This would be on the right track - looking at the host and how the host is changing biologically due to technology. Some type of microbiome change does seem to be required to explain why diphtheria suddenly became such a big problem, though this started in the 1860s
What I would add about leaky gut though is that it is at odds with the co…
This would be on the right track - looking at the host and how the host is changing biologically due to technology. Some type of microbiome change does seem to be required to explain why diphtheria suddenly became such a big problem, though this started in the 1860s
What I would add about leaky gut though is that it is at odds with the common observance that kids affected by polio were often hale and fit in every other manner. This is the same problem that goes for the toxin theory - if they are being poisoned by food / gut, then they should look like they are being poisoned.
This would be on the right track - looking at the host and how the host is changing biologically due to technology. Some type of microbiome change does seem to be required to explain why diphtheria suddenly became such a big problem, though this started in the 1860s
What I would add about leaky gut though is that it is at odds with the common observance that kids affected by polio were often hale and fit in every other manner. This is the same problem that goes for the toxin theory - if they are being poisoned by food / gut, then they should look like they are being poisoned.