Summary (click to expand):
Death reports from an audience that does not believe the unvaccinated died more
Due to reader expressions of support, I thought I would toy around with the data for the unvaccinated in Steve Kirsch’s table, to see whether there was in fact any way of meeting the conditions for his bet; namely, showing that the vaccine made people better off.
To be clear, I do not believe that the vaccine made people better off. I do think it provides a benefit (i.e. severe efficacy), but the benefit is redundant and possibly inferior to remedies that can be applied when needed, and comes with known and unknown risks that by definition are applied in advance of need.1 Also, it may be the case that that benefit will erode for older groups as it has already done for the youngest.
The Kirsch survey was constructed as follows: Respondents who knew of more than one person who died in 2020 or afterward provided details of the death for the person they “knew the best.”
Since respondents would be Kirsch’s own readers, i.e. Covid vaccine skeptics, it should not come as surprising that some deaths allege murder by treatment protocol. This bias, however, does nothing to explain why such alleged murders would surge during the Delta wave.
After all, very few people in the Covid vaccine skeptic space, as I have argued over and over, accept that those deaths were actually unvaccinated.
Instead, Kirsch’s respondents should have been of the same audience that has been seeped in an artificial mirror of reality where the summer Delta wave didn’t happen; and all those deaths were actually from mandates and boosters.

Review of the case for Delta wave deaths being unvaccinated, primarily Southern
(Readers who are familiar with and on board for, or indifferent to my argument here may obviously skip to the next section.)
In my view, from having closely observed all the dashboards and studies regarding that era as it was occurring and afterward, these deaths were primarily unvaccinated. If they were otherwise I would have made a post showing the evidence of it, thus gaining a billion followers.
What is also well understood about that era is that a campaign of full-court suppression was being waged by the media and medical advisory community against hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. Did this affect treatment on the ground? The American healthcare system is functionally a constellation of opaque Forbidden Kingdoms, so there is no obvious way to assess what care protocols really took place until more studies come out (for whatever reason, there’s few studies on the topic of care and outcomes from after 2020). But overall, the impression is that there was a collective reversion to the “wait, ventilate” protocol in 2021.
What’s more, it seems certain that had anyone testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 in this era been given access to early, outpatient treatment with either drug (or anything else), there would be anecdotes about the same here in the Covid vaccine skeptic space. Aside from some mention of monoclonal antibodies (being promoted at the time in Florida), I can’t recall having seen a single one, either contemporarily or afterward. This anecdotal negative space seems like a prima facie affirmation of the anecdotally reported suppression of the same options.
Importantly, it should be noted that there is evidence of hydroxychloroquine being used extensively in hospitals in 2020. This practice, indeed, may have continued into 2021. But these would all have been lost causes; the drug cannot prevent severe outcomes that are already occurring. In a recently-uploaded pre-print reviewing inpatients requiring respiratory support for diagnosed Covid-19 before January 7, 2021, hydroxychloroquine appears to have been employed rarely and only as a (useless) last resort.2

So the “murder” is the denial of treatments that would keep the unvaccinated out of the hospital in the first place, as much as or more than the decisions that are made afterward. This murder would not be evident in areas with high vaccine uptake due to the protection afforded by front-loading antibodies.
Therefore, those 100,000 or so unvaccinated deaths, which predominantly occur in the South and Midwest (and a bit the West), were iatrogenic murders. American hospitals were ushering unvaccinated Americans to their death via government-incentivized intentional neglect.
I have argued this case in three posts:
“American excess mortality does not reflect Covid vaccine harms (yet).”
“"Covid cases" vs. middle aged excess deaths - 25 most populous US states”
To my eye, the association of working age excess deaths with recorded Covid deaths and / or Covid “cases” is organically clear and does not require math to be convincing:

In particular, the “mandates / boosters” theory of why these deaths were somehow secretly not unvaccinated people cannot explain why the deaths did not diverge from case rates in heavily-vaccinated, heavily-boosting Northeast.
With that review out of the way, on to the survey anecdotes.
