Discussion here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMMA9bwDklQ

of this study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35456309/

apparently says Covid infection did not increase incidence of post-covid myocarditis or pericarditis.

So if there is an increase in the population, in general... or increase in heart-related illness, in general...

Been living real life so not sure if you already covered / read the study or not, apologies if I am rehashing something.

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Saw it, yes - though I didn't think to relate it to my cosmic dread about suddenly keeling, haha. Actually I was worried you were a data point there - you mentioned a roommate being positive shortly before your disappearance!

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I managed to catch it from them too. 3 days of an immune system doing what it's meant to - swollen tonsils to be precise - and then it was over.

And for that they fcked the world's economies, job markets and instilled a terrified populace.

My double vaxed, double boosted house mate had the same duration of illness, but it was a whole-body experience: aches, fever, lethargy, mine was isolated to the B&T-cell schools located in my tonsils. Similar account from someone else also quad-shot: whole body aches and pains. I want to log my experience of infection and see how other people fared / what they heard of the vaxed's experience.

Don't get me wrong, the middle day of swollen tonsils was 24 hours of unable to swallow shittiness, but that was it. I do not remember the last time I had the flu, so a standard flu infection could have been as bad, perhaps?

I did wonder re: myo/peri carditis, particularly given how much sport I do, but there's been no issues at all and the study from Israel only supports my now ongoing belief that the vaccine was the cause of the problems more so than any natural infection.

Hope you're well - your stack appears to have reaped its just rewards in terms of views / comments thanks to the quality content, kudos and congrats there.

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Children and healthy people have zero rick of hospitalization although Omicron my may in fact be targeting the younger now. Unlikely, but if you have been jabbed, then any variant is going to target you preferentially. Enough black pills for today, need to change my zen for a bit but this info never stops peculating.

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There was just a "crowd surge" at an event in Soeul (Officials: 59 dead after Halloween crowd surge in Seoul)


Associated Press

Oct. 29, 2022

I read about it on SFGate; it is the local SF bay area propaganda news site. First they just posted the initial AP report. That version said that 9 people were dead, 100 were injured, and fifty were being treated for cardiac arrest. The part about the cardiac people lying around on the ground included a description of people trying to revive them with CPR. Now SF Gate has added an "update" and in that version they have omitted the part about cardiac arrests (and now everyone who died is described as having been crushed to death), but the update is 59 dead.

Okay, I don't know how common it is for people to have a heart attack in this sort of situation. Maybe it is common. But Korea is a very heavily vaccinated country. If people are on the verge of cardiac arrest because of the shots (or a former covid case; I am willing to believe covid itself is toxic to the heart), this is where you would see it. It is funny how the emphasis in the article has changed.

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Very interesting catch about the change in copy. It does make sense that the dead would be characterized as "cardiac arrest" because that is the outcome of suffocation as I mention in my post - asystole (no electrical activity) arrest with almost 0 chance of recovery. But someone must not have wanted any "misinformation." Meanwhile, it plausible that just one act of "random" Dying Suddenly could trigger this kind of crush in the first place.

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California 25-34 years death is going to the moon


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Thank you - Ah, well, he's not really putting cards on the table, so I'm not sure what to say this time...

But if he thinks apnea can cause unconsciousness, oh boy... Apnea requires unconsciousness. Otherwise you would, still awake, notice that your airway was closed and voluntarily open it. In fact we can still do this in our sleep, otherwise apnea would be fatal. Whereas when you are given anaesthetics or opioids these unconscious guardrails turn off. But you still can't experience apnea in certain postures, which would include walking around or giving a choir recital...

As I mention in some other comments, one of the points I wanted this post to defend was to clarify that suddenly collapsing without recovering is, in fact, a symptom of cardiac failure, even if it might not seem that way. It does not demand a noncardiac mechanism and no noncardiac mechanism is intrinsically more plausible (ie, why would a neurological mechanism result in sudden collapse but not one million other motor impairment symptoms beforehand?).

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WMC has several different threads of thought going on so, no not everything is out on the table. I'm not sure that any one person could have everything out on the table as there are so many issues and possible causes of issues.

The reason I reference this has to do with REM sleep and not sleep apnea per se as his subtitle alludes to "Sympathetic Overdrive and Catecolamine Surge During Sleep". This is in response to your first item about dying while sleeping as opposed to those dropping on the field, stage, or podium (however, they could be related to experiencing a vivid, bad dream during REM as public speaking has been known to be a high ranking fear of people). Also of note, with respect to upright position, I remember noticing that. I believe it had more to do with being awoken abruptly or jumping from a bad dream, likely during REM sleep, and not so much sleeping position. Now I have thoughts on how studies on PTSD, sleep apnea, and even bed-wetting may provide relevant information.

