Did you see this (perhaps a 4th IgG4/tolerance study?)

https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.03.28.23287848 ("Lasting first impression: Pre-existing immunity restricts mucosal antibody responses during Omicron breakthrough")

From the abstract: Furthermore, repeated mRNA vaccination boosted SARS-CoV-2-specific IgG2 and IgG4 responses in both mucosa biofluids (saliva and tears) and plasma.

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It is the one in this post...

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OK. How about this one (but maybe you've already written about it LOL)?

https://doi.org/10.3390/v15040970 ("Comparison of Kinetics of Antibody Avidity and IgG Subclasses’ Response in Patients with COVID-19 and Healthy Individuals Vaccinated with the BNT162B2 (Comirnaty, Pfizer/BioNTech) mRNA Vaccine")

From the discussion: "Our results, similar to results obtained by Irrgang et al., clearly demonstrate that IgG4 is becoming the most dominant among all IgG subclasses in some vaccinated individuals, especially several months after immunization. "

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Hadn't seen it! So at this point it would be unwise to bet that IgG4 is not universal in the transfected, at least after 3 doses but I still think after 2 - the only question is will it enhance infection or will it be nbd...

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OMG! I'm such an idiot.

I stumbled across the study on of the authors' twitter feed and was so fascinated with it that I didn't bother (or remember LOL), that you had covered it. My apologies.

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I think it's interesting they mention limited IgA production in the vaccinated. I'm curious if this may suggest that compartmentalization may attenuate some of the IgG4 factors.

I'll deviate from others and say that I'm not yet deep into the IgG4 doom. Maybe it's me being naiive that people are more resilient than we give them credit for, but as more evidence comes out I'll change my opinion.

In the prior studies it appeared that much of the IgG4 switching was biased by one person who appeared to have a near 30ish percent IgG4 makeup while others were lower. I'm curious if there's a specific bias for certain people to have this effect. The general data points provided in this article appear to suggest a general higher IgG4 level so bias by outliers doesn't appear to be the case here, although I wish they had individual levels provided.

I think if all of these problems do come to fruition I actually wouldn't think it's related to the booster, but more why 2 doses separated by two weeks was considered being "fully vaccinated".

Also, with respect to the HIV trials that have been mentioned several times, I recall reading previously that there were absurd number of vaccinations given.

I found this in one article:

"RV144 enrolled 16,402 Thai participants who received either a vaccine or a placebo. The vaccine regimen consisted of a canarypox vector prime (ALVAC encoding subtype B gag/pro inserts and a CRF01_AE Envelope (Env) insert) given at 0, 1, 3 and 6 months, accompanied by two recombinant gp120 proteins (AIDSVAX: subtype B MN and CRF01_AE A244) given at 3 and 6 months."

"RV144 HIV-1 vaccination impacts post-infection antibody responses":


So what is that, maybe 8 vaccines within a matter of months? It's a pretty crazy level of vaccination and I'm curious why this high level was even chosen for these trials.

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HIV vaccines don't work, HIV vaccine researchers need a theory for why not, so the theory is that the immune system isn't reacting strongly enough, so for the last two decades the idea is to try multiple doses.

Given that we normally reencounter viruses lots and lots of times in the course of life, having a high number of "immunizations" is probably not intrinsically inviting of IgG4. But both context (using cells to make spike) and duration are plausible differences that lead to IgG4 after mRNA. For this reason I haven't really looked to other vaccine examples for guidance on how to interpret the IgG4 thing, they can only look at part of the problem.

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That's a good point. I brought it up because I've seen it referenced as an example, but it doesn't seem like a good comparison given the difference in disease progression.

As stated in my comment I'm curious if the issue stemmed right from the beginning with this talk of giving people two doses separated by merely a few weeks. I'm curious if that had some priming effect that only became apparent with the boosters. I wonder what would have happened if we had the doses separated by months.

But since we don't have much comparisons I would hope that researchers provide more context to their values. My next series was going to look at autoantibody production in relation to these adverse reactions, and so I'm curious if there's greater conversion in those who may be more predisposed to autoimmunity via autoantibody targeting of various organs.

Also, I'm not sure if you're aware, but apparently mice don't have the same subclass as our IgG4, so you really wouldn't be able to test for class conversion in mice. Mice apparently serve as poor models for IgG4-RD because of this.

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We now have some completely independent (cancer drug usage) data being brought forward to help make the case that cancers are on the rise - and the timing of the rise in this data further supports the hypothesis that this is a post-booster phenomenon. There is no doubt in my mind that spike IgG4, which blooms most dramatically after the booster, is hampering the ability of the natural, cancer fighting "good" IgG antibodies through Fc-Fc binding.


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Hm... hard to evaluate without access to the source data, otherwise would be a nice way to get around the limitations of recorded cancer deaths which are not consistently defined.