What the Kirsch survey shows for the unvaccinated
In Kirsch’s survey, per-month results can be compiled by using the following set of filters, with this example corresponding to December, 2021:

I did not go into the unvaccinated per-month deaths expecting to see anything interesting. If respondents were biased to reporting or fabricating treatment-murder based on self-selecting and being immersed into a Covid vaccine skeptic audience, then I wouldn’t have been surprised or particularly compelled by seeing such reports “here and there.” Indeed, among common causes of death in the survey for the 222 unvaccinated deaths in 2021 and afterward are “Hospital treatment for COVID” (79) and “Remdesivir was administered” (54).

Given these expected biases, the jump in reported unvaccinated deaths in August, 2021 struck me totally by surprise. At first, deaths recede after the winter, slowing to a trickle in spring. In August, reported deaths jump from the prior month’s 3 to 20.

This suggests an authentic signal of a rise in August of verifiable unvaccinated deaths, not misclassified unknown status. Fabricated deaths would not be expected to conform to the mainstream narrative of timing, and unknown status would not likely be reported as unvaccinated.
Of the case reports:
Unvaccinated contact deaths reported August - November, 2021
Total: 55*
Unrelated to SARS-CoV-2: 15
Related: 40
Blamed care: 38
*One of 56 reports was for a news account.
Collected on “reports” in
Information from cause of death fields are shown in italics, and is only included when needed for clarity of ascribed cause. The two case reports of “early treatment failure” are in bold; for both of these, no medical guidance was given in the early treatment phase. (I’ll be going back to re-attach report IDs to these in an update.):
August: 13 infection-associated unvaccinated deaths
I believe she probably would have been saved if given proper effective treatment instead of the hospital kill protocol of Remdesivir & ventilator. (567)
Denied early treatment drugs in hospital. Diagnosed with covid..hi fever..given prescription anti inflammation meds Heart attack 8days later..fever had broke day3. (912)
My mom was diagnosed with "covid pneumonia" after being rushed to hospital for hypoxia. She was given Remdesivir and put on CPAP. Over the next 7 days she gradually got worse. On the 8th day the nurse found her "unresponsive". She'd had a heart attack and a severe stroke with 2 huge blood clots in her brain. She was swelled up from head to toe like a water balloon. She was absolutely and completely healthy before the murderous protocol was initiated. (1305)
COVID (the virus), Hospital treatment for COVID, Denied early treatment drugs in hospital, Remdesivir was administered, Put on ventilator in hospital, Multi-organ failure, Was perfectly healthy before 2020. (1423)
Micheal was in great health and traveled multiple times a year to other countries for speaking engagements. He and his wife got Covid at the same time and neither received early treatment, from what I know. He had trouble breathing after some days being sick at home, and they took him to the hospital. His condition declined and he died a week or so later, as I recall, having been denied ivermectin even though the family requested it. These are the facts as best as I recall. I know for certain they requested ivermectin. (914)
Co--owner with wife of nutrition store 25 years also doing radio and very outspoken Sunrise, Fla + astute business wise (he and wife met as stock
brokers previously) used and promoted holistic therapies....started having
breathing problems that did not resolve and panicked such he went to
emergency room and denied use of ivermectin....dead in 10 days. Under
so much stress livid over Biden nonsense. Did not take a brake to relax or
exercise his wife said. Against use of masks. Did not do breathing exercises
(JK Rowling early on posted such which helped her!). What a loss. An other
wise really smart guy. Interviewed experts on health from all over. Was it all
the stress or maybe even someone who visited him in his store What a loss! (243)Refused to seek treatment at outbreak of symptoms. Six days later. EMTs who came to his home advised him to avoid the hospital Five days later, he became very distressed and entered the hospital. Four days later, he died. (1154)
Put on ventilator in hospital, Hospital treatment for COVID, Died suddenly / unexpectedly (1459)
He was denied every protocol except the ones approved by CDC. He was given Remdesivir and put on a vent. The medicine destroyed his kidneys and the vent destroyed his lungs. Evil. Despicable. (18)
