Dec 13, 2023·edited Dec 13, 2023Pinned

Many readers are clearly enamored of this memetic notion that somehow polio was just 'reclassified' out of existence. The toxin theory meme. You come across a post that is about *all diseases except polio, did vaccines reduce deaths for these (no)?* and your only reaction is "polio just reclassified."

It needs to be emphasized just how badly stupid and implausible the claim is. American newspapers never depended on medical, laboratory, or statistical confirmation to report polio epidemics.

I am poking a cult. You have come across some suggestion of a "secret knowledge" that makes you one of the "awake." This is just astrology but with pesticides as your star signs. You aren't being serious. I say why would a neurotoxin not first deteriorate higher order functions - personality, cognition, vision - how could it magically just go for the motor neurons? Why wouldn't adults be more affected after years of chronic exposure to your magic pesticide star signs? Not even crickets. You don't even care about the truth, just the feeling that you get from this magic thinking about your secret "knowledge." Look, you have found someone else who also has this "knowledge" now that you scrolled below the comment you just posted (which said the same thing as them). Wait, you keep scrolling, here is another person with the secret knowledge. (Incredible, what you can learn when you read the previous comments instead of just blasting off your own copy of the meme.) Wow what a lot of you to know a "secret"! It is just a meme that has taken over your brains.

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We know how to cure polio. We don't want to know. It's the same as COVID, measles, influenza and more.

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Check your cereal packet for the list of ingredients: there is a long list of vitamins and minerals added. Then check a) when did children start eating breakfast cereals, and b) when were all these vitamins added to them.

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Oh dear.

Here is how they made the polio vax look effective;

In 1955, the year the Salk vaccine (which had issues*) for polio was introduced, patients with symptoms of aseptic meningitis and coxsackie virus were no longer included in a diagnosis of polio. A concerted effect was also made to distinguish conditions such as acute flaccid paralysis, transverse myelitis, Reye’s syndrome, GBS and chronic fatigue syndrome that would have previously been labelled as polio and to remove them from the numbers. These changes made the Salk and following Sabin 1961 vaccines appear effective against polio, although they weren't.

*What is known as the the Cutter incident occurred in 1955. Vaccines are made by adding samples from sick people to cell cultures of abnormal monkey cells. The cultures are passaged many times: some cells taken away so more grow. Heavy metal preservatives that are known neurotoxins are added to these cell cultures which are renamed vaccines. Many people in the Cutter incident were killed and became ill by the toxicity of the 'vaccines' themselves- they contained neurotoxins, RNA and proteins from people whose bodies were trying to detoxify.

Some of the contacts of vaccinees of the Salk vaccine (which had a record breaking 2 hour approval process!) became paralysed and some died. This was due to a supposed 'live' version of the polio virus being used in the vaccine.

Some children who had been vaccinated didn't get sick, but their mothers became very ill and so did their neighbours. Undoubtedly the mothers were the ones desperately spraying their homes with. DDT, and spending the most time in their homes, when they heard that a ‘live’ virus was on the loose, which explains why the mothers were the ones who became the most ill.

And as you should know by now there's no evidence that what is termed 'polio' is caused by a virus but lots that DDT and immobilisation of 'patients' is involved https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/toxicology-vs-virology-the-rockefeller

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Jan 22Liked by Brian Mowrey

Oh my. I am so sorry I didn't read this when you published. 🤣 Wow. 🙄

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Then there is this


This is just the PR Team playing with the proles as usual.

How is it that Substack has been permitted to publish completely uncensored anti-vax content - when all other media has been forced into draconian censorship?

And is it not fascinating how this platform that was founded just prior to covid and suddenly emerged from obscurity (I have been doing business in the digital space since 1999 and I had never heard of SS)... to become the go to platform for those opposed to the Covid vax....

How do I ask Hamish how he has been able to fend off those who have forced Google Facebook and the entire MSM complex to remove any negative comments regarding the covid vax.

Why do they leave him alone? Does he have a massive army and does he threaten to go to war with the DOD if the deep state actors try to pressure him? Does he have hundreds of billions of dollars (more than google and FB) that allow him to buy influence?

Pray tell Hamish --- how did you beat back the censors?????

Let me speculate on what happened...

As we know the Covid Operation is many decades in the planning... it was probably hatched in the 70's as the US conventional oil was peaking sending a signal to the Men Who Run the World ... that cheap energy is indeed not infinite and at some point there will be a global peak and that will collapse civilization. Something would need to be done to prevent 8 billion humans from ripping each other's faces off and eating each other when the global supply chains vapourize and global famine kicks in.

The Men Who Run the World are thorough - they war game literally thousands of scenarios to ensure they are prepared for anything ... similarly they left no stone unturned with respect to the End of the World...

They assembled a range of experts from energy analysts ... economics and finance specialists... a PR Team -- medical scientists (to create the vax that destroys the immune system) and for certain a team of the best of the best in the field of psychology who were tasked with prepping the masses for extermination.

When faced with the problem of knowing that some of the 8B (the less stupid ones)... would reject the Rat Juice vax.... they came up with a number of strategies ... they determined that mandates would be a powerful tool -- no jab no job --- they also knew that humans are not any different than Pavlov's dog so they offered incentives... like donuts... the invoked peer pressure....

