This article was worth it simply for the phrase "HPV vaccines are recommended for early teens, in order to reduce infections resulting from parents being out of town."
I will have to search for the article, but cannot get to it tonight. I wanted to share some clinical stories.
One of my most emotionally punishing cases was the death of a 28 year old mother of three from cervical Ca. I admitted her mother to ICU about ten years later for her MI, and was not in any way blamed as I had really only met her daughter after her diagnosis, but it still remains a punishing experience.
When the HPV shots were released I was naturally enthusiastic. I had read the Japanese reports a few years later and asked the Merck rep (hello, Cynthia) about the odd neuropsychiatric symptoms but was reassured. I followed the guidelines and encouraged women to age 26 to take the free provincial "Catchup" injections.
The article which I will find later reveals the increase of non serotype 16 and 18 HPV in recent cervical biopsies. Does this remind us of the Covid shots? You induce specific antibodies and the other variants supersede the initial pathogens.
One of my student preceptors, Dr. George Lee in SF, had an interest in vaginal clear cell Ca. This was a condition found in the daughters! of women who had been treated with DES in the 1950's to suppress miscarriages. A local school is named after Dr. Frances Kelsey, who was instrumental in preventing the approval of thalidomide in the USA in the late 1950's- of course we had it in Canada.
Novel injections for a cold? I can hardly wait for the 10 year outcome, I will likely be gone before the entire story is known. I am so thankful that I don't have to wait 75 years for the Pfizer reveal.
I know that one of the trials found an uptick in nontargeted strains in the treatment group in a medium term update. But I’m still not back to my computer / Wifi to insert my missing citations. I think it was based in South America...
Or we could simply stop engaging in immoral sex. Sex should be only between monogamous husband and wife (male & female). All STD's could be eliminated in one generation.
It really is a magic trick that fools the masses into believing that any of this medical “science” has an empirical backing. Few think about the practical ways to validate a premise, thinking that “safe and effective” is determined through some nebulous procedure by people smarter than themselves (“I don’t know how they know it, but they figured it out somehow!”) Like you outline in this essay, there’s only one way to find out if a vaccine like this is effective: you need to wait a super long time (and then be bothered to do a follow-up study.) This is obviously antithetical to most career goals from even a purely personal motivation standpoint… when you start factoring in the economic pressure, it’s basically a miracle if any additional research is done at all.
Like you also say, almost everything in medicine has to be studied through correlation alone, for practical and ethical reasons. You can’t go around infecting people with a pathogen to assess direct cause and effect relationships, nor can you account for every factor of an individual’s unique biological makeup. But in order for a correlation to have any causative value, one needs to be stringent in their methodology. It’s why once upon a time, the first postulate of viral theory was that the “microorganism must be found in abundance in all organisms suffering from the disease, but should not be found in healthy organisms.” Fortunately for the perception of progress, Typhoid Mary came along and the asymptomatic carrier, which likely sounded like foolish doublespeak to many at the time, was established, throwing a wrench in what little actual value these mass population studies had. So we now know that viruses cause disease, except when they don’t, akin to how sometimes the heat from my stove doesn’t boil my water. It’s a crapshoot!
Science, by it’s very philosophical nature, is ill-equipped to deal with multi-causal effects and to try and solve this riddle, the discipline has been stripped of all the elements that made it an empirical method in the first place. In the case of cancer, Hippocrates himself allegedly said something to the effect of “the more you do, the worse it gets, so leave it alone, ya wanker!” But ancient wisdom based on common sense seems foolish to us evolved, intelligent monkeys and more importantly, you can’t charge someone for doing nothing (eh, unless you’re the government I suppose…)
"Some groceries do, in fact, grow on trees." Elegant.
I'm curious about the cancer graph, showing increases in cancers with age. Conventional wisdom seems to agree that cancers take time to grow, and we wear out with time, so it's natural. But we also take more meds with age, commonly for diabetes and cholesterol, which also reduce immune function. Maybe cancers are just another example of being poisoned by our medics. Maybe p53 malfunction is exacerbated by immune dysfunction.
So maybe this is really a consequence of MODERNITY?! But seriously, it's only recently where we are witnessing such a large level of of elderly, and therefore we need to consider how much of what we are witnessing are the inevitable consequence of age rather than some newfound disease that we have lived with that we should somehow become scared of.
Once the childhood and urban labor mortality windows were passed, folks tended to live pretty long lives. So the modern 30 - 50% overall cancer rate would have been noticeable long ago. But once again it could be down to previously letting nature “stress test” the immune system, leading pneumonia to take those adults and elderly who, today, go on to become cancer patients.
