Dec 14, 2022Liked by Brian Mowrey

How convenient. People who "now Moderna, but used to be BionTech" - see from 5:00 trying to make their amyloidogenic products. Thanks to Dr. Fauchi. We are all idiots.

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Jun 17, 2022Liked by Brian Mowrey

'Lots of things in life are risky; lots of commonplace infections would probably be associated with surprising long-term effects if science had enough money to look at them all. By suddenly focusing so intensely on this virus, before our understanding of “baseline viral risk” was anything near accurate, we collectively ensured that SARS-CoV-2 was scored against an absurd standard where viruses (and life) are expected not to carry any risk at all.'

Or, more succinctly, 'Compared to what?'

If only more people would consider this. I keep trying to point out to my friends who are obsessed with boosting and masking and social distancing and closing down the local library, this isn't really much different from the flu in terms of impact on the average person, and we never did all this stuff for that.

And then they say 'Look at all the people who died!' And I point out that it was mostly old and/or sick people who were going to die soon anyway, and of course then I am a heartless misanthrope.

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Brian, sorry if I asked this question before, but what about fibrin blood clots?

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Jun 15, 2022Liked by Brian Mowrey

Thanks for this post, the interview with Dr. Amy Proal & Dr. Rudy Tanzi was fascinating. Hope you enjoy a bit of respite as well.

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Jun 14, 2022Liked by Brian Mowrey

"I think current investigations into the virus and the Covid vaccines don’t really offer either the writer or the reader a high 'return on time-invested - compared to, you know, just waiting and seeing what happens in the coming months."

Spot on.

My father had a saying: "Time heals and time reveals."

He stated it in the context of relationships. But, its probably apropos to Covid and the vaccines. Time may reveal that these vaccines are the biggest medical blunder/disaster in history. Or, time may heal the injuries and compromised immune systems of the vaccinated. Regardless of what it will reveal and whether it will heal, continued analysis and speculation at this junction in time would not be very productive. We will have more evidence and data soon enough. In the meantime, as you expressed, we need to live our lives.

Looking forward to your next post, whenever there is something pertinent to write about.

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Jun 14, 2022Liked by Brian Mowrey

Nice. 👏👏👏👏👏❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏Thanks for pushing the needle back a little bit from the "Priloid#panic" direction.

I've mentioned before that it's a bodies coping mechanism to toxic substances (likely even the byproducts of ROS creation). Which is why they can be created in many organs, not just brain. But the body has also evolved many mechanisms to clear them. The ones that don't, it's because the body is coping with more toxins than it can isolate, process and remove, causing overwhelm to said organs. Hence the shot effect.

I still find it strange that no one is asking what is missing, that causes the body to not deal with them?

Your on the right path though in mentioning NAD+ and ATP, but it's not the answer. Look further along....

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Jun 14, 2022·edited Jun 14, 2022Liked by Brian Mowrey

So, then, the answer is "this is complicated", right? I know a large number of people who had Covid and have not changed cognitively.

That said, another side of this is formation of fibrous clots in blood, which does seem to have plenty of confirmation in literature about Covid and embalmer reports and videos.

I consider the amyloid theory as something interesting that I need to follow with open mind.

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Congrats Brian, may the lifting of draconian measures not lead to further hindrances down the line! One can only hope!

I would like to investigate all of this further, but I personally find it strange how so many people have begun to latch onto ideas that I otherwise don't think are substantiated from the literature. It just stokes more fear than really provide and proper analysis.

I'll try viewing the video sometime in the future, but anyways all the best to you Brian! Hopefully we'll see you pop around every now and then

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Another factor to consider is cerebral folate deficiency (CFD). CFD can result in dysfunction of the immune system in the brain, making infection damage more prevalent.


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Brian, you pould consult the Pretorius papers-starting with LPS ( several years ago )and most recently experiments with the spike...

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Jun 14, 2022Liked by Brian Mowrey

I was worried about you. Good to know you are ok. Hope you will be able to keep your impressive brain functioning with renewed freedom to socialize. The profound loneliness experienced by so many surely accelerated brain "decay" in ways that will be profoundly evident for years. I appreciate your contribution to the narrative and will look forward to your next post however infrequent they are now that I know you are ok.

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Jun 14, 2022Liked by Brian Mowrey

Thanks for this,. I tipped a coffee. Clear thoughts. You should have hiatus more often. The novaxosphere is panicking right now. Soon they are going to wear masks around vaccinated because amyloids.

Meanwhile life continues.

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