Sorry it took me a while to respond. I do try to, but sometimes miss things. A lot of information is coming out and impossible for me to process it all completely.

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This study out of Switzerland implies there is some level of heart damage in nearly everyone receiving the mRNA COVID injections: https://open.substack.com/pub/stevekirsch/p/new-study-shows-that-pretty-much?r=z7a89&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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It does; however, the change for the nearly everyone group is in the noisier portion of cTnT assays. The numbers aren't really considered an accurate measurement when they are below a certain threshold, for example 13 with Elecsys. That's on an individual level, obviously, so you could say there is definitely a signal on the group level. But there's no understood clinical relevance.

With those caveats, I would say it is still compelling evidence. It was what I thought might be found in the Thailand raw data but wasn't (https://unglossed.substack.com/p/thailand-myocarditis-study); so there could be something to do with differences in age groups or between 2nd and 3rd dose (for example a lingering, higher baseline after the 1st dose makes the effect of the 2nd dose disappear in the noise, whereas with the 3rd dose the baseline is more truly normal).

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POTS is an interesting case medscape & reddit full of POTS reports a classic post vaccination issue, and its connection to gulf war syndrome

I see they are retro-normalizing this too as a covid symptom:


with this being posted Dec 30th 2020:


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I'm sure that's one in the category of "you don't want spike in your blood." So there is some POTS from infection, I'm guessing much more from injection. That would be my nightmare. I think I would never sit down.

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The post-injection hump certainly seems like an air-tight signal.

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The injections must be labeled as the cause until ruled out. Anytime something unusual happens we must ask, “Has anything been done differently?” If he answer proves to be “Yes”, that difference must be taken as the cause until ruled out. The first step is revert back to how things were done before the change took place. If the problem no longer surfaces, we have found the cause and corrected it. If the problem continues, further investigation is warranted.

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so Brian. The pathology of cardiac arrests in teenagers has been described here https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35157759/

This article described the histology of the damaged hearts and links the deaths to Covid vaccination.

CPR does circulate blood - trust me I'm an expert. The heart fills with blood passively and the chest compressions eject the blood providing a small amount of cardiac out put that can support life. When you do CPR in an ICU you can see the blood circulate by waveforms on an arterial line.

The most common cause of sudden death is arrhythmia - the most common being ventricular fibrillation or VFIB as its called on TV. PEA is usually caused by a massive pulmonary embolus, acid base or electrolyte imbalance. The reason the kids die in their sleep is when VF occurs while they are sleeping no one notices and they die. If they collapse at a restaurant or on the tennis court - then someone will notice and call 911 and perhaps rescue them.

One remote possibility is that the inflammation of the heart is targeting the conduction system specifically - in essence causing some sort of "electrical standstill".

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Naturally VF in sleep would be indistinguishable from non-VF arrest in terms of not being noticed. But that doesn't mean there is any way to tell after the fact that it happened in the first place. It remains indistinguishable. So I call Casten's death "possibly, if not likely" consistent with others that can't be revived (and thus I argue are not VF).

Modern Discontent offered some considerations why the Gill, et al. autopsies might not be generalizable to all teen cardiac post-vax injury https://moderndiscontent.substack.com/p/the-possible-relationship-between

I never intended to imply CPR doesn't circulate blood! Just that that is all it is doing. It doesn't "resuscitate" and (although the person performing it can't know ahead of time) in many cases there is functionally 0 chance of revival (which means that prolonging ischemia is pointless). This may strike an HCW as a crazy way to view it, but just because "most out of hospital cardiac arrests are VF" doesn't change whether CPR does anything for the other arrests; and, if defib no longer works, then "most cardiac arrests" doesn't actually inform how we should interpret post-vaccine SCD.

But overall my point is that lack of revival even in daylight when there are witnesses, is at first glance an indication that the arrests are asystole or PEA without any VF stage, that's all. Demystifying what seems to be regarded as a mystery.

That is a provocative theory RE immune mediated conduction system attack, thank you!

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Points well taken. We dont understand the underlying pathology. There is cardiac inflammation what causes this? Is it cross-reactive antibodies that attack the spike and also attack the myocardium? Is it lipid nanoparticles travel to the heart and the heart muscle then manufactures spike and the antibodies attack? My theory is that when we give the mRNA vaccines and have our own body produce spike - it confuses our immune system. The immune system recognizes spike as foreign -- but then it may recognize normal antigens on that cell as foreign as well. In effect training the immune system to attack the host. Also other pathways are possible too.

