Nov 2, 2022Liked by Brian Mowrey

ALL the kids in my childrens' local football club got infected at least once, many have been infected twice. NONE have any health issues, they run like crazy, loads of endurance, no problems.

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[“Recovered”: Previous PCR+. Not reporting symptoms more than 4 weeks after the acute phase. N = 29.

This group had a similar age spread and mean weight as the control group.

All but 1 were Nucleocapsid-antibody seropositive.

1 was Covid-vaccinated before infection, 7 after.

“Long Covid”: Previous PCR+ and symptoms reported more than 4 weeks after acute phase. N = 25.

This group was a bit older and higher-weight than the control.

All but 3 were Nucleocapsid-antibody seropositive.

0 were Covid-vaccinated before infection; 11 after.

Both groups were 100% rated as “mild” for the acute infection; 0 were hospitalized.]

Did they actually NOT test for Spike antibodies in these 2 groups??

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Sep 27, 2022·edited Sep 27, 2022Liked by Brian Mowrey

I think this is a cohort issue. The groups in all 3 are very - very - small and one hence needs to wonder how they are selected. There are countless ways one can introduce bias. One thing that sticks out is 11 kids in group 2 were vaccinated AFTER having recovered from covid. That already suggest these are not randomly selected kids from all social groups.

I agree hence with the inherent selection bias conclusion. Group 2 is kids with symptoms afterwards. It is not 1000's of kids and see if they have symptoms, but recruiting the (extremely rare?) cases where there is a symptom. In other words, this may be data mining as opposed to sampling.

And last the control group was explicitly selected to NOT have any symptoms: "Healthy controls were excluded [...] current respiratory infection/symptomatology". If you take a random group of kids and see how many have a current respiratory infection/symptomatology, you have to exclude dozens of kids at any given time in a year. And especially in the study period August-December. It would be nice if they had taken a truly random sample and within that control looked for differences between those with and without any other respiratory infection/symptomatology.

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I was expecting to find a gotcha in BMI but did not but of course the ages aren't specified.

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Sep 26, 2022·edited Sep 26, 2022Liked by Brian Mowrey

Is that a mistake in Table 2 white

recovered ? 53 ?

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This is a really interesting study. It does have many limitations (i.e. why were no other follow-up studies conducted after finding such results using other imaging methods) and the selection bias is really something that should be considered. The issue is that such studies may have high variability because you just never know what "mild" is for some people. I always think of that scene from Scott Pilgrim vs the World where the vegan ex-boyfriend remarks that "chicken parmesan isn't vegan?" Imagine how many people go see a doctor with a myriad of problems but never actually bring it up during the visit? It's the same issue that can happen with studies.

I'm glad you've made a few comments about these sorts of studies and how they may be interpreted. Right now we're dealing with two issues: one of novelty and one of relativity. COVID has created an image in which many of these issues may be specific to COVID alone when in reality it's likely a fact that there are a ton of issues that have never been extensively looked at prior to COVID such as post-viral sequelae which now makes long COVID seem unique.

Then there's also the issue in which studies may not be wholly representative of the real-world or if studies never have any proper frame of reference so it may make things look bad even though we may not have any basis to use to frame a study.

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How about MASKS!!!! Odds are these poor kids are the same ones forced to mask and rebreathe their bacteria. Maybe just rename the study and it will prove that masks are useless and down right harmful!!!

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In point of fact post-viral-syndrome existed prior to the Covid branding.

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STAY WELL NATURALLY! I have taken Swanson Vitamins' 600 mg. capsules of NAC

(Cysteine, an amino acid) since 2009. Since then I have not had any flu and Coronavirus including COVIDS (although directly exposed in January, 2021.)

It's about $10.00 a bottle. Child: 1/Day Adult: 2/Day It's very healthy for the lungs,

digestion, and a number of others. I post publicly and freely on MeWe.


