"URGENT: Covid vaccines make kids more likely to get Long Covid"
A repackaging of yesterday's post
This post (and email) is to provide readers a more sensationalist interpretation of yesterday’s post and the study reviewed therein.
The reader may pretend I am a different writer, announcing “A new study shows that Covid vaccinated kids who get infected had 30% to 100% more Long Covid than unvaccinated controls! See this post which explains the results:
This is the smoking gun — proof that Covid vaccination of kids and teens was a crime against humanity. For all we know, for kids who were given an experimental medical product with no proven benefit, the vaccine enhancement of “Covid” will keep just getting worse and worse!”
And etc.
Note that the actual author of this post, i.e. myself, does not support such a dire interpretation. I do believe that this matches anecdotal evidence among younger Covid vaccinated — a general theme of unreasonably rough infection experiences, especially with Omicron — but still, most of them are not disabled (though some are1). Still, relative risk is not absolute risk, and the results of the study only point to a minor net negative (at least for now).
By the way, I thought at the time of writing the post that such a follow-up might be necessary, given that my review was cautiously approached and presented in light of:
Limitations to the study (and lack of raw data)
The low number of (increased or actual) instances of Long Covid among either group of kids.
This way, I can offer readers the sensationalist interpretation without including it in the study review itself.
If you derived value from this post, please drop a few coins in your fact-barista’s tip jar.
Vaccination status presumed based on science-idolatry
Non-medical person here, but I guess I wouldn’t expect to find a lot of Long Covid in kids for a variety of reasons. It sort of seemed to be trending with adults with already long term health issues, many based on inflammation disorders like arthritis, auto-immune, or muscular illnesses. Maybe it will take time for young people to get a flare up, but it might not be inconceivable that in 20 years, some of these vaccinated youths end up with some form of a long term auto-immune illnesses that may or may not be properly linked back to the covid jabs. So many things will depend on how well we find ways to remove the spike protein from people and then there’s the perkier issues of SV40, frame shifting, IgG4 increases, and DNA contamination that may be transferred into cells with the LNP’s...