The reason why people cannot be resuscitated after the event more likely reflects the amount of myocardial damage. A damaged heart will not cardiovert with an AED as easily as a healthier heart. But not everyone who collapses is not revived. A number of people have survived the collapse.

My investment projection is that there are alot of implantable defibrillators going to be made - MDT etc.

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Excellent comment. I would welcome you as a free subscriber (everything, always free) to my substack in a heartbeat (pun intended). Please check it out to see if it is worthy. Thanks.

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Gents, thank you for this. This is how is should be done. Two knowledge people giving their theories and reasons for them while acknowledging that they do not yet know. Such dialogue, as you know more than I, is sorely lacking. Thanks again.

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Amount of damage is a very plausible counter-argument to my argument - essentially it renders the VF/not-VF question irrelevant. At the same time, it probably also leads to theory 1 (post-acute myocarditis SCD) still being the most plausible or most conservative guess for the moment. Meanwhile if someone actually reviews some cases the actual recorded presenting rhythms will settle the question either way.

I've always felt that the overrepresentation of teen boys for myocarditis suggests that it's LNP transfection of cardiomyocytes as opposed to an auto-immune etiology (simply because they have more cardiomyocytes as a fraction of "all cells" but still fewer to spare than say someone older with an enlarged heart); but that gets back to the catecholamines as a counter-theory there.

Certainly there will be a "both things can be true" element at play; even if I am right that most post-vax cardiac arrest is not VF they can still drive higher than normal rates of VF! And there have been plenty of reported pulse irregularities.

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Its not just young boys dropping though. Females are dropping as well. Like the comedian that collapses on stage or the St Louis councilwoman who drops in the hallway. To my eye - these have to be acute arrhythmia like VF or VT. It may be that the amount of inflammation may make defibrillation success less effective.

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Walter Chesnut, whose posts I find intriguing but mostly incomprehensible, thinks it is the spike protein in whatever form it shows up, and he has a theory: he holds that the spike protein damages the brainstem: https://wmcresearch.substack.com/p/a-cerebrogenic-hypothesis-for-the.

I read the "covid isn't over" people because I think it was a leaked bioweapon and that it isn't over and I want a heads up for when the variant arrives that specializes in the unvaccinated who haven't caught covid yet (that is, me).

The propaganda side is pretty funny. If you google (of course, google) "died suddenly," a lot of what comes up will be from a website called "Tech ARP." They specialize in trying to debunk claims that individuals died suddenly due to the vaccination. They will announce that someone died and inform the reader that (foolish, bad) people are claiming it was due to the vaccine. Then they will list several assertions that these (foolish, bad) people have made on social media. One example:

"Defiant Baptist : #CynthiaLai died (suddenitis) mere days after promoting the #SafeAndEffective treatments for children. That’s some cosmic justice right there."

What is really funny is that this absolutely highlights these claims, and gives them an audience that they would never otherwise have. If I googled Cynthia Lai's name, without having given much thought about the vaccine having caused her death, this would immediately bring the possibility to my attention.

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Regarding your virus-free status, this study has fairly impressive results suggesting why some might be pre-immune. Previously it was limited by only having a Bay Area cohort but the same results were matched in a UK cohort https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.05.13.21257065v3

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Thank you for that. In my case it may be because I am actually careful to not catch covid. I use Xlear nasal spray and wear an N95 when I shop (that is not unusual where I live), and take a claritin. At certain points I've taken prophylactic ivermectin. And I haven't eaten out in forever anyway. And of course not being vaccinated (presently) makes me less likely to catch covid. My 98 y.o. (vaccinated and boosted; his choice) father in law lives with us and I would feel guilty if I killed him off, since he is a happy person who enjoys life.

Also I have to test weekly for my volunteer position (since I'm not vaccinated), and my fellow volunteers are still all waiting for me to die horribly of covid or at least catch it (since they, all vaccinated, have mostly caught it), and I don't feel like obliging them.

Thanks also for making the point about how people who "die suddenly" are never resuscitated. That is very, very interesting.

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"Unfortunately, COVID-19 vaccines only protect against severe disease and death from the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. They cannot protect against gallbladder cancer…" Hm... but maybe... they can accelerate it...

Igor mentioned Chestnut's theory as well. Actually my comment ii stems from how he took the lack of revival as some kind of medical oddity, when really it should be taken simply as reflecting that arrhythmia is not involved (ie, most people don't realize that certain types of cardiac arrest usually cannot be reversed).

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Thanks for taking the effort to peer into “Covid Is Not Over” world for us.

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Just waiting for one to un-self-awarely publish an e-book called "My Struggle."

