Ruthless Ideology
Posting has been sparse as I have been engrossed in a sort of grand audit, re-compiling all the research related to the genetic history of SARS-CoV-2 upon and after emergence. This hasn’t been a hugely depressing reminder of how long things have dragged on at all.
Besides the possibility that our headline-driving companion may now be on its way to fading from notice, if not out of existence, the timing of this audit is motivated both by my recently acquired satisfaction that there is a “bottom” to the virus’s existence before 2020 (the study showing zero antibodies in English kids in late 2019), and the newly arisen opportunity to supplement JJ Couey’s “Gain of Purity” theory with an alternate, and perhaps more tenuous argument for continual release.
Today’s must-read missive by Katherine Watt indirectly highlights the importance of forming a (non-virus-truther) biological argument against the paradigm that “oops, a virus escaped WIV and spread unchecked for three years, because we all know that’s how Pandemics™ work” (emphasis added):
In early 2020, a highly contagious and deadly new virus began sweeping around the world and across the country. Little at the time was known about COVID- 19, how it spread, how it harmed those infected, how it could be contained, or how it could be prevented. Healthcare providers were forced to adapt to rapidly changing circumstances and information.
This paragraph has been reproduced, with slight variations as to wording, in thousands of legal documents during Covid-times, written by purveyors of the official narrative, but also reflected in victims’ own filings and in judicial orders and memoranda. […]
The language is designed to reinforce the illusion, the fraud, on which the rest of the criminal enterprise rests: the claim that “the exigent nature of the current health crisis is not in question.”
The language has been inserted into Covid-era legal documents early in the text, at introductory or background sections where most lawyers, judges and experienced readers are skimming without engaging deep analytical faculties, self included.
Legal readers skim those sections because they typically present factual case information that is well-known and not disputed, and we’re more interested in getting to the disputed issues and the legal arguments.
It’s diabolical, coordinated genius.
It forces readers to skip over the single most important disputable issue: What is the nature of the emergency confronting human beings since January 2020, and therefore also confronting the courts through which we traditionally try to resolve disputes without resorting to overt violence?
Is the emergency the global outbreak of a deadly, novel, unprecedented communicable disease, as thousands of lawyers and judges have stated as indisputable fact, in thousands of pleadings?
Or is the emergency the global outbreak of a massive, orchestrated fraud, combined with covert violence (bioterrorism and medical murder), designed to bypass the Constitutional crisis set in motion by Congress and US Presidents through hundreds of tyrannical legislative and executive acts committed over the past half-century?
I have commented before on the artificial, and politically caustic nature of a scientific-consensus-mediated notion of “emergency.” Emergencies on their own are caustic enough to the proscribed barriers between state and private persons, but a distinction can still be made between truly contingent emergencies and ones declared by what is functionally a borderless, super-governmental church (i.e. Science) according to supposed objective rubrics. In the latter case, the Expert Consensus of Emergency operates as a sort of legal catalyst; its introduction into any legal system reduces the energy required to legitimize authoritarianism — incanting the viral illness “sweeping around the world and across the country,” which “forced” public servants to declare all the acknowledged rights of their fellow citizens to be void overnight, further serves as a pledge the courts may voice to serve the resulting totalitarian regime.
The post in question is below, but the preceding sentence says all that needs to be said.
Theatre Class
More early thoughts on the choreographed wet market vs. “lab leak” controversy.
Ambiguity about when the virus really started to spread was one of the reasons I hadn’t bothered to fashion my belief in continuous release into an argument for same; the other reason is that the Great Fake Origins Debate is an extremely elaborate, years’-long drama that both precedes my paying close attention to the virus and, also, doesn’t actually interest anybody. I have already made it known that I regard “Lab Leak” and the DEFUSE to WIV Farce as a likely fabricated distraction, a big old op which has burned the time and resources of the opposition like an oil field set on fire so that it cannot be used to fuel resistance (i.e., resistance to intentional release).
