands. Once there, they will:
Release the immune-evading modRNA that hijacks the gene expression machinery (i.e. “turn cells blue”) for no-one knows how many days, weeks, or months, prompting the cells to pump out spike protein instead of whatever hormones they should be working on.
Induce secondary effects on nearby cells via the “paracrine” effect of spike protein expressed by transfected cells.
Eventually, lead to immune-mediated detection and destruction.
Notable human glands at risk of this three step transfection, destruction effect include the pituitary and pineal gland in the brain, functions of and changes to both of which are implicated in… aging.3 Neither of these glands, it should be mentioned, seem to have a “lot of cells to spare.” They are like tiny pearls waiting for just the slightest jostle to fall from a necklace.
Is capillary fenestration LNP-compatible or not?
Good question. It’s probably something that should have been, what’s the word… Oh yeah — “tested.”
But, as previously discussed, Pfizer did not test how the actual marketed Covid vaccine product behaves in animal or human bodies at any point.
Capillary fenestrations are themselves delicate objects, and difficult to study.4 But, typically they are listed as being “80-100nm” in diameter.5
A recent attempt to quantify and qualify Pfizer/BioNTech Covid vaccine particles by researchers in Hungary finds them to clock in, in most cases, at 50-80nm.6
[C]ryo-TEM images of newly diluted vaccine (Fig. 3 A-C) showed spherical NPs [nanoparticles]. These NPs exhibit a relatively broad size distribution having about 50 to 200 nm diameter. However, mostly, NPs having 50-80 nm diameters were observed
This might seem to imply that LNPs can egress through capillary fenestrations quite easily, salting vital endocrine tissue left right up and down with that trademark “new car spike scent.”
However, capillary fenestrations are not holes in a golf course; they are tubes of liquid lined with gel-like glycocalyx. They may be effectively impenetrable to LNP “golf-balls” absent physiological changes induced by inflammation, stress, etc.; or they may simply be somewhat resilient or hostile to said golf-balls. It is safe to say — as always — that no one knows, because — as always — no one has bothered to look into it. The whole, actual pharmacology of RNA vaccines is, like, a real “buzz-kill,” man.
Additionally, Szebeni, J. et al.’s 50-80nm LNPs might all contain partial RNAs, whereas only the “monster” sized LNPs have the full-length RNAs which are, I would guess, the most toxic.
At all events, there you have my pet theory for turbo aging,
If it is actually occurring. LNPs are diffusing into delicate endocrine glands, hijacking cells that regulate age-related hormone cycles, and triggering eventual immune-mediated attack and destruction.
Get ready… for the excruciating Worry Window Series Finale.
If you derived value from this post, please drop a few coins in your fact-barista’s tip jar.
See “Myocarditis and Bolus Theory” regarding the potential for variability in full-length RNA content and corresponding toxicity.
Sahin, U. Karikó, K. Türeci, Ö. “mRNA-based therapeutics — developing a new class of drugs.” Nat Rev Drug Discov. 2014 Oct;13(10):759-80.
Veldhuis, JD. “Changes in Pituitary Function with Aging and Implications for Patient Care.” Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2013 Apr; 9(4): 205–215.
Tan, DX. et al. (2018.) “Pineal Calcification, Melatonin Production, Aging, Associated Health Consequences and Rejuvenation of the Pineal Gland.” Molecules. 2018 Feb; 23(2): 301.
Satchell, SC. Braet, F. et al. (2009.) “Glomerular endothelial cell fenestrations: an integral component of the glomerular filtration barrier.” Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2009 May;296(5):F947-56.
Brian, this won't win you over because my argument is anecdotal, but I have absolutely observed accelerated rapid decline in health and cognitive function in the seniors among my patients in community pharmacy. I had the opportunity to know many of these patients well enough before COVID to have a strong baseline impression against which to compare the rate of enfeeblement.
Pfizer reports 90 different Endocrine Disorders in tens of thousands of its jab victims to 15 April 2022.
Includes 11 different Pituitary disorders. 20 different Growth disorders.