The spike proteins from the cmRNA vaccines are coded with Pseudouridine, an isomer of Uridine. These proteins will be isomeric as well, since Uracil is replaced 100% with Pseudouridine. Thus, the antibodies will have a different chirality/configuration than "normal" abs, i.e., they will be isomeric. That is, they have nothing to do with spike proteins from Sars-Cov-2, which are coded with Uracil. The latest experiments point out to this scenario: ICU cases of Covid-19 are caused by two lethal abs, REGN10987 and B38. Since the immune system is sabotaged to create numerous isomeric abs, there will be fewer binding/neutralizing abs, including the two lethal abs mentioned above. But now, the vaccinated people have a huge quantity of isomeric binding abs in their organisms, which are awaiting an activation (since these isomeric abs are misfolded abs, they can also be neurotoxic; they also include the lethal isomeric version of REGN10987 and B38). So, we have two pandemics running in parallel: a Uracil coded Sars-Cov-2, which by now has become Mers-Cov-2 (Omicron uses the DPP4 celullar receptor, same as Mers-Cov, both having a huge R0: Omicron has R0 of 10, while Mers had R0 of between 7 and 19 in South Korea), and a Pseudouridine coded Sars-Cov-2, which is part of the cmRNA vaccines. cmRNA = chemically modified RNA, or modRNA. Had the vaccines been coded with Uracil, full fledged mRNA, all of the vaccinees would have found themselves in ICUs right away, since then a huge number of lethal abs (REGN10987 and B38) would have been fabricated by the immune system. Since there are trillions of spike proteins (coded with Pseudouridine) being produced, obviously there won't be a matching number of isomeric abs: it is now known that such spike proteins remain in the body for up to 15 months, and so do the binding isomeric abs. Spike proteins = T-bacilli of Wilhelm Reich = prions. Dextrorotatory prions = misfolded prions. What could activate the Pseudoridine coded spike proteins (prions) and the isomeric abs to a full dextrorotatory prion state? A thermal shock (volcanic eruptions on an unprecedented scale), or scalar biological weapons being used.

Omicron = Omega (practically same letters). Omicron paves the way for the Pi variant: a Pseudouridine isomeric version of Sars-Cov-2.

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I've lost the link for the study I'm pretty sure your DPP4 comment is referring to. But https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.12.31.474653v1 suggests that Omicron doesn't use DPP4, just ACE2 (with no more TMPRSS2 requirement). Perhaps either one explains the higher rate of spread.

Autoantibodies seem to play a role in severe disease. And I think it's likely that the pseudouridine leads to misreads of U, random amino acid insertions, and potential prion or autoantibody outcomes from whatever deformed product results. But, correct reads of U leading to formation of the toxic spike also have the same autoantibody risk as infection, so it's a bit of a redundant danger.

Pseudouridine RNA virus would be an interesting one. Presumably evolution would have figured that one out if it conferred enough immune evasion benefit to justify the cost.

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https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.12.14.472585v1 (Omicron - DPP4 receptor)

No one can explain where Pseudouridine came from, from an evolutionary point of view:


And Psi actually causes instability at an atomic level:


It is interesting that, when focusing on the H-bonded bases, the Ψ modification seems rather to have a destabilizing than a stabilizing effect.

Pseudouridine and G-quadruplexes relation to prions:


Dan Sirotkin's fear is that Sars-Cov-2 is a LAV, pointing to a Mers-like pathogen which is the full-fledged live virus vaccine (before being attenuated). What if the live vaccine was coded with Pseudouridine? It is only now that scientists are beginning to be aware of Hachimoji DNA bases, or non-standard pairs, using nucleosides. It is quite an alien code to substitute Uracil 100% with Pseudouridine. Could Pseudouridine have to do with a Tree of Knowledge event, where such a nucleoside was introduced, for the first time, into the genetics of human beings? Let me remind the readers that isomeric abs are latent, they are just awaiting an activation. It is known that heat shock proteins are related to pseudouridylation, that such proteins are activated once a thermal shock is encountered. HSPs are also related to protein deposits in prion diseases.

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Thanks, that wasn't the paper I was thinking of but it is similar. Still seems to be eclipsed by Peacock et al. cell culture results, at least for now.