My Mother died of C19 but I suspect it came from either shedding from vaxxed or environmental poisoning. She was taking HCQ for prevention but apparently did not understand the need to take more if she became ill. She had been taking Vit D for many years and likely thought it was adequate and that she would fact she thought she would then have natural immunity. She took IVM but the dose was not adequate, as experts had apparently increased the dosage for "Delta" to double or triple the original dose of .2 mg/kg and we did not know. We thought that as long as she did not go into the hospital she would recover, as we thought the deaths FROM C19 were actually being caused by the hospital protocols. RIP Mom, I'll love you forever! She deserved so much better than to be killed by a demonic bio-weapon. My heart is broken and I will never be happy again. (137)
My mother-in-law had a heart attack in late July/early August. After receiving a stent she recovered quickly. Having been exposed to her oldest son, who was visiting shortly thereafter and was vaccinated, she started to have severe electrolyte imbalances and had to be hospitalized again. She declined over the course of about two weeks. She was tested for COVID and subsequently had a COVID positive status. Doctors refused ivermectin or Vitamin C infusions but did not administer remdesivir (as far as we can tell). Oxygen uptake became more and more difficult, finally leading to her death. (993)
My dad was diagnosed with "covid pneumonia " after being rushed to hospital for hypoxia. He was put on CPAP. He was denied food and didn't have an i.v. drip for fluid for 7 days. They turned his CPAP machine up so much it blew a hole in his lungs. Then they euthanized him after telling the family he would never make it thru surgery. It took 4 hours to kill him. He was perfectly healthy before the murder (1308)
Mother was put in nursing home tested positive for covid transferted to hospital deprived of fliuds and putvon morphine..took her a week to die. (223)
Put on ventilator in hospital, COVID (the virus), Hospital treatment for COVID (933)
September: 13 infection-associated unvaccinated deaths
This person was very healthy and physically fit with no pre existing conditions. He came down with c-19 but did not receive early treatment from his woke Dr. The hospital administered remdesivir and medazolam to keep him on the ventilator. The family was ignorant to what was happening and was denied access until the patient was almost dead. (1430)
COVID (the virus), Hospital treatment for COVID, Put on ventilator in hospital (400)
This friend had an autoimmune condition which made his initial sickness very difficult. However, once hospitalized his condition worsened, particularly after the oxygen tubing fell off his face during the night (his wife, or anyone for that matter, wasn’t allowed to be present), and so “needed” to be ventilated. The rest is history. High dose Vitamin C was denied, and the ivermectin he arrived with wasn’t allowed to be administered. (753)
Allan entered hospital 08/29/2021 with pneumonia due to Covid. No visits by family. Isolated in room on oxygen with a buzzer and a camera. He was never able to wean down from the maximum flow of oxygen. I received 1 report a day from HR or a doctor. He received remdesivir for 5 days. ( I had been reading how bad this was on kidneys and asked the doctor to cease it. To no avail. ). I was told they were following the best treatment protocol .
I asked that intervenous vitamin C and ivermectin be given as I has read their benefits. I was told in no uncertain terms that ppl were reading about all this information that were not effective.
Early every morning Allan called me by phone and begged me to come and get him. He said, “nothing is going on there to improve my condition. I’m at their mercy”. Talk about a broken heart.
On day 9 I was allowed to visit him. I suspect the doctors knew he was not getting any better and soon to die. I visited him 3 times in 2 days. On the 11th day I got a call that he was having a heart attack, he wasn’t strong enough for a stint and I should come asap.
I did not make it to see him alive. His DC listed death from Novel Coronavirus 19 pneumonia and Acute Hypoxic Respiratory Failure.
I never got a bill owed by patient from Archbold Memorial Hospital, Thomasville GA, or for ambulance.
All the Medicare claim forms were paid in full by Medicare.
Interesting note: September 2022 another claim came in Allan coons’ name for $7348.00 for tocilizumab [an immunosuppressive]! Actemra for Covid?
