Brian ... you GOT to watch this one. I have no words, but I think among all people ... you are going to find it interesting.

https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1660073740 (start at 04.00)

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Thank you - I wish there were a text version since I already watched his talk with Crawford (https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/sars-cov-2-origins-infectious-clones), so I would mostly be interested in the stuff that is exclusively new since then (video is a difficult format for me since I tend to pause and wonder off!) Meanwhile I am working on my own, less extreme version of Couey's idea, basically. Viruses can be stable despite RNA infidelity, but in light of the infidelity question should we expect a coronavirus to be "pandemic"-capable, what is the other evidence that there have been multiple releases, etc!

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Dude...You need to re-upload those two images at the beginning. There's no picture, just a bunch of gibberish.

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Sarcasm? Those are screengrabs of the sequence highlighting uracil (t)-repeats.

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Sorry. I couldn't resist :D

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Highly interesting lessons in pattern recognition, thanks. One thing I have yet to comprehend is that this codes for amino acids, apparently gets into the cell nucleus, etc. Supposedly there is a synthetic mRNA present and yet so many seriously question the presence of a synthetic mRNA. Can you address this succinctly enough that it may be generally shared with those w/o a science background?

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Do you mean that the RNA gets into the nucleus, as a reference to https://arkmedic.substack.com/p/new-study-vindicates-jiang-and-mei/ ? I'd say the evidence is pretty ok at this point, though it would be better if they had compared with Alpha, Delta, or an Omicron because all of those remove the troublesome P681 which is the putative nuclear translocation signal. It's probably a minor defect from the point of view of the virus, it wants spike in membranes not the nucleus, likewise it wants spike RNA in ribosomes being made into more spike. The nucleus might as well be a trashcan at this point in the infection cycle because the virus is focused more on expanding to other cells (it's earlier nonstructural proteins that do the bulk work of silencing host cell gene expression and innate immune response).

Viral RNA can be "synthetic" in the loose sense of the sequence having been engineered, as is pretty loud and clear with a big "look at me!" in the furin cleavage insert. Otherwise there can't be anything synthetic about the actual molecule unless you are getting a viral particle that was made in a lab; the great question being just how many people did, and at how many different points in the last 3 years.

Finally, if you are getting virus that was made in infected people then their cells used native, normal nucleotides to make the RNA polymer. And this is probably what most people get infected with.

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Got it - thanks!

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Nov 23, 2022Liked by Brian Mowrey

Thanks for your detailed work. Did you also include the source of who published these sequences? I'd be interested in e.g. a European team independently determining the sequence starting from scratch.

An accidental bio disaster or intentional culling would know the sequences, and be able to tamper with the most controversial before publishing the info in the public databases. For instance, HCG peptides have not been directly revealed to my knowledge, yet decades of HCG anti-fertility testing has occurred; altering documentation of a few letters in a 5-peptide string would disguise its presence.

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Nov 23, 2022·edited Nov 23, 2022Author

It's straight from Wuhan-Hu-1 which is linked at the top. Other early sequences and any differences would all show in nextstrain as mutations, though the Omicrons have really lowered the sample rate for 2020. Perhaps even better, there's the Measles paper sequences from 2019 which are good evidence that B.1 did in fact evolve in wild transmission


"Mutations typical of B.1 strains previously reported to have emerged in January 2020 (C3037T, C14408T, and A23403G), were identified in samples collected as early as October 2019 in Lombardy. One of these mutations (C14408T) was also identified among sequences downloaded from public databases that were obtained by others from samples collected in Brazil in November 2019."

And then you've got different reviews of the early sequences which suggest that Wuhan-Hu-1 is itself human-transmission-descendent from an inferred progenitor based on three regressions to background bat cov genes that turned up in the Washington January sequence and elsewhere (https://academic.oup.com/mbe/article/38/8/3046/6257226). The Zoonati crew have totally declared this heretical since it voids the fantasy that the virus only started transmitting at Huanan.

So, regarding controversial alternate sequences, the question is whether and what turned up after Wuhan. That's B.1 and B.1.1. Which like I said appear to evolve naturally in Italy in 2019, rather than being a "secret original recipe." Nothing else is fixed in 2020, there's loads of obscure mutations everywhere that don't take off. And then Alpha drops out of nowhere.