As an example, consider this excerpt from an essay which is highlighted by a post from CJ Hopkins highlighted in Watt’s post, “The Dangerous Populist Science of Yuval Noah Harari.”
Hopkins and Watts both emphasize author Darshana Narayanan’s uncritical repetition of the non-nuanced “from Covid” official death count that subliminally girds the newspeak narrative reality of a Big Deadly Emergency Pandemic™ that Killed Everyone Because It Was So Big and Deadly, which in Watts’ (and my) view further deflects attention from the overt acts of political and biological terrorism which have been either orchestrated or subcontracted by the US Federal government. (Narayanan’s uncritical repetition of this Political Science-Truth is additionally ironic in that her essay seeks to bemoan a populist author’s tendency to present inaccurate statements as scientific knowledge.)
I, however, wish to point out how well Narayanan demonstrates, unintentionally, how the Theatre of Wuhan continues to frame and fuel an official pro- and counter-narrative, so that even the “opposition” is forced to affirm their own menu-ordered brand of newspeak (emphasis added):
Now here’s what Harari had to say about pandemics in his 2017 book Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow.
“So in the struggle against calamities such as AIDS and Ebola, scales are tipping in humanity’s favor. … It is therefore likely that major epidemics will continue to endanger humankind in the future only if humankind itself creates them, in the service of some ruthless ideology. The era when humankind stood helpless before natural epidemics is probably over. But we may come to miss it.”
I wish we had come to miss it [sick burn]. Instead, over 6 million of us have died of COVID as per official counts, with some estimates putting the true count at 12-22 million. And whether you think SARS-CoV-2—the virus responsible for the pandemic—came directly from the wild, or through the Wuhan Institute of Virology, we can all agree that the pandemic was not created in “service of some ruthless ideology.”
Narayanan would have been correct, of course, had she said must agree.
Where’s Wuhan?
Really just throwing loose thoughts at the reader at this point.
And so I have begun to cautiously wade into the Wet Market / Lab Leak Fake Origins Debate, aware that I may make both intentional and unintentional enemies along the way, including by pointing out that no one really cares about this issue any more.1
My early impression of the “Zoonati” — the scientists responsible for advocating the official pro- myth of the origin — now that I am bothering to pay any attention to them, is that they are a mix of actual deep state agents and an intentionally cultivated vassal class of scientists whose interests were long ago wedded to the Wet Market Narrative. The vassal class, if it was created by accident, appears to be the result of speculative government and nonprofit investment in Pandemic Preparedness™ over the last 20 years. Though, one cannot rule out that the creation of an entire cottage industry whose interests lie in hyping up zoonotic cross-overs and denying a lab leak has been on purpose; nor that there was an intentional effort to yoke the latter interest onto the former, via some sort of entrapment.
One could imagine, for example, that the reason “Early Epicenter” coauthor2 and prominent Zoonati Twitter Addict Marion Koopmans turns out to have an Ecohealth link directly in her twitter bio (she is the head of the Erasmus MC Department of Virology) is that Ecohealth was deliberately shopped around for years in order to compromise the Preparedness lobby, in the same way democratically elected politicians are sent to mansions with airlifted teens and bedroom cameras. It is an efficient way to make most members of a conspiracy not actually have to be members at all.
Others with a more central, but also quiet role in the Wet Market Myth evoke totally imaginary, not-accusatory speculations of their being in the Actual Spook category. This includes heavyweights and frequent collaborators Andrew Rambaut, of whom almost no images exist online (and who, ironically, created the best visualization of the evidence for Omicron’s lab origin), Michael Worobey, who cuts the figure of Brendan Fraser in The Quiet American, and pandemic virology quarterback Edward C Holmes, who authored a not particularly intellectually-deep textbook on RNA virus emergence and evolution which if anything is a confession of pre-awareness of how implausible all his work on SARS-CoV-2’s supposed emergence and evolution is.3 Not the worst prep-work for someone who later would seek to discount an artificial, intentional release “because deep state agent.”