But still... some hard core folks would resist... what to do about them?

Up shoots the hand of a bright young thing ... she says --- rather than fight them and bash their heads in ... why not herd them onto a space where they can be compartmentalized and run them around in circles... embed our agents and have them feed the anti vaxxers juicy studies and other tid bits about how deadly the Rat Juice is.

Hang on said the director of the team -- what if the Vaxxers see this? What if the A Vaxxers send them the studies?

No need to worry - the Vaxxers will dismiss this as conspiracy theory - they won't read anything unless its on cnnbbc... we create a parallel universe...

What we accomplish by doing this is we entertain the A-Vaxxers -- they will believe they are winning - they will believe that SURELY!!! the Vaxxers must be aware of these studies and the harms done by the Rat Juice. If not now - then tomorrow or next week ... it's so overwhelming that surely the MUST wake up! But of course they never wake up because they refuse to look.

The A Vaxxers believe they are winning ... therefore they just keep clattering away on their key boards high fiving every time Kirsch or Malone or one of the other embedded agents drops a revelation.

And most importantly - they NEVER take any action that might upset the plan... they never get violent and cause us to send out the anti terrorist squads (that are standing by)... this guarantees the extermination things don't get messy. We all know the goal is to eliminate 8B with as little suffering as possible.

Sounds like a great plan says the Director.

What do you suggest we call this platform that we will use to corral the anti vaxxers ... monitor them ... and feed them the studies?

The bright young thing says ... Substack.

Ok says the director -- find another Zuckerberg-type flunky --- and have him or her be the front for this ...

Consider it done.

For more details on this story see UEP: https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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All vaccines are poisonous shit. Injecting or injecting poisonous shit has never been good for health.

However big pharma and the industrial medical complex have persuaded many that having poisonous shit is a Good Thing.

What they do not tell you is that it is good for big pharma business. At least they don't tell the masses so much as tell shareholders etc.


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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Brian Mowrey

Good article - it's not just about mortality though, seems vaccines have questionable benefit on that, but about prevalence of disease and its morbidity. Your first graph from NY on measles shows a clear decline in prevalence with onset of vaccination. I would not wish any of these diseases on anyone regardless of their declining mortality- they are often extremely unpleasant and cause immense suffering and sometimes non-lethal yet life altering sequelae (eg paralysis from polio, cardiomyopathy from diphtheria)

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Appreciate your approach. When endorsing the Sabin vaccine, did you have the literature on non-specific effects of vaccines (especially DTP) in mind? If yes, on what grounds do you assume the Sabin vaccine to be beneficial overall? What do you make of the situation in India for example where the vaccine strain has become dominant?

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I don’t really know what you are talking about.. The thread appears in my email with the ability to comment, I simply follow the link provided and post the comment.. I don’t know where they end up or in what order they appear and apparently if you don’t respond in 24hrs the link doesn’t work or the thread has been deleted.. I don’t usually comment on substacks unless I feel the conversation could be educational for those that read it. I always look forward to substack responses and learning new things from people like you, however, it’s rare people turn out to be as rude as you.

Anyway, best of luck to you, have a great holiday season and try to understand that even if you feel you are right in a situation, you can still practice kindness and patience with other humans.

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Spammers like me? Wow. Gross.

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I would have happily replied to your comment but it appears you deleted an entire thread before I had the opportunity to reply.


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Polio started dropping dramatically before the introduction of vaccines. Please check. Polio was largely caused by widespread spraying of pesticides such as DDT.

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It must not allow me to post links. I believe the data you are talking about is specific for DDT? The missing link i posted also compares BHC vs Polio (1940-1970) with interesting findings as well.

“BHC (benzene hexachloride), a persistent, organochlorine pesticide, that is several times more lethal than DDT, in terms of LD50, i.e., the lethal dosage required to kill 50 percent of a test population.

“Unlike the situation with DDT, in which there have been few recorded fatalities, there have been a number of fatalities following poisoning by the cyclodiene and hexachlorocyclohexane-type insecticides. The chlorinated cyclodiene insecticides are among the most toxic and environmentally persistent pesticides known.” (Hayes & Laws)

As shown in the graph below, BHC was produced in 1945-1954 at quantities similar to DDT. In spite of BHC’s lethal quality, it has received much less publicity than DDT. While DDT was banned for such things as an association with the thinning of eagles’ eggs, BHC was phased out of production because it was found, after 15 years, to impart a bad taste to food. It is still used in developing nations. It is tempting to ask whether the highly public DDT was “fronting” for the more dangerous BHC. BHC’s correlation with polio incidence is also astonishing.”

It includes lead-arsenic graphs and then takes all 4 top chemicals and graphs them according to polio cases. Simply astonishing. But you must already know all this cause it’s not magic knowledge!

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Dec 13, 2023·edited Dec 13, 2023

The body never has needed and never will need vaccines of any kind to survive and live healthy. We cannot know what is really in any vaccine injection. They do not tell us that. There are always "proprietary" ingredients protected under the guise of being privileged info. The package inserts are always incomplete and misleading.

Why are there no vaccines for a common cold, the simplest of afflictions? Colds are not considered deadly, but flu and virus is, that's why. It is because of the fear factor involved. Vaccines have to be seen as the best or last or only way to save you from death. In that, they have failed miserably.

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