'Biden’s withdrawal this late in the election would seemingly be a gift to Trump no matter what; and for this reason I find it hard to entertain the idea that it will ever happen.'

From what I've read, the most popcorn-worthy idea is for Biden to jettison Kamala and install Obama as his VP candidate. Democrats would be so wild with relief at the possible return of their savior that Biden would be reelected, whereupon he could retire and Obama could ascend to his third Presidential term (the 22nd Amendment only says a president can't be *elected* to more than two terms).

Personally, my fondest wish is that a large majority of voters would express their displeasure with the two-party stranglehold on government by voting for whatever third party candidate they choose. (Trump supporters will argue that he's not a real Republican and that's fine, but I don't like him either.)

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Despite his cognitive impairments, Biden can do okay reading a teleprompter. He has problems when he has to speak without reading a script. I've worked with dementia patients in healthcare and that confused look is very familiar. I don't think he can fix that, or remember to do something different while he's trying to understand what is being said around him - it's a symptom of slow cognitive processing. Unless cloning progress was made beyond Dolly the sheep, I think we're going to see much of the same in the next debate. Maybe they'll ditch the split screen to help Biden, or maybe they'll fake an illness so he doesn't have to debate.

The fact that people around him had him debate in the first place seems purposeful. They know about his cognitive decline and could anticipate a bad performance. Maybe it was to get people more interested in daily media discussions about the presidential election. Will he drop out or won't he???? What will happen with Kamala???? Who are the possibilities to replace him??? 🙄

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I'm coming around to the idea that they really may pivot to Kamala, as insane as that may sound. If the Dems conclude that the Presidency is already lost, the VP can't be sidelined without creating as as much or more backlash that a different candidate brings (and anyone serious and credible doesn't want this abbreviated run on their resume), but Biden is such a liability that he's hurting other Dems in other races (by having to support him/maintain the fiction that he's not mentally toast). But you might be right, they may just run this out... If Biden can stay upright enough in the small doses, the juice may not be worth the squeeze. Which brings me back to... Boy, seems like they'd have a lot of problems solved if Biden passed suddenly. As dark as that may sound, it would be incredible if that hasn't been whispered about in elite circles. Maybe loudly. And to letter agencies. I, of course, hope Joe lives long and prospers, because I hear during the hours of 8am to 4pm he's the greatest man who has ever lived.

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Nice article Brian! I'm concluding that Biden just lost the election for the Dems no matter whether he runs or not.

The shock of the normally toadying media at his blithering performance just tells me most of the media hacks are as stupid as he is. His fried brain has been so obvious for his whole term.

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The Biden thing is fake... if he was that befuddled he would have been removed long ago by the party... https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/what-if/

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Looks real enough to me. I witnessed the cognitive decline of my late father who had Alzheimer's, and all the signs were there going back years. The decline is gradual, but accelerates towards the end. Key point: the suffer is unaware of his condition and will get angry if you suggest it. Sound familiar? My dad had lucid moments even towards the end, but they were few and far between.

Take a look at Biden's eyes in his most recent speech, which he pulled off more or less effectively. Note the dilated pupils. The guy's obviously been given something to boost his awareness. I'd say cocaine, but of course that was never found in the White House and his son has nothing to do with drugs, right?

FWIW, I think the Dems want a Trump presidency and are going out of their way to make it happen. Why? Because Ukraine and Israel will both fail catastrophically on his watch, as most likely will the stock and bond markets. So Trump gets the blame, and is (once again) a single term president while Dems get their 'great reset' after he's gone.

I may be wrong of course. Predictions are hard to make, especially about the future.

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Maybe. But I tend to think what we are witnessing here is the mess that occurs when many different powerful people have different interests. Some have probably wanted Biden out since inauguration. Others work to prop him up. It's a back and forth that's vastly more complicated than what I just outlined.

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Why would the democrats prop him up? Surely their goal is to win an election ... and that is impossible if the president is out of his mind

Apply logic here.

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Because these organizations aren't a monolith. And there are more stakeholders involved than the Democratic party. There are people in the administration who probably feel that their job is completely tied to Biden, maybe folks who have been in his circle for ages. And that's not to mention the Biden family, which is it's own cabal of sorts. You ask me to apply logic, but your reductive reasoning is at odds with the complexity of reality. I conceded that your view of the world is possible, none of us are actually privy to the inner dynamics of these power structures, but in my experience, it's too complicated for even a smaller organization of 100 or so employees to get everyone on the same page, let alone political parties, thinktanks, donors, etc, etc.

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come on man ... if he was senile they would not have hesitated to toss his ass out long ago... compound that with the behaviour of hunter biden and no way anyone with any say in that party has any interest in keeping him in play....

This is World Wrestling Federation stuff... it's all about keeping the herd of imbeciles entertained... Trump is an actor ... Biden is an actor... they are all actors... it's a f789ing clown show.... https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/what-if/

It is definitely entertaining - of course it is ... it's all run by the Ministry of Truth ... the same folks who give you Dancing with Stars and everything else you watch on TEE VEE. Mindless drivel....

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There is no Ministry of Truth. Like Banta points out above, people don't go lockstep in large groups. At least not for long.

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Exactly. I think the mistake in reasoning is the ever nebulous "they" that Fast Eddy references. It doesn't make any sense that a consolidated, unified group wouldn't have tossed Biden to the wolves long ago, but that's all based on the presumption that such a group exists. So, rationally, the first order of business would be to prove that and I've never seen any evidence that doesn't rely on taking events and working backwards.... if it's addressed at all.

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From my discussions with "blue no matter who" family and friends, a large portion of Democrat voters were more or less completely blindsided by first-hand exposure to the president's impairments. Seriously, what you've been aware of for years? They just truly learned about it last week. I don't think this just disappears from the public conscoiusness as completely as previous episodes.

Whether this unease amongst his voter base impacts his nomination or electability, I cannot say. But I'm sure some shakers and movers are acting fast on their own beliefs.

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I agree that this will not just disappear from public consciousness. Both my mom and my neighbor are typical female Democrats; both of them consume no media other than mainstream media. They had no idea, and both watched a few minutes of the debate, and were shocked. They both compared Biden's demeanor with that of family members who were similarly afflicted, and concluded that he simply had no business being in office even now, let alone in a year of two, and that he was not going to improve. My mom then watched some speech he gave afterwards in which he managed to function better, but it made no impression on her; his real condition has been indelibly imprinted in her mind.

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"I’m not actually going to read a Sotomayor opinion." Smart, Brian. Life is too short to waste your time on unnecessary things.

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