Yes, I am aware of the effects of early mortality in skewing the data, but I don't think we have the same rates of elderly people in nursing homes as we do now. I think the rates of octogenarians and older are much higher now.
Researchers are learning that age is relative. Biological age is not directly related to chronological age, and were learning how to extend biological age. Sergey Young is a venture capitalist investing heavily in longevity research, expects dramatic life extension soon. Cancer is part of it, but not the limiting factor. A lot of it is learning not to do things that shorten our lives. Like unnecessary meds.
Maybe they’re just a result of shielding the immune system from high challenge during childhood. Nature’s solution to hard problems is often to create a gauntlet that not every cell / organism will make it through (pmc *edit: I mean PGC migration, T cell negative selection, B cell enrichment, arguably viruses themselves).
A young man I know got HPV of the throat 6-8 months after HPV vaccination. This has had a debilitating effect on his life, to be sure.* His mother kept him from vaccinations until he was 18. They effing jabbed him with the disease itself. My anger remains. Jabs = disease. Remember back in the 1980's, the commercials against the drug war? Hey kids, drugs are bad. Injected drugs especially are really bad. Well, they are. A healthy body needs no injections.
*When I discussed this with a doctor, off the record, they suggested he had been sexually abused and that is why he had HPV in the throat. This is how a typical MD's mind works...they simply cannot see themselves or their INDUSTRY as causal in sickness. Well, that is the real problem, now, isn't it? Medical industry doctors need to become extinct, they have decimated their oath.
Power to the professional Doctors who are willing to see the damage the medical industry does.
I posted recently on a different blog about a friend of mine's infant daughter, at the time, who had a severe allergic reaction the day after a routine vaccine dose. She asked the ER drs about he possibility of the vaccine being involved, and the standard answer of "it's very unlikely, most likely not the cause, super rare to happen..." answer was given. It's a mantra...
We so need to be more aggressive with 'med industry doctors'...95% or more have been really sucked into the machine. I will never understand how our use of chemical poisons on plants and animals, us, has been cast as benign by them. And in the face of all that, the WEF coopting it all to make us into a more profitable and manageable hoard. I wonder what they will do when they realise they killed a few too many off, and only the unruly remain. Best J
Thanks Brian...the lunacy of it all, injecting a 'disease' to 'create' immunity bears no resemblence to the natural way a body encounters disease and creates immunity. It's a no brainer, injections are an assault that few bodies manage to withstand. Def was debilating immunologically for him, and he struggles still. I am not even sure he understands why he is suffering, and I am not someone who could discuss it with him. It's a sad story so few are aware of- like us. Best -
Thank you for posting that. The story is too long to share, but my husband (primarily) and I were able to fix our son's gut issue that began when he was about four (he's 17 now). It involved diving deep into the issues of gut bacteria and certainly Divine Providence was a guiding hand. The pediatrician recommended a Pediatric GI specialist and we took our son to the specialist but we already knew what the answer would be (medications), but we went anyway to make it look like we were compliant patients. Our suspicions were verified and we were: "thank but no thanks".
Ah, here's a crazy idea; what if we couldn't exist without viruses, and they without us...and that we co-evolved, it couldn't be THAT simple...just a crazy idea..../s
Right, though for the overall lower rate in pre-adult cancer, that would still support the HPV-cancer theory as opposed to my terrain-esque counter theory. It could be a blend of both (the very earliest, also rarest, can be thought of as “caused” by the virus. But I didn’t mention that because I bet it wouldn’t pan out.
Get your pre-teen vaxxed today so that they maybe don’t get cancer several decades after the whole world is on fire and underwater or whatever the current story is
No disagreement from me! It just struck me that "they" would see that as a (simple) rationale. I'm sure that that doctor, like most, would never look into the actual dynamics of HPV. Just following the party line.
Your first sentence indeed made me laugh out loud. Thanks.
This article was worth it simply for the phrase "HPV vaccines are recommended for early teens, in order to reduce infections resulting from parents being out of town."
I will have to search for the article, but cannot get to it tonight. I wanted to share some clinical stories.
One of my most emotionally punishing cases was the death of a 28 year old mother of three from cervical Ca. I admitted her mother to ICU about ten years later for her MI, and was not in any way blamed as I had really only met her daughter after her diagnosis, but it still remains a punishing experience.
When the HPV shots were released I was naturally enthusiastic. I had read the Japanese reports a few years later and asked the Merck rep (hello, Cynthia) about the odd neuropsychiatric symptoms but was reassured. I followed the guidelines and encouraged women to age 26 to take the free provincial "Catchup" injections.
The article which I will find later reveals the increase of non serotype 16 and 18 HPV in recent cervical biopsies. Does this remind us of the Covid shots? You induce specific antibodies and the other variants supersede the initial pathogens.
