I keep wondering if China's "Zero COVID" policy is a clue to what is really going on. For example, is China expecting some new killer, vaccine-escape variant to emerge from outside their borders? Maybe the testing for omicron is actually testing for something worse that they are expecting soon?

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I tend to just write Zero Covid off as Xi pursuing his own interests, which are related more to power competitors in China than with the threat from the US or the US's bioweapon.

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So, 12 Monkeys without the time travel?

I've always suspected a series of releases (perhaps because I watched that series). I couldn't reconcile the explosion of cases in Wuhan, Lombardy, and NYC with what happened elsewhere. There were tens of thousands of Chinese nationals traveling into the US every week (even from Wuhan) at the end of 2019 and in early 2020. The first case was on the West Coast, but the explosion occurred in NYC? That doesn't make sense. The only reservation I have wrt to the accident versus intentional release argument is the lack of an intermediary host animal. While I don't think we should ever underestimate the stupidity or lack of forethought of so-called "intelligent" people, it does seem odd that they wouldn't have had that "fact" at the ready.

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Yes, and i later found out, to my shock, that Trudeau the Tyrant in Training allowed flights from china to canada just when it was least appropriate. What a messed up country.

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Regarding the fizzling of the virus in the West Coast, it is indeed a big part of my case. Blood donor seropositivity was already at ~2% in December 2019 https://unglossed.substack.com/i/76838100/context-part

So the only explanation is that B.1 emerges in Europe or the Middle East around the end of December and in fact represents the virus achieving a a fitness optimum, and New York and the UK caught B.1 early but the West Coast didn't. But it's weird for it to happen slowly. So B.1 might just represent a separate release. The genetic evidence is very messy. But I'm leaning toward it being a natural variant at first. Later it was the backbone for VOCs, including the Omicrons.

RE no intermediary animal, on just a narrative-control level that would have shored up the Wet Market side. I think it was important that both narratives had a lot of flaws and gaps so that each side could hate the other side even more, but especially that Wet Market was fundamentally obviously a political dogma and not a real argument. OTOH logistically there might have been a successful seeding of a host animal that was accidentally killed in China's clampdown, or it was just too difficult to seed in animals before a wide release in humans. Animals gonna animal.

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Here is some wild ass speculation. Omicron was released to normalize SGTF since continuing to use S gene assays would obviously pop the injected as positive, even at CT<29.

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Perhaps. It does strike as interesting that two VOCs were distinguishable by such a commonly used primer target in the spike, and a third by restoring it in between the other two. So you could obviously see someone architecting that feature in order to keep the existing test apparatus powered to confirm variant transitions.

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I just came across this substack about Michael Callahan and what role he may have played in the early stages. It’s very long and I haven’t read it ( just skimmed), but it might be of interest to your thoughts.

Talking of multiple releases ….. we here in the U.K. are all suffering with a horrible cold that tests negative on home covid tests but lasts 2-3 weeks and has a high incidence of headache, but no cough. Mainly snot and sore throat. According to the ZOE app tracker the incidence of ‘a cold’ has risen and fallen exactly in line with the latest covid wave and the number reporting it is equal to previous peaks of the last two covid waves. Makes me wonder if this isn’t either a mutated version so distant that it doesn’t turn the rapid antigen tests positive, or are they releasing something else? It’s affecting vaxed and non vaxed similarly.

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A nice timeline. My thoughts being that the Military Games as an intentional release event (https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/06/23/congress-wuhan-military-games-2019-covid/) seems less implausible than either of the official Wet Market / WIV GOF origin narratives, then my guess for what a spook would be doing in the period afterward is just confirming that the cases keep rolling as opposed to a burnout. Also potentially licking doorknobs at WIV but the details aren't that important.

I've speculated before that the UK might be turning into a generic hot zone just due to immune dysfunction, even a really low level of immune dysfunction on the order of what is normally seen with diabetes, due for example to inflammation or microclotting from the injections, if you crowd everyone together than bugs are going to get out of hand and then even the unvaxxed are going to get large doses of who knows what. Sort of my theory for the original AIDS outbreak as well. You put enough immunosuppressed coals close to each other and it starts a fire, even if some of the people are still immune competent. https://unglossed.substack.com/p/the-hot-spot But, that's just speculation. It could be that you're getting "the next big thing" whether it's a coronavirus or some other product...

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This article reminds me of this.


Question, have you or anyone else hypothesized the release mechanism?

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I'm too cynical to even be very curious. I have basically the opposite worldview of the "conspiracies are impossible" trope, so as far as I see it any and all vectors are easy to pull off. How about... infecting delivery drivers during random drug tests, lol.

But I'm still open to a blend of legitimate spread and yearly "update" releases that are at least short-term naturally sustaining, with death counts both pretty trivial in the grand scale and also inflated by poor care of the elderly. The genetic evidence mostly accords with that.

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Doesn't seem really important right now to search for the sources. We're not being assaulted by Wuhan or their masters, but by our own elected governments and their armies of bureaucrats and industry opportunists. Priority 1 is make it stop. That requires changing governments. We failed to do that in the US last week. Nothing changes. After we stop the assault, we can track down and punish the perpetrators. Until then, we should focus on the highest priorities.

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Think it would be of critical importance at this time as any time to understand the real origin since if we are dealing with release and continual releases without the knowledge we will be in a forever spin cycle with that damned buzzer going off periodically trying to keep our underoos from wrinkling.

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If you had solid proof fauch and gates whipped it up in xi's kitchen, it wouldn't change anything. Your problem is government oppressive demands and the population's terror of a routine virus. Where it came from is irrelevant. It's here. When the panic subsides, the oppression will subside, and we can deal with the crimes during the cleanup.

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Point taken. Grudgingly. Its like losing to Fred at bowling.

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But everybody has fun bowling with Fred, and he has Wilma to keep him focused.

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So much depends on how you look at things. I happen to be someone whose brain got mashed and possibly asphyxiated to some degree during birth, giving me a pretty-good sized case of autism, but not in a disabling form. Because of that I look at the same things as everyone else, but usually see something different. I also strongly dislike unstructured social events -- my senses find them quite obnoxious. Also I can never quite get over how hard people work to hurt themselves and each other.

Observing in 2020 and 2021, I saw what seemed like large numbers of casualties emerging -- injuries and deaths -- and I compared the numbers to those of past wars, and this looked like a big deal. I also saw propaganda and other deception and compared that with those wars. It was similar. And while the weapons seemed to change from 2020 to 2021, it looked to me like World War III had commenced, with emphasis on biological weapons of one kind or another, and hardly anybody was noticing. I found that rather strange, even knowing what I already knew about people.

I also started looking for how, if bio-weapons were being employed, they were being deployed. I'm still looking. OK, I'm listening.

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Adding to your observations of war, there has been a US-military-alliance pattern too (NATO, Australia, etc.). All the COVID public policy seemed to originate in the US with allied nations marching in lockstep. And the Ukraine conflict seems to have been about NATO.

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