"serological evidence of prior infection with SARS-CoV-2 (potentially making them immune to further infection)."

This looks like Pfizer admitting that natural immunity is potentially vastly superior to the (non-immunity granting) vaccine.

Something that governments, chief health officers and a swathe of epidemiologists, immunologists and professors on Twitter have aggressively denounced since the vaccines were first injected.

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Dec 16, 2021Liked by Brian Mowrey

Pfizer without end: https://www.skirsch.com/covid/MoreHarm.pdf

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The data supporting the "worry window" concept has always been a little anecdotal - observational discovery of correlations in populations. Yet there seemed to be a lot of examples of the alleged effect.

I wonder if the absence of "worry window" in the Pfizer trial can be explained by the trial selection criteria. The trial population underrepresented the people at highest risk - co-morbidities and the older age groups. If those groups were to show a higher propensity for infections post shot, it could have the effect of artificially boosting the overall effective population transmissibility.

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There has never been much evidence for a "worry window" on the level of personal protection, but I remain suspicious about the population-level wave of infections that coincided with the peak of the vaccination effort in many countries, begining with Israel in February which was oddly out of phase with other regional/global trends at the time.

Even if the short-term effects of the jab on innate/adaptive immunity do not increase the risk of infection, I wonder if they might increase the rate of *transmission* from infected people.

Of course it could just be coincidence, but I can't escape the idea that the overall effect of the vaccination effort on population-level viral prevalence has been worse than zero, with infection peaks coinciding with peak vaccination and later with waning immunity.

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Dec 16, 2021Liked by Brian Mowrey

I keep replaying all of the lies that the people were told in my head. My stomach turns, considering that too many still believe those lies, even now. "Safe and effective", "Will prevent you from getting infected", "Will keep you from getting severe disease, hospitalization and/or death", "Vaccinated people cannot transmit the virus.", "This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated"... incompetence, greed, power, control, evil- I don't even care what the reasons are anymore. We are beyond any excuse for these companies, public health agencies, government leaders, local health authorities, school board directors, etc.

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