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Released by shedding vaccines maybe?

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What is?

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The only strong evidence I have seen is a strong correlation between COVID shot uptake and COVID cases. Is there more evidence?

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There is plenty of noncorrelation. Russia, Eastern Europe, very low vax rates, still have a Delta wave in late 2021 when there's no movement in number of injected. Islands were going to have their first outbreak sometime; what would be remarkable about the timing if no vax had ever rolled out? Nothing. So there's just a lot of blaming the vax for the fact that the virus didn't obey baseless predictions that it would cause fewer cases in 2021. There's not actually any historical precedent to support that assumption in the first place, contra what the "epidemiology 101" crew imagines is the case. Sometimes viruses spike more in year 2 https://unglossed.substack.com/i/44779108/case-study-influenza-uk

That said, I still personally believe there have been multiple releases and that at least Alpha and Omicron were lab-made mutants.

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Even with low vaxx rates, they could have a window of shedding one would assume. Igor Chudov might have input on that.

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There are islands that didn’t have a COVID “outbreak” until they started their campaigns.

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How are they getting this into the population?!? I do not think you just expose people to a lab creation and it rips through the entire world population all the way to Antarctica.

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Well, that's essentially the point JJ Couey is making with the Gain of Purity argument. Then there's also the interesting timing and colocation of VOCs with the vaccine trials - did Astra Zeneca somehow just inject variants into people? But it seems harder than other methods of spreading a virus, like just spraying it out of a bottle. Like I don't think a lot of work would be required to pull off this kind of "impossible conspiracy."

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Nov 23, 2022·edited Nov 23, 2022Liked by Brian Mowrey

I will say the persistent contrails have ramped up in recent years. Some days planes go by on a clear day and then the whole sky is hazy for an hour. I live near three international airports and very few planes leave these trails.

Do you think it might have been done over time? Could there have been an environmental trigger? Might the disease be multifactorial? I have so many questions 😆

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This reminds me of that song "Blinding me with science". Why are viruses themselves not questioned? How do we know what a virus is? Many eminent doctors such as Dr Robert O. Young, Anthony Kaufman, Tom Cowan and lots more, have been speaking about the fraudulent way viruses are isolated. Why is this question always treated with ignore-ance? Total ingore-ance. How can we get our head around the science if this basic question is not acknowledged?

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There is an entire history of the research on human influenza prominently linked in this post. Why is your assumption that viruses have not been questioned not questioned?

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deletedNov 22, 2022Liked by Brian Mowrey
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Saying you could go and do your own stack is irrelevant to the point. I already do do my own substack and other articles too. So where to go now in your argument? Tell me how they have been isolated? It should be an easy answer because how they haven't been isolated is an easy answer. We don't need a whole lot of charts and statistics and studies most of which are done by the very same entities who have blindly accepted that viruses exist. We don't need to be an electrician to know how to bake a cake.

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Gravity is another theory like germ theory, like virus theory. If it cannot be shown or explained, should you believe that it is true?

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deletedNov 23, 2022Liked by Brian Mowrey
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Gravity is by no means a "fact". But facts are funny things because we only see 1% of the light spectrum so facts are really changeable as we get to broaden our knowledge.

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Now where are the PCR gene

assay targets and if you BLAST search them what else contains them?

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I'll make a note if I decide to annotate those. Naturally, one could mark up their own copy of the file however they want as well.

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Says you were banned for this comment. Any banning of speech is fascist. Do the substack chaperones really think they can protect us from words on a screen while they remain unscathed? All censors are douches.

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deletedNov 22, 2022Liked by Brian Mowrey
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Nov 22, 2022Liked by Brian Mowrey

See that Corndog, I told you the earth was flat.

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deletedNov 22, 2022Liked by Brian Mowrey
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He's become too regular. It was amusing at about a moon-cycle rate of occurrence.

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deletedNov 22, 2022Liked by Brian Mowrey
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Trolls are able to dilate time itself via cosmic emissions of Stupid Energy.

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