One of my student preceptors, Dr. George Lee in SF, had an interest in vaginal clear cell Ca. This was a condition found in the daughters! of women who had been treated with DES in the 1950's to suppress miscarriages. A local school is named after Dr. Frances Kelsey, who was instrumental in preventing the approval of thalidomide in the USA in the late 1950's- of course we had it in Canada.
Novel injections for a cold? I can hardly wait for the 10 year outcome, I will likely be gone before the entire story is known. I am so thankful that I don't have to wait 75 years for the Pfizer reveal.
Reference: Freire-Salinas, J et al. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2021.633162
I know that one of the trials found an uptick in nontargeted strains in the treatment group in a medium term update. But I’m still not back to my computer / Wifi to insert my missing citations. I think it was based in South America...
Or we could simply stop engaging in immoral sex. Sex should be only between monogamous husband and wife (male & female). All STD's could be eliminated in one generation.
Dream on.
A nice thought, but I think another Chicxulub impact is more likely in one generation.
Maybe… depends on how accurate our understanding of transmission for most of these bugs is
It really is a magic trick that fools the masses into believing that any of this medical “science” has an empirical backing. Few think about the practical ways to validate a premise, thinking that “safe and effective” is determined through some nebulous procedure by people smarter than themselves (“I don’t know how they know it, but they figured it out somehow!”) Like you outline in this essay, there’s only one way to find out if a vaccine like this is effective: you need to wait a super long time (and then be bothered to do a follow-up study.) This is obviously antithetical to most career goals from even a purely personal motivation standpoint… when you start factoring in the economic pressure, it’s basically a miracle if any additional research is done at all.
Like you also say, almost everything in medicine has to be studied through correlation alone, for practical and ethical reasons. You can’t go around infecting people with a pathogen to assess direct cause and effect relationships, nor can you account for every factor of an individual’s unique biological makeup. But in order for a correlation to have any causative value, one needs to be stringent in their methodology. It’s why once upon a time, the first postulate of viral theory was that the “microorganism must be found in abundance in all organisms suffering from the disease, but should not be found in healthy organisms.” Fortunately for the perception of progress, Typhoid Mary came along and the asymptomatic carrier, which likely sounded like foolish doublespeak to many at the time, was established, throwing a wrench in what little actual value these mass population studies had. So we now know that viruses cause disease, except when they don’t, akin to how sometimes the heat from my stove doesn’t boil my water. It’s a crapshoot!
Science, by it’s very philosophical nature, is ill-equipped to deal with multi-causal effects and to try and solve this riddle, the discipline has been stripped of all the elements that made it an empirical method in the first place. In the case of cancer, Hippocrates himself allegedly said something to the effect of “the more you do, the worse it gets, so leave it alone, ya wanker!” But ancient wisdom based on common sense seems foolish to us evolved, intelligent monkeys and more importantly, you can’t charge someone for doing nothing (eh, unless you’re the government I suppose…)
LOL! Hippocrates "quote".
"Some groceries do, in fact, grow on trees." Elegant.
I'm curious about the cancer graph, showing increases in cancers with age. Conventional wisdom seems to agree that cancers take time to grow, and we wear out with time, so it's natural. But we also take more meds with age, commonly for diabetes and cholesterol, which also reduce immune function. Maybe cancers are just another example of being poisoned by our medics. Maybe p53 malfunction is exacerbated by immune dysfunction.
So maybe this is really a consequence of MODERNITY?! But seriously, it's only recently where we are witnessing such a large level of of elderly, and therefore we need to consider how much of what we are witnessing are the inevitable consequence of age rather than some newfound disease that we have lived with that we should somehow become scared of.
A bit of a modern myth - life expectancy at age 40 and 60 in 1850 was not radically different from today -
Once the childhood and urban labor mortality windows were passed, folks tended to live pretty long lives. So the modern 30 - 50% overall cancer rate would have been noticeable long ago. But once again it could be down to previously letting nature “stress test” the immune system, leading pneumonia to take those adults and elderly who, today, go on to become cancer patients.
Yes, I am aware of the effects of early mortality in skewing the data, but I don't think we have the same rates of elderly people in nursing homes as we do now. I think the rates of octogenarians and older are much higher now.
Researchers are learning that age is relative. Biological age is not directly related to chronological age, and were learning how to extend biological age. Sergey Young is a venture capitalist investing heavily in longevity research, expects dramatic life extension soon. Cancer is part of it, but not the limiting factor. A lot of it is learning not to do things that shorten our lives. Like unnecessary meds.