Submitted by wife, Mary Julia Coons (392)Hospital treatment for COVID, Denied early treatment drugs in hospital (994)
This friend died in the hospital from Covid. He was never vaccinated against Covid. He was a veteran of the US Navy. [This report was not counted as treatment-related] (454)
No supporting anything was provided until O2 levels dropped so low that the ventilator was the only option. So sad. It was murder. The hospital protocols are murder. (156)
I believe the hospital followed the FDA COVID protocol, but unable to get treatment information for verification. His hospital treatment is the most likely reason he died. (667)
Began symptom of COVID-19 at home. No treatment offered. In several days went to ER. Was denied treatment in ER and sent home. Came back to ER the next day in an ambulance. Admitted to hospital, put on ventilator, died. Guy (1326)
My best friend was admitted to a Fresno hospital with CV pneumonia and low 02. Immediately given Remdesivir against her wishes. Placed on high flow 02, 80% and remained on 80-100% 02 for the next 22 days. Anything over 50% 02 for more than 24 hrs damages lungs. In talking with her she appeared drugged, so I asked her nurse what meds she was being given. Her dr had ordered 5 different sedatives for her which SUPPRESSED her respiratory drive. I demanded they stop all sedatives, and her husband fired that dr, and demanded a new one take over her case. New dr could not explain why anyone in respiratory distress would be given sedatives. She complained several times that they wouldn't feed her. They didnt prone her until 2 weeks after admission when I asked why not? Because it requires them to work. They refused her respiratory care with scheduled RT breathing treatments. Refused her inhaled Budesonide. Refused to give her a care pkg hubby and I put together and delivered with HCQ, vit D, zinc, quercetin etc AFTER dr agreed to give to her. They accused hubby of trying to "sneak drugs" to his wife. Eventually put her on bipap, then vent. Hubby was only allowed to see his wife of 48 yrs WHEN she was unconscious. Never got to hold hands, look into each other's eyes and have a last kiss. Had an MI on vent and died 22 days after admitted. Medical records show she lost 70 POUNDS, YES 70,POUNDS in 22 days due to MALNUTRITION AND DEHYDRATION. They STARVED her to death. We have the proof. She was also shamed and ridiculed for being uninjected with the clot shot. Told she was a danger to others and to herself. Drs argued and pushed the jab, its IN THEIR NOTES. She was treated like a worthless human and was the kindest, happiest, most selfless Christian woman Ive known, my best friend murdered by hospital death protocols. Thank God all 4 Fresno hospitals are now in a class action lawsuit. Im a retired Respiratory Therapist and tried to save my friend, but the medical staff REFUSED all our requests for appropriate treatment. Debbie was murdered. (1545)
My mother contracted the virus along with the rest of the family she was living with in early September 2021. The whole family got over the virus but then my mom started experiencing breathing difficulties. She was sent to the hospital where they treated her with some thing that we don’t know and then she was breathing OK so I told the doctors and nurses to send her home because there was no issues and I knew that hospitals meant death. The next day at home my mom was very confused and having breathing issues again and wouldn’t take her meds. She would not get in the car to go to a hospital that my sister trusted so the ambulance came and took her to The hospital that had treated her before. We were not allowed to be a part of any medical decisions because we did not have the power of attorney signed. They gave her remdesivir KNOWING my mom had a kidney transplant on its 30TH year. Mom had been in contact with an attorney for her will etc. so the attorney was able to get into the hospital room to have my mom sign medical power of attorney. But she gave it to my younger sister. I don’t know why. I sent my sister in with all of the protocol for America’s front line doctors but she decided mom looked too bad and didn’t want to stress my mother out anymore. My mom knew I wasn’t in town because I live thousands of miles away and she desperately wanted to see me. The doctors would not let me come in unless she signed a DNR and promised to die. She signed the DNR they gave her Ativan and morphine and then left the room. She then decided she didn’t want to be there that she changed her mind and that she wanted to go home and she proceeded to rip the IVs out of her arm and tried to get out of bed but because of the DNR we couldn’t do anything about it. They came back and I gave her more morphine and more Ativan and she died within 45 minutes (1016)
Hospital treatment for COVID, Put on ventilator in hospital (905)
Put on ventilator in hospital, Remdesivir was administered, Denied early treatment drugs in hospital, Hospital treatment for COVID, COVID (the virus), Obesity, Was perfectly healthy before 2020 (1528)
October: 6 infection-associated unvaccinated deaths
Hospital treatment for COVID, Remdesivir was administered, Put on ventilator in hospital (301)
Eva Lee had asthma and other medical problems, but once they gave her remdesivir, then incubated her, I knew then her death certificate had been signed. She fought it hard for a month, though, she tried like hell not to let them murder her!! (94)