The anandamide paper is fantastic. I had missed it, despite subscribing, thanks for the link. But once again the concerns for deformed spike are all a bit redundant since correctly-produced spike is already full of epitopes that have apparent hazards for autoimmunity, weird senescence effects on monocytes, etc. Another whole issue is that when the virus is manufacturing spike there is normally a suite of assisting RNAs and NSPs and then the cell lyses, so right off the bat the dynamics of how the protein is processed in mRNA transfection is unknowable. The main point being, how is it there was apparently 0 effort to confirm the microbiology of these shots to begin with... insane...

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Certainly Sars-Cov-2 did not originate in bats.

Cobra genome and Sars-Cov-2 genome MN908947:


The researchers used an analysis of the protein codes favored by the new cor.onavirus and compared it to the protein codes from cor.onaviruses found in different animal hosts, like birds, snakes, marmots, hedgehogs, manis, bats and humans. Surprisingly, they found that the protein codes in the 2019-nCoV are most similar to those used in snakes.

No bat genome:



"However,the possibility that cold-blooded animals like snakes can serve as a host cannot be ruled out. The flexible interacting loop identified in our study may allow the virus to adapt to both the cold-blooded and warm-blooded hosts."



Amazing affinity between snake venom and Sars-Cov-2:




"Indeed, higher resistance to hydrolysis by phosphodiesterases from snake venom and spleen has been reported when uridine was replaced with Ψ in dinucleotide substrates." (2008)

However, the author of that statement had no knowledge of the original experiments which had been carried out in 1965:


On the controversy about the Wuhan original genome:



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Results obtained while using HeLa cell lines are one thing. Omicron does not have to show the full panoply of its potential ways to infect, the use of the DPP4 celullar receptor will be latent. However, once inside the human body, this feature will be activated at once. What is clear is that the vaccines are no longer of any use because of two main reasons: they have reached their singularity point (exhaustion of the immune system to further produce T-cells, since Sars-Cov-2 is a superantigen) and Omicron is a variant of another pathogenic agent (in my view, Mers-Cov).

On the T-cell exhaustion:




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I have not finished your article yet., which I will complete tonight. Here is one I listened to earlier on the manipulation of COVID statistics. https://trialsitenews.com/is-the-uk-office-of-national-statistics-manipulating-the-data-on-deaths-involving-covid-19-by-vaccination-status/

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I agree with Fenton when he says at 57:00 that either his hypothesis or the ONS Healthy User hypothesis leads to essentially the same conclusion that there is a bias.

But, I buy the ONS model. The spike is from suddenly abandoning the "near death" in any age group in the unvaccinated cohort while the non-near death leave the cohort by being first-dosed. This is short term healthy user bias - you can take a whole population, subtract just the handful that are literally croaking, then watch for the next 21 days as your population suddenly defies the baseline death rate.

And yes, this is probably a reason to discount the vaccine efficacy values from the UKHSA, as John Dees argues - https://jdee.substack.com - but I've abandoned the UKHSA data already. And I don't think this same bias should be extrapolated out of the UK to places like the US, where there's more vaccine hesitancy.

I think Fenton's hypothesis would be a lot less convincing if he showed the ONS spreadsheets. It's very clean data. There's deaths and person-years by dose status by age, and that's it. Numerator, denominator. The exclusion of people not in all three databases is good, so that the ONS data operates like a "virtual country". So you can see directly that the death rates in the 21 days right after every dose is low, demonstrating the healthy user bias - https://unglossed.substack.com/p/into-the-weeds-uk-deaths-data

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Oh - and if there was a delay, as per Fenton's hypothesis, it would self-correct in the 1st dose <21 days group since they would get dinged for mis-categorized deaths in the just-2nd-dosed. But my bet is that there is no delay, just healthy user bias.

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It's been evident for decades that public school teachers are, by and large, overpaid mediocrities who fail at rates no other profession would allow. What wasn't as clear until Recent Events was how fanatically selfish, money-grubbing and lazy they are, and the very last thing they care about is "the children." The entire system should be abolished. There is no saving it.

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I've come around to the abolitionist side over the last two years. How this is accomplished without an accompanying economic revolution to divorce local economies from Federal funding (and attendant policy cudgels) is a bit tricky to imagine. Do local parents suddenly have to pay for teachers? Do teachers just become unemployed? etc.

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