I do know that Dartmouth had two cancer related deaths in the recent volley, including 21 year old diagnosed with adrenal cancer last July - https://www.thedartmouth.com/article/2023/03/josh-balara-dies-at-age-21 and an IT support whose details are less clear, just "a rare form" https://www.thedartmouth.com/article/2023/03/tuck-school-it-support-analyst-joshua-white-dies

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Yeah, not sure how this substack writer got the data.. here's what they say about it;

"I got curious, so I used my backdoor access to get some private Pharma sales data.

These are in-market sales data. I explained the various types of Sales data in this post. In-Market Sales data tells us the immediate demand for a drug."

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Right, and then they convert to doses by unclear means. In the end it's just bars on a chart. There's a lot of data-inventing (presumably "for a good reason") going around right now.

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Or do you think they are just that bleeding myopic and "new tech" gung-ho and profit-driven that the Ig4 conversion / tolerance was not on their radar, the horse has bolted, too late to close the gate, if we stop doing what we've been doing we'll essentially be admitting the mistake, so let's kick that effects can down the road and deal with it later?

ie do you think this is deliberate or just a run of the mill complete and utter cock up?

Are there any other precedents of over-medicating leading to a similar tolerance phenomenon? I mean, of course, outside the whole MRSA nightmare happening in hospitals and general pandemic of antibiotic resistance like, everywhere...

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Hard to say. Vaccines in general are the wild west of human experimentation so maybe this is just our inevitable comeuppance. I think the argument that these must be DOD products is strong - Pfizer did near-zero meaningful research into what their own product actually does, how it actually works, and there couldn't have been such a fast scale-up of manufacturing unless the whole supply network / footprint was set down in advance, as Latypova argues. But contra some others who try to synthesize the lack of every vaxxed person being dead already with a depop theory by saying "of course they are going to make it take a long time to die," I think if they wanted these things to kill they would have just made them kill fast.

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They were hell bent on getting as many billions possible injected with this garbage for a reason... and now they've come off the gas on that ... they know that anyone unvaxxed at this point will not vax - not even if they are offered a life time supply of free donuts... or a new Porsche 911 Turbo.... so no point in pushing that string...

I suspect that the vax injuries are collateral damage - ideally there would be none ... but when Dr Frankenstein is stewing up billions of doses of a dangerous substance... there are sure to be quality control issues. You really don't want anyone dying from the injections if you can help it as it might put some others off taking it.... hence the heavy censorship of the deaths and injuries....

Back to the purpose.... if you want to kill billions ... you cannot drip feed it... killing a hundred million here ... another hundred million there... randomly killing ensures the global economy will collapse.... nobody will deliver the pizzas... or replace that key valve at the nuclear plant.... or sign off on the home loan...

Nope - if you are intent on extermination ... you want to do it in short order....

Perhaps this?

Dr. Lee Merritt explains how mRNA Vaccines killed animals during testing and how MRNA Vaccines could be used to kill millions of people by first injecting people with the So Called Vaccine and then releasing a counterpart even years later to be killed at will - She calls this a Binary Poison (as it's in two parts) https://t.me/downtherabbitholewegofolks/70925

Full interview https://humansarefree.com/2021/01/dr-lee-merritt-animal-studies-mrna-technology-all-animals-died.html

So when they are pushing on a string with the global economy - which appears to be imminent ....




Will they release Part 2. and exterminate all the vaxxed... and the unvaxxed starve?

(surely the unvaxxed will be fearful of going outside when a truly deadly pandemic is killing billions... and they will remain in their homes... and be left to starve)


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I think I lean toward Hanlon's razor: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

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Given all this tolerance being generated, it would almost seem as if they are preparing the populace, nay priming them for viral kill shots? Or perhaps create the most bestest necessary pharma medication merry-go-round evahh!

Or maybe they will admit / exclaim this phenom "Tolerance! Oh noes!!" and then offer the "solution", leading to...

I see a meme coming, "Vaccinate me harder, Daddy". Or perhaps due to rule 34, it's already been done.

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Have you seen this?

Uversky, V.N.; Redwan, E.M.; Makis, W.; Rubio-Casillas, A. IgG4 Antibodies Induced by mRNA Vaccines Generate Immune Tolerance to SARS-CoV-2’spike Protein by Suppressing the Immune System. Preprints 2023, 2023030441. https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints202303.0441.v1.

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Yes - it's basically making the same prediction I did in TASD / TM&K - "The combined immune suppression (produced by SARS-CoV-2 infection and further enhanced by vaccination) could explain a plethora of autoimmune conditions, can- cers, re-infections, and deaths temporally associated with both. It is conceivable that the excess deaths reported in several highly COVID-19-vaccinated countries may be ex- plained, in part, by this combined immunosuppressive effect."

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Thanks for that confirmation.

Now it seems we wait for the financial system to be on the precipice of implosion...

And not long before that they will launch Phase Two.

Fascinating stuff --- but sobering considering the grim outcome.

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1. The global economy is most definitely on the precipice:



The Everything Bubble and Global Bankruptcy


In a nutshell... raging inflation as a result of ultra low interest rates and easy money seeped into the overall economy over the past couple of years. The Central Banks - wanting to prevent hyperinflation were forced to raise interest rates.

