Brilliant. Had me going for at least a second, as in the passage of time, not a booster.

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clearly NOT written by a real cardiologist

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No, it's a "big-time" cardiologist. :D

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Ahhh, it's not global warming causing the cardiac issues, it's obesity, regardless of how many Spike Proteins are in your body:


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It is claimed that many parts of the body have cells with the ACE2 receptor, so the SPIKE protein can bind to ACE2 receptors in lots of places and down-regulate whatever activity it controls:


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This paper claims the SARS-CoV-2 Spoke protein does a number of bad things:

"The SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein induces long-term transcriptional perturbations of mitochondrial metabolic genes, causes cardiac fibrosis, and reduces myocardial contractile in obese mice"


Someone else asked a question that possibly relates to this:

A large number of people in the West (and possibly the world over) are D3 deficient. Since we know that T-cells need calcifediol in order to activate B-cells to produce antibodies, is it possible that D3 deficient people are not clearing the Spike protein quickly enough and allowing those bad things to happen leading to more occurrences of suddenly?

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Thanks for that link - they are testing some wild stuff here.

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I love that your sarcasm takes me a minute to recognize.

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It doesn't really get rolling until the vase

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Yes, till that point it was a good example of Poe's Law.

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The microscopic findings revealed that significant mixed inflammatory infiltration (T cells, macrophages, and eosinophils)


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We're not anti-vaxxers, we are believers in body autonomy. Stop calling us anti-vaxxers. We're pro body autonomy. And you all need a good dose of what is really happening that the media is totally mum about. Watching the media means you're woefully uninformed. So are people in the medical industry, they have been kept ignorant of such things as terrain theory. Like Tesla was not mentioned though he worked with Edison, Antoine Bechamp is never mentioned either and he was a contemporary of Pasteur. Make sure you're sitting down when you watch this. A doctor and a researcher. And if you don't know about this it's time you did https://rumble.com/v1yv236-covid-19-technological-biological-weapon-hybrid.-karen-kingston-dr.-ana-mih.html

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It's now being claimed that there were 436 billion copies of the Spike protein circulating in the plasma of some kids with myocarditis one month after the jabs. However, we all know that climate change is causing the myocarditis.


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I still don't know what to make of that paper. It doesn't reveal anything surprising about myocarditis, more about the controls. Why just S1 and not whole spike.

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Yes, and one assumes that there must be kids who got the #clotshot who did not develop myocarditis. Was there anything different about the S1 or the whole Spike in those cases?

Or, are we seeing a situation where myocarditis develops earlier in some people than in others after exposure to a large amount of S1 ... or what.

Still, I guess I would like to thank all those parents who volunteered their children to participate in an experiment with a gene therapy treatment with an unknown safety profile.

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So, my failure to contract Covid-19 might not be because SARS-CoV-2 does not exist but because I just did not try hard enough to contract it.

I'd hate to think I wasted my money buying the horse paste.

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This is hysterical. Guess I’m a worm scum Dr. 😂😂😂

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I guess if you assume that Covid vaccines can't cause silent myocarditis and sudden death, then you will conclude that the Covid vaccines can't cause silent myocarditis and sudden death.

I call BS!

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worm-scum Anti-Vaxxer might be my new Twitter name.

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A good name for a rock and roll group. I remember, forever ago, the Iraq "Republican Guards" came up and somebody said it would be a good name for a rock group.

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Here’s the opposite- a real life cardiologist considering all possibilities.

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Always pleasant to read someone who knows what they are talking about; though his allergy to the issue of subclinical myocarditis is a bit strange. Not that his points are bad there. But heart injury associated with inflammation is more clinically important (down the line) than inflammation in of itself.

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😄👏 I love it!

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