Geez, guys. Does no one understand that the W death curve of the 1918 flu was that the flu epidemic was used as cover for extreme mortality following previous widespread vaccinations?

There was probably a 1918 flu, yes, just like there's a flu every year. But prior to this flu, there was a vast vaccination campaign that targeted especially soldiers and their families. Millions of people were vaccinated under coercion and under war pretenses. They had a complement of 30+ vaccines and the soldiers received even 6 per day. Those who refused experienced similar castigations as today.

The healthy young people who died did not have symptoms resembling a flu! They had all kinds of different symptoms resembling the diseases against which they were vaccinated. Experiments were conducted about how this flu might spread, and military doctors found it did not spread at all. The famous 1919 article by Milton J. Rosenau, published in JAMA, is short, concise, grisly and unbelievable:


Here's an interview with Hans Tulzin in Session 82 of the Corona Investigative Committee. It starts at 1h 27m 30s. Link to that section:


Corroborating Tulzin's case is Eleanor McBean's book, The Poisoned Needle. According to these sources, it is the vaccinated that were dying. The unvaccinated were spared.

It is extremely frustrating that people with PhDs, who are somewhat red-pilled, are still not looking into this type of fundamental question. The Covid-19 vaccine project would not have been possible without psychology, and this must include widespread distortion of important historical events.

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Thank you, I'll check out the Tulzin interview. I offered my thoughts on the vaccine theory in a few different comments back at the original post; my main objections being immunity from the first wave and reported deaths in tropical and remote areas as not being consistent with a vaccine theory. I would also note that as far as the W curve, the peak is way older than would be expected if soldiers were driving deaths. Death rates may have been high in soldiers but they are still only a tiny part of the reported absolute counts (88k for US soldiers if I have my number right). Again, I go into more detail over at the OP and will check out the interview!

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Reading through the comments on that WaPo article was probably the stupidest thing I've done throughout the whole pandemic. Makes one shudder.

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This is a sentence that has probably not *not* been valid at any point in the last year.

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