Hospital treatment for COVID, Remdesivir was administered, COVID (the virus), Put on ventilator in hospital, Other. Had sinus & breathing issies before hospital admission & subsequently diagnosed with pneumonia (538)
Had difficulty breathing. Went to hospital, where they put her on remdesivir then a ventilator. A week later, she died. (894)
The death of my 54 y/o niece was absolutely murder. Carried out in Springville(Erie County) NY given no food, breathing treatments, separated from family. Doctors refused hydroxychloraquine, ivermectin. But raced to give remdesivir. Placed on ventilator & within 5 days was diagnosed w/ multiple organ failure. Day 11 pronounced dead, no family, no answers, but a huge payout for the hospital. (1228)
Hospital treatment for COVID. I believe Remdesivir killed my father. (13)
November: 8 infection-associated unvaccinated deaths
The family was [not] open to alternative or supplemental treatments and trusted 100% in the hospital treatment and allowed her to die without questioning the hospitals treatment modalities. (1441)
COVID (the virus), Hospital treatment for COVID, Denied early treatment drugs in hospital, Remdesivir was administered, Put on ventilator in hospital, Multi-organ failure, Obesity, Was perfectly healthy before 2020 (191)
Breathing issue. Admitted to hospital w/"covid pneumonia". Received what she described as "designer drugs". After two weeks, put on ventilator. Two weeks after that, she died (iatrogenic, IMO) (418)
Hospital treatment for COVID. He also had an adverse reaction to Monoclonal Antibodies given to him in a LTC facility prior to hospitalization. (1329)
She got Covid and thought she would get through it. We should have pursued early treatment but did not think she was high risk. She died in the hospital after weeks on a ventilator. I believe that Remdesivir and the hospital protocol contributed to her death. (1325)
He was denied ivermectin he was denied vitamin supplements, he was infected with Covid the same time as the entire family of five, all recovered he was still lingering, he was on ivermectin when admitted and they took him off, allowed pneumonia to take over his body, on ventilator, did not turn him but twice a day, tried remdezivere and he slipped out of consciousness, would not let wife check him out and transport to receive monoclonal antibodies - allowed him to die- a miserable death. Wife and children survived. They barely treated him because he was UNvaccinated it's a murderous crime that took four long suffering weeks to commit. (1464)
My husband contracted Covid while in the hospital for a pressure sore. They would not give him any of the early treatment protocol like Ivermectin, etc., and murdered him for the government’s monetary incentives. (1623)
Was perfectly healthy before 2020, Denied early treatment drugs in hospital, COVID (the virus), "Pulmonary (i.e., affected ability to breath including pulmonary embolism)" Took monoclonal antibodies (524)
December would likely continue the trend. However, it would also begin the transition to Omicron infections, Paxlovid use, and increased prevalence of the Covid-vaccinated among the hospitalized. Therefore, this concludes the snapshot of the Delta wave anecdotes of medical murder.
If you derived value from this post, please drop a few coins in your fact-barista’s tip jar.
Besides which it’s an experimental, philosophically repugnant gene therapy that may still prove to shorten young lifespans by half, destroy fertility, ruin neonatal immunity, etc.
The thing is ...
I don't know a single person - vaxxed or unvaxxed --- who has ended up in hospital with covid. Not one.
That said - I don't hang with 80 year old people with multiple severe illnesses nor do I work in a home for the old and busted ...
I know 10+ people with severe vax injuries.
What more is there to know?
There is no evidence anywhere of the injections offering benefit to anyone but indemnified companies profiting from them. Not even in the fraud clinical trials. The injections dont even create mucosal antibodies FFS. The only endpoint was PCR result period. And they gamed that by testing all placebo recipients and only tested injected cohorts after adjudication. Furthermore they ignored vaccine reactogenicity which if they didnt the difference in PCR outcomes would be nearly equal. Despite all of that AND ignoring that more injected participants died they still only managed under 1% absolute risk reduction. The only real proxy is ACM and that aint looking so good anywhere except places that didnt mandate the injections. The NNTV is literally infinity if real (not gamed) data is used.
What these articles show is how easily propagandized medicine tossed the hippocratic oath into the used needle bin and literally targeted people who did not succumb to mass media fear campaign in order to help bolster it. This was mob mentality bullying to the point of murder and speaks profoundly horrifically to the depths society has fallen even before we havent reached the food and energy scarcity that waits us due to abjectly stupid policies of governments being deployed now.
Countless politicians promulgate about the need to reduce the population via vaccines, a pandemic is faked, and deployed "vaccines" create historic discord disability and death but it woulda been worse without the vaccine. WOW.