As the second article explains this has destroyed the value of trillions of dollars of bonds held by banks and other entities. This is what has caused multiple banks to tip over including the behemoth Credit Suisse.

2. Despite these failures the Central Banks continued to raise rates, driving the financial system further into insolvency... and importantly ... inflation is remains untamed

UK economy: headline inflation rises to 10.4%


3. The Central Banks have two choices -- reduce rates to take some heat off of the bond situation -- but that will only throw more fuel onto the inflation fire and could collapse the global economy (see those riots in France? That's primarily about inflation - people already are struggling to pay bills)

Continue to hold rates high - and possibly increase them (if inflation continues to rise)... driving the entire financial system further into insolvency.

They have opted for the latter -- and they will throw trillions of dollars Euros etc at the banks to try to delay the collapse. They likely already are doing that -- they will never tell us.

Jean-Claude Juncker — 'When it becomes serious, you have to lie.'

'When the situation is catastrophic, you do whatever it takes and say nothing' - Fast Eddy

4. I was discussing this situation with a good mate who an MD at a global investment bank... and he agrees - there does not appear to be any solution to this ... it must result in collapse of the system.

Because this situation is a result of a decline in affordable energy (see the first article) the men who run the world understand that when collapse arrives... there will be no putting Humpty back together again.

There is no magic want to wave the replaces the easy energy reserves that we have burned over the past 200 years. If there was - that would have been done already and we'd not be in this situation.

So what do you do when you understand that a massive global collapse is imminent .. and you are desperately trying to hold things together for as many days ... and hours as possible?

When it goes -- the power goes off - and 8B humans will be hungry and angry - they will come for the elites.. they will engage in mass murder rape cannibalism. Essentially the Gates of Hell open.

I have suggested they are exterminating us ... but exactly how. The vaccines are killing and maiming but that's hardly an extinction event.

Bossche suggests a deadly mutation will emerge.

5. Earlier this evening I picked this up on my travels around the worldwideweb:

Dr. Lee Merritt explains how mRNA Vaccines killed animals during testing and how MRNA Vaccines could be used to kill millions of people by first injecting people with the So Called Vaccine and then releasing a counterpart even years later to be killed at will - She calls this a Binary Poison (as it's in two parts) https://t.me/downtherabbitholewegofolks/70925

Full interview https://humansarefree.com/2021/01/dr-lee-merritt-animal-studies-mrna-technology-all-animals-died.html

The urgency to keep injecting people is no longer evident. All the measures to coerce people have stopped. The masks are off. Travel is to a great extent normalized. Covid deaths are not discussed much. Most people believe Covid is done.

Let me throw this out there... the goal all along was to inject as many people as possible.... they tried everything to convince people to inject... but at a certain point you start to push on a string...

Most people who have not injected now will never inject. There is nothing the PR Team can do to convince someone like me to inject. I am willing to die if someone tried to force me.

Ok so nearly 6B have agreed to inject... out of 8... that's a damn good result all things considered.

No point in pushing the string ...

6. What if the plan is ... when they see that they can no longer hold the financial system together much longer --- they release a second virus --- that is deadly to everyone who has injected at least one shot? And it rips through there defenceless immune system killing all of them.

7. The unvaxxed will obviously panic as they see people dying like flies around them. CNNBBC will tell them to lockdown in their homes -- 24 hour martial law --- images of empty closed super markets -- STAY HOME! -- snipers shooting anyone who ventures out.

8. Wait for the food trucks - they are coming .... STAY HOME! But they never come ... and nobody goes outside because everyone will believe there is black death out there now ... off the charts fear... they will wait ... and wait.. and slowly starve to death.

9. Perhaps the trucks will circulate -- but will provide no food rather they will distribute end of life meds e.g. Fentanyl.

10. 8 Billion die peacefully. Next to no murder rape or cannibalism.

The financial system is without a doubt on borrowed time. Perhaps all that remains to be done is give the final word.

I note that our PM Ardern stepped down recently. Haven't heard a peep out of her since... is she having a bit of family time or perhaps a vacation ... using the final months to enjoy life.

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This is the crucial part:

Dr. Lee Merritt explains how mRNA Vaccines killed animals during testing and how MRNA Vaccines could be used to kill millions of people by first injecting people with the So Called Vaccine and then releasing a counterpart even years later to be killed at will - She calls this a Binary Poison (as it's in two parts) https://t.me/downtherabbitholewegofolks/70925

Full interview https://humansarefree.com/2021/01/dr-lee-merritt-animal-studies-mrna-technology-all-animals-died.html

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Thanks for parsing this one. You might also be interested in the new tolerance hypothesis paper, which brings in findings from earlier IgG4 research and failed HIV/malaria vaccine trials that generated IgG4 after repeat exposures to high antigen levels: https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/202303.0441/v1

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I have - because it is making an argument I already agree with, I believe it is a brilliant and visionary paper whose claims will be 100% vindicated in the end

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