Other members of the Zoonati seem to fall between these two poles. This includes the abrasively woke go-getter Pick-Me Angela L Rasmussen (she/her), who is fully able to present the “Early Epicenter” case in her own words, and the seeming low-IQ stooge Kristian G Andersen, who in a recent web-delivered talk could only intone “You have to think of it!” ad nauseam while whiffing on details.
Finally, a funny note about that talk. Andersen, strutting and puffing his chest at straw-man arguments against Zoonotic origin, makes a big production of the CCP’s initial denial that live mammals were ever sold at Huanan. Only, he crows, for it turn out that they were.
I doubt that casual news consumers would even be aware there was ever any doubt on the topic. The MSM has done a good job of generating the impression that the “wet market” was a smorgasbord of bug-infested fur-things bled out into gutters immediately before being eaten raw on the spot.
What is funny about Andersen’s vindication is that he unintentionally highlights how small the wildlife trade volume at Huanan was, thanks to his sophistic approach to the debate. First he hypes up the overall scale of the illegal wildlife industry in China before the post-SARS-CoV-2 shutdown: 50 billion dollars.
Wow, 50 billion! That’s big! No wonder a nasty old virus popped out of that bad boy! Then he cites the multi-year Wildlife Department survey that kept tabs on just how many wild animals were being sold at Wuhan's three markets.4
Serendipitously, prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, over the period May 2017–Nov 2019, we were conducting unrelated routine monthly surveys of all 17 wet market shops selling live wild animals for food and pets across Wuhan City (surveys were conducted by author X.X.).
Well, ok — setting aside that this whole study might have been fabricated to defend the WIV — just how much volume was allegedly moving through Wuhan (in 17 illegal shops, of which only 7 were in Huanan Seafood)?
It would take 1,000 Wuhans (all three markets, not just Huanan Seafood) to equal 1% of all the wild animals being sold in China.
If you derived value from this post, please drop a few coins in your fact-barista’s tip jar.
For example, Alina Chan’s latest rebuttal to the Wet Market Myth, posted just over two weeks ago, has a whopping 4,256 views.
Worobey, M. et al. “The Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan was the early epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic.” Science. 2022 Aug 26;377(6609):951-959.
Holmes, Edward O. The Evolution and Emergence of RNA Viruses. Oxford University Press. Chapter 6.3.3
Xiao, X. et al. “Animal sales from Wuhan wet markets immediately prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.” Sci Rep. 2021 Jun 7;11(1):11898.
So much depends on how you look at things. I happen to be someone whose brain got mashed and possibly asphyxiated to some degree during birth, giving me a pretty-good sized case of autism, but not in a disabling form. Because of that I look at the same things as everyone else, but usually see something different. I also strongly dislike unstructured social events -- my senses find them quite obnoxious. Also I can never quite get over how hard people work to hurt themselves and each other.
Observing in 2020 and 2021, I saw what seemed like large numbers of casualties emerging -- injuries and deaths -- and I compared the numbers to those of past wars, and this looked like a big deal. I also saw propaganda and other deception and compared that with those wars. It was similar. And while the weapons seemed to change from 2020 to 2021, it looked to me like World War III had commenced, with emphasis on biological weapons of one kind or another, and hardly anybody was noticing. I found that rather strange, even knowing what I already knew about people.
I also started looking for how, if bio-weapons were being employed, they were being deployed. I'm still looking. OK, I'm listening.
So, 12 Monkeys without the time travel?
I've always suspected a series of releases (perhaps because I watched that series). I couldn't reconcile the explosion of cases in Wuhan, Lombardy, and NYC with what happened elsewhere. There were tens of thousands of Chinese nationals traveling into the US every week (even from Wuhan) at the end of 2019 and in early 2020. The first case was on the West Coast, but the explosion occurred in NYC? That doesn't make sense. The only reservation I have wrt to the accident versus intentional release argument is the lack of an intermediary host animal. While I don't think we should ever underestimate the stupidity or lack of forethought of so-called "intelligent" people, it does seem odd that they wouldn't have had that "fact" at the ready.