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Am I missing something here or is the “Long Covid” group definition just ridiculously wide, especially given that - due to observation/ confirmation bias - basically any symptoms are blamed on Covid? 3 and 4 below seem to basically admit any child who’d had a positive test and then had any illness or worsening after.

“The definition for long COVID was based on the persistence of symptoms for a minimum of 12 weeks and either one of the four following criteria:22,23 1) Symptoms that persisted from the acute COVID-19 phase or its treatment, 2) Symptoms that resulted in a new health limitation, 3) New symptoms that occurred after the end of the acute phase but were understood to be a consequence of COVID-19 disease, 4) Worsening of a pre-existing underlying medical condition. This guideline reflects the current WHO definition of long COVID.2”

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Sep 25, 2022Liked by Brian Mowrey

Thank you, Brian, for this thoughtful, even-handed analysis of these findings - whether they are correct, or, as you suggest, possibly the result of bias or inadequate data.

Hopefully, what you have written will at least make parents alarmed by the inevitable, hyped mass media coverage to at least stop and think before rushing their offspring to the nearest vaccination centre for a dodgy jab.

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Although I suspect there is a strong recruitment bias, it's also true that Omicron family variants have much less lung involvement.

So it's possible that long-term impairment of lung function *was* a common outcome of infection in the pre-Omicron era but is no longer.

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Sep 25, 2022·edited Sep 28, 2022Liked by Brian Mowrey

I have a molecular theory for what's causing this.... I'll link to your article and drop the link here when it's ready. Thanks for pointing out a fascinating study.

(1) already published: extracellular matrix damage by cytokine storm and matrix-metallo-proteases: see Guizani et al. 2021. doi: 10.1007/s00011-021-01487-6, sections 'From lung infection to extracellular matrix remodeling' and 'The role and fate of the pulmonary extracellular matrix'.

(2) coming soon

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Sep 25, 2022·edited Sep 26, 2022Liked by Brian Mowrey

Almost everyday, some new study. When will it be enough to convince you that you are under attack? We all are. Get with the program. Talking about it endlessly is waiting for them to ambush you. We need to get over it and face facts, we are under siege in a massive way. We can do something about it much better rather than wait till it slaps us in the face. We don't uphold proper principles like free speech and body autonomy. Nobody is calling for things like that that we can stand for. Everyone keeps saying the sky is falling. And it is but just repeating it over and over means it may fall on you. This is a time of great consciousness unfolding. You're either in it or you're bound for the train wreck.

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Sep 25, 2022·edited Sep 25, 2022Liked by Brian Mowrey

I had Covid way early, 11-2019. I did not feel fully well for 4 months, and it was especially because of the a certain kind of fatigue i felt related to blood oxy perhaps. I feel I have recovered to about 90% of my former health cardiovascularily. I lost 10% body wt and it took me a year to gain it all back. (5-7, 135 to 125 lbs.) It was very wasteing and I compare it to a combo of whooping cough (but totally dry and no phlegm really) and mono, both of which I have observed first hand in others. I had been around someone who works with Chinese nationals at an acupuncture school (and the person was also ill) so maybe from them. I took Burdock root tea a pint a day for 60 days. Quercitin, inulin and a ton of other helpfuls, blood cleaner, Burdock. Never went to a doctor, luckily. Barely squeeked out of gettain a jab, just a bad premonition and general laziness combined to save me I guess, then Dr. Bhaktis first video. Now I know it would have been damaging. I have read so much science in the last few years, its been like a class called 'Health Damage by Despots and Democrats 101'. Whatever they tossed into the Osterizer to make Covid sickness, they sure picked out the most evil bits I do say. As Dr. Alexander says, if you were going to make a bioweapon you would do it exactly, exactly like this. Killin the babies inside the babies.

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BUNK. There is no virus. It’s been the VAXX Bio Weapons the entire time. ALL vaccines. Not just the ones for the fake Covid virus.

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