Updates to "Omicron Origins" etc.
Adventures in visual plundering; with apologies for the email bandwidth impact.
An update has been made to “Omicron Origins,” which should make the presentation of the whole theory much more impressive.
The update is both minor, incomplete, and absurdly delayed, as I meant to have something of this order done the day after publishing. But, I still haven’t been able to create my own version of the Omicron Siblings mutation list, and so I just stole someone else’s. The new graphic is available in the original post, or just scroll below to take a gander.
On the theme of stealing others’ work, I have improved the screengrabs from usmortality.com in “Means, etc.” The new versions should be much easier on the eyes.
I have also made a few additions to the text, partially to add notes on the wider set of states now included in the graphs, and partially in response to feedback in the comments. These notes are mostly of an “on the other hand” nature, whenever the original text was too simplistic.
Additionally, reader “ForkInSocket” provided an excellent prompt in the comments for discussing how my “Bizarro World” account for excess deaths isn’t completely incompatible with some of the recent Earthling accounts. (There were many other excellent comments which are worth a read, if you haven’t already taken a look.)
Alright, and here is the month-late, partially stolen, and still somewhat incomplete Omicron Siblings Mutation Map (see the original post for discussion):

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Well done, I like that you incorporate people's comments and knowledge. 👍🏼👏
All done, I love that you incorporate people's knowledge and comments. 👏👍🏼