Maybe they’re just a result of shielding the immune system from high challenge during childhood. Nature’s solution to hard problems is often to create a gauntlet that not every cell / organism will make it through (pmc *edit: I mean PGC migration, T cell negative selection, B cell enrichment, arguably viruses themselves).
A young man I know got HPV of the throat 6-8 months after HPV vaccination. This has had a debilitating effect on his life, to be sure.* His mother kept him from vaccinations until he was 18. They effing jabbed him with the disease itself. My anger remains. Jabs = disease. Remember back in the 1980's, the commercials against the drug war? Hey kids, drugs are bad. Injected drugs especially are really bad. Well, they are. A healthy body needs no injections.
*When I discussed this with a doctor, off the record, they suggested he had been sexually abused and that is why he had HPV in the throat. This is how a typical MD's mind works...they simply cannot see themselves or their INDUSTRY as causal in sickness. Well, that is the real problem, now, isn't it? Medical industry doctors need to become extinct, they have decimated their oath.
Power to the professional Doctors who are willing to see the damage the medical industry does.
I posted recently on a different blog about a friend of mine's infant daughter, at the time, who had a severe allergic reaction the day after a routine vaccine dose. She asked the ER drs about he possibility of the vaccine being involved, and the standard answer of "it's very unlikely, most likely not the cause, super rare to happen..." answer was given. It's a mantra...
Magic 8 ball says… “That shows the vaccine is working.”
We so need to be more aggressive with 'med industry doctors'...95% or more have been really sucked into the machine. I will never understand how our use of chemical poisons on plants and animals, us, has been cast as benign by them. And in the face of all that, the WEF coopting it all to make us into a more profitable and manageable hoard. I wonder what they will do when they realise they killed a few too many off, and only the unruly remain. Best J
My former colleagues look to be 95% "Blue-pilled."
Wouldn’t the vaccine still “work,” if the lesion was caused by secret rape? Unless I misread the fine print.
Seems like a ADE- / suppression of innate immunity-type of thing went down.
Thanks Brian...the lunacy of it all, injecting a 'disease' to 'create' immunity bears no resemblence to the natural way a body encounters disease and creates immunity. It's a no brainer, injections are an assault that few bodies manage to withstand. Def was debilating immunologically for him, and he struggles still. I am not even sure he understands why he is suffering, and I am not someone who could discuss it with him. It's a sad story so few are aware of- like us. Best -
This is clearest when you read literature about “mucosal vaccines.” What they are describing already exists. It’s viruses. more for me than
Thank you for posting that. The story is too long to share, but my husband (primarily) and I were able to fix our son's gut issue that began when he was about four (he's 17 now). It involved diving deep into the issues of gut bacteria and certainly Divine Providence was a guiding hand. The pediatrician recommended a Pediatric GI specialist and we took our son to the specialist but we already knew what the answer would be (medications), but we went anyway to make it look like we were compliant patients. Our suspicions were verified and we were: "thank but no thanks".
I didn’t have that in my collection - thanks
Ah, here's a crazy idea; what if we couldn't exist without viruses, and they without us...and that we co-evolved, it couldn't be THAT simple...just a crazy idea..../s
Maybe HPV rates are lower from lockdowns keeping people isolated from sex and hookups.
It actually conforms to the rise of the "Smart-Phone." They now think that a text is as intimate as a kiss!
Right, though for the overall lower rate in pre-adult cancer, that would still support the HPV-cancer theory as opposed to my terrain-esque counter theory. It could be a blend of both (the very earliest, also rarest, can be thought of as “caused” by the virus. But I didn’t mention that because I bet it wouldn’t pan out.
by the time they will come around to saying opppsss sorry the wrong vaccine ...
Isn't that something? Why doesn't anyone wonder how this character can be so important that he stays in his position for forty years?!
i suppose he is good ...
😜 Do you think he'd help me with a lottery ticket?
could ask for a tip on a penny stock ... never know.
Get your pre-teen vaxxed today so that they maybe don’t get cancer several decades after the whole world is on fire and underwater or whatever the current story is
But… but what about all the decades-long studies demonstrating why the two dose schedule is superior???
Yes! I correspond with a British veterinarian who's reassured me that pet vaccinations are largely unnecessary. Even rabies.
But isn't the argument that you get vaccinated so you won't spread the virus to cervix-possessing girls?
Please note, I'm not arguing for the shots, just explaining why the doctor didn't understand your resistance.
No disagreement from me! It just struck me that "they" would see that as a (simple) rationale. I'm sure that that doctor, like most, would never look into the actual dynamics of HPV. Just following the party line.
Your first sentence indeed made me laugh out loud. Thanks.
But... says “recommended”... You get. Says “recommended.” I give you.