Post-mRNA Myocarditis: The First 180 Days
1 out of 99 myocarditis patients dead in the under 60 years old group, in a study from Hong Kong.
A new health records trawl in Hong Kong attempts to benchmark outcomes for post-Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA Covid vaccine myocarditis vs. the old-fashioned (as in pre-SARS-CoV-2) viral infection variety. The results are ambiguous, neither reassuring nor outright dire.
The study:1
Let’s jump straight in.
Almost exactly half of all myocarditis incidents in the Hong Kong Hospital Authority database between March, 2021 and March, 2022 were within 28 days of a Pfizer/BioNTech (BNT162b2) injection.
Compared to historic viral myocarditis, post-BNT162b2 myocarditis occurred in individuals with no previous record of medical dependency; it harmed the young and healthy:
As shown above, even after removing individuals from the post-viral group with heart failure, etc., that group abounds with pre-existing indicators for heart conditions that can drive higher mortality in the study’s 180-day window; while the BNT162b2 group is nearly free of the same. For this reason, the study’s comparison between the two groups in terms of outcomes is not valid (while the comparison in terms of who is harmed, and likely disparity in years of potential life lost in the long term is damning).
And so, it is neither surprising nor reassuring that extreme outcomes like death are so frequent in the highly co-morbid post-viral group, but rare in the previously healthy post-BNT162b2 group, in the incredibly brief time-frame being measured.
With 180-day outcomes added to the previous schematic:
It may be the case that Lai, et al., is reason to think that post-mRNA myocarditis might not reflect the dire prognosis of historic post-viral myocarditis (the 5 years to live trope). But Lai, et al. also demonstrates — if one applies even a bit of rational thought to the situation — that the likely reason for any such difference is that the vaccine is so good at damaging the hearts of the healthy.
As such, the impact — in years of life lost — will still be worse even if the prognosis appears more rosy. A 60 year-old who dies 5 years after an infection with SARS-CoV-2 lives to 65; a 15 year-old who dies 10 years after a totally unnecessary injection with an experimental gene-therapy product…
Of course, that’s all merely hypothetical anyway. The rarity of severe outcomes at 180 days is not sufficient evidence, yet, to assure the harmed that they will make it to 2026 without appearing on a headline. At the moment, the “died suddenly” trend remains a phenomenon seemingly making up its mind about how many 0s to put on the end. 1 in 1,000,000? One in 1,000? 1 in 10?
Regardless, Lai, et al. is already being weaponized as another argument in favor of pre-exonerating the vaccine (and its peddlers) for this poison’s own most obvious crime.
By post-infection myocarditis being “considerably more common,” Eric Topol presumably means “if you consider only all people together, old and young, and stonewall the clear and repeated findings of higher rates in young males forever” (repeat a lie often enough, as they say).
Or perhaps he means, if you only consider inaccurate health record trawls that may be distorted from who-knows-what sorts of biases, rather than the only direct, prospective assessments of the real rate after injection, which include a horrifying 3.5% (for myo- and peri-carditis) among teen boys:
Or perhaps he means, if you only consider the right-most panel of Lai, et al.’s summary graphic, and leave out the one on the left, which highlights in plain view the exact same confounding variables I have pointed out in this post:
We’ve come a long way from the Aztecs, whose priests used to justify carving out the hearts of the young with fantasies of sun gods and elaborate rituals. Ours use statistical obfuscation and tossed-off tweets.
If you derived value from this post, please drop a few coins in your fact-barista’s tip jar.
I've probably mentioned this on Brian's Substack before, but I'll drop it here so the word-of-mouth reach is farther since it can't go through official channels.
At a small conference for cardiologists in Austria, 2021, these experienced experts had been keeping their own tally of suspected myocarditis post-vax. (You can't just jab a needle in and grab biopsies of young, healthy people.) They had a rate of one in six for boys. Girls they weren't sure because the tests they were using didn't show positives, so they didn't know how to interpret that yet. They said it was likely that all of us who got the vaccine had heart injury, and simply didn't run to the doctor when it got harder climbing up stairs, and din't realize what the symptoms mean.
Another point to keep in mind for future data: Dr. Brown put this post out a couple days ago talking about what Ethical Skeptic has been doing: It basically shows that they have tried to disguise the data signals for heart injury etc. for Cov Vaccines by adding on a lot of new ICD codes -- therefore instead of 10,000 'myocarditis' cases (which is what we'd search for in the database), these injuries may be labeled under 20 different name-codes, thus erasing the signal and hiding them.
EDIT: Jessica Rose just put this post out talking about them erasing text from the myocarditis entries and thus making the signal disappear:
Topol has completely "whored" himself in the Covid theatre. He continues to "shill" for big Pharma. He cant see the forest for the trees. Hey Topol - how about a prospective trial for young people and myocarditis risk.....measure troponin, ECG and ECHO......? Crickets.