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This comment is in the FWIW department. In 2019 I had a sudden episode of tachycardia, 130 bpm. It wouldn't quit. After 4 hours I went to urgent care, they did EKG then told me my heart was showing signs of stress and sent me to the ER across the street. After another couple of hours they got it slowed down but not before I heard a terrible irregular beat on the monitor. It was AFib, and if I'd let it go, it would have MAYBE caused heart failure. I'll never know. It was addressed a few month later by an atrial ablation. I don't have to take any of the horse crap they usually send AFib sufferers out the door with: beta or calcium channel blockers, blood thinners.

The point to this longwinded tale is that in real arrhythmias like AFib, you get plenty of warning that your heart is behaving stupidly. You have time to address it. Sometimes it can lead to a stroke/clot, but then it's discernible as such by the autopsy. This "sudden death by arrhythmia" may be possible but I do know so many old farts my age who have actually lived with it for a long time. It's not uncommon.

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Right, so that matches/compounds the implications of not being able to revive those who collapse. It's past arrhythmia, straight to PEA / asystole. 2019! - you never know, could have been the virus...

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Right. arrhythmia is a word to describe the beating activity of the heart, typically used to describe an activity that is abnormal. A flat-line is not an "arrhythmia". Nor is it considered a "shockable" rhythm by any automatic defibrillators that are capable of assessing arrhythmia and delivering appropriate therapy.

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Near as I can tell, it was a Sudafed I took followed by bending over to pick up a pencil I'd dropped. Stood up in tachycardia. February 2019, probably stress caused by the worst class of physics students I'd ever had. Grading their papers. Give me covid anyday.

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More to the point of your article, is it understood how the heart's electrical signals are generated and controlled? How these different conditions can occur suddenly? Is there any evidence to be found after death to understand what happened, or do you need to catch it in process (like if the person happened to be wearing a halter at the time). It does not seem there is much interest in answering these questions.

The signifier of these deaths seems to be sudden - no warning or pain prior to the event, and it just stops. This is strange to me since you would think a progressive degeneration, or really any failure would almost always have some warning - if there is one part of the body that has probably evolved to be fault tolerant it would be the heart. The other odd thing is that these deaths are not occurring very coincident with shots or viral infections, which would also seem to point to progressive degeneration.

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Cardiac arrest is both ubiquitous and mysterious. Naturally there is no ethical way to study it in humans. Arrests occurring in hospital are usually after some prior revival, and usually fatal regardless of response time. Regarding CPR, the stats used to promote a benefit are based on out of hospital arrests and are a mess. Biologically studying CPR requires pigs, dogs, or pseudo-human torsos. It might as well be nephrology. But defib is defib. If people were dropping with arrhythmia/VF than defib should bring them back regardless of brain damage or heart damage leading to later failure in the hospital. (Don't have the citations for all these assertions because the relevant bookmarks here are all on my fried MBP that I still need a new logic board for.)

Arrhythmia arrest has lots of causes generally associated with aging and degrading the electrical or vascular circuits that feed the heart. So I think all that is happening here is either direct damage to the heart (akin to what happens as a result of VF arrest) or the "circulatory arrest" thing, like I say. Since writing this post I'm more and more leaning to the latter.

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I should probably read something about how people think the heart works.

Circulatory arrest is an interesting idea, although it is surprising it would come on suddenly and peacefully.

For your fried MBP, is it an older one with a removable drive? (If not the data probably goes with the logic board). If the drive is removable, you should be able to pull it out, put it in a USB SATA enclosure and mount it read-only under linux using the apfs-fuse driver. Or use the enclosure to restore to a new macbook.

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Yeah I can convert to external. I just want to keep it going since theoretically it should last forever (mid-2012 13") whereas anything built afterward won't. But the shop that previously repaired the current board doesn't offer repairs anymore.

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Yeah, I have a 2011 13" that's still running, although a child sat on it and cracked the screen glass :(

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Less extreme, a tiny insect somehow crawled into mine's display, moved around for a week, and finally died in the left-center.

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Break out the debugger!

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Something that's often omitted in the excess mortality stats is the health status of the deceased. So it could be that prior to 2021, cardiac deaths in the young were almost always in highly comorbid individuals, and vanishingly rare in the healthy. But since then, the additional excess is almost all in the healthy as news reports seem to suggest, giving a risk increase of multiples in that sub group!

Problem is the absolute numbers are still relatively small relative to population wide all cause excess mortality, and there's no willingness on the part of the usual public health bodies to make sufficiently detailed data available. Hopefully the ONS in the UK might make it available in response to a FOI request.

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Trying to get your email address to send some questions.

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