Complete BUNK. There is no virus. Virology is pure JUNK science. It’s always been about the VAXX Bio Weapons.

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Darn. I was really aiming for “A hint of BUNK.” Or, “Essence of BUNK.” I’ll have to re-calibrate my BUNK dispenser pronto.

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Please show us proof where any Covid anything has been isolated and purified. Separated from millions of other pieces of genetic junk BEFORE it goes onto the gene sequencing fakery machine. I’ll wait.

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After you show me a scale that separates the object being weighed from the platform used to hold it.

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So you are admitting the fake virus has never been isolated?

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I'm pointing out that your requirement is as unreasonable and irrelevant as demanding that a scale not touch what is being weighed. Why wouldn't a virus's genes be "among" a million other genes, the same way a weighed object is among the platform of a scale?

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Virology, a reductionist medical fraud, was a creation of the Rockefeller medical cabal. That highly important fact is buried in the annals of medicine today. Diseases such as smallpox or measles or poliomyelitis were declared caused by invisible pathogens called specific viruses. If scientists could “isolate” the invisible virus, theoretically they could find vaccines to protect people from harm. So their theory went. It was a huge boon for the Rockefeller cartel of pharmaceutical companies, which at the time included American Home Products which falsely promoted drugs with no proof of effect, such as Preparation H for Hemorrhoids, or Advil for pain relief; Sterling Drug,which took over the US assets including Aspirin of German Bayer AG after World War I; Winthrop Chemical; American Cyanamid and its subsidiary Lederle Laboratories; Squibb and Monsanto.

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Assuming you are correct. Please explain how you would separate billions of genetic pieces in snot sample and correctly isolate said virus keeping in mind you have no clue as to the virus genetic structure. You can’t. Virology is pure junk science. Toxins, parasites and bacteria are real.

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Was there not reporting that CRISPR could impact the biological process of which traits pass on in mosquito's -- used to control eye color and malaria spread I believe. They were able to have a recessive trait (normally) overtake dominant traits with something like 100% success rate.

Could you not do the same with a virus?

Could you build a virus with mutating variables on the outside // high mutation // to ensure my "packaging" continues to grey man the immune system. Then a low mutation core to ensure delivery of specific outcomes.

The Chimera was the beast desired, Frankenstein may be the beast we got.

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Getting tailored genes to run upstream of both inheritance and natural selection is the goal. Viruses don't actually provide a magic answer to that one vis a vis their hosts, but could you "spike" a viral genome? It's quite possible, and also very clearly a long-term focus of the Baric / Fauci / China research axis, but how anyone can imagine that the unforeseen negatives won't erase any gains, I dunno

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I don't grok obfuscation haiku well enough to understand TES to disagree with him ;-) He reminds me of someone who talks a certain way so you cannot disagree with him. Almost post modernist sokal hoax? Dunno. Maybe I am 2 orders of magnitude dumber than I think instead of only 1. I am honestly amazed at how you appear to have taught yourself immunology and genetics in the space of a couple of months, and yet have injuries from labouring, which makes me think you're a brickie :D

You are making this far more understandable than anything I have ever tried to read from his hand. Appreciate the effort.

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Leave TES alone :). He is a bit full of himself yes but as long as you avoid his twitter posts he makes perfectly sense. I like his posts and he has his niche in epistimology. I don't think TES writes his posts all by himself ;). I think he outsources a small part (the graphs) to others or some parts here and there but still the overall package is his work and it is impressive.

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The graphs are certainly slick, though I always wonder on what basis the "first dot" is not at the bottom... Seems like he can just raise or lower the first dot to land the trend at 2018 every time haha. But I haven't looked into it, since overall the argument jives with my instinct.

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Thank you, I was beginning to think I am the only one who can't parse TES. Sometimes I wonder whether he is just having fun trolling all of us :-)

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lol at "brickie." Here in the states, we've got this meritocracy (which is to say conformotocracy) thing really figured-out, so that if you're an intelligent non-PMC-spawn, you are most likely still going to gravitate back into the PMC via ambient "conform to survive" signals - unlike in the anglosphere, where acting as if you belong to the PMC when you are in fact born-WCTTDID is "ponce." For whatever reason, I got my wires crossed, and never learned to conform my way into the reality-denying American PMC groupthink racket. Yes, I would call myself a Yankee brickie...

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In Australia a brickie is someone who lays bricks. Alas PMC and WCTTDID fails to parse :-(

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"Professional Managerial Class" isn't a common punching bag in your elite media thought-scape? So much for the globalist-cosmopolitan eradication of local differences in the media. WCTTDID corresponds to a phrase I've always thought was some kind of semi-common / semi-obscure Billy Bragg or Bruce Springsteen lyric and now fails to appear in google, so I think I must have imagined it myself for all these years lol.

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I got as far as "till the day I die" and now imagine it's "working class till the day i die" vs "pro mgr class". Makes sense now.

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Correct. And in all caps, I thought this was a semi-common phrase, am I imagining things / going crazy? And no longer in all caps, Well, what are you gonna do.

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I've never seen either of them - maybe my monk like existence precludes exposure to such?

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