And then there is this

‘He Had a Rifle!’ Trump Rally Attendee Says He Warned Police Gunman Was Crawling on Roof. So we are to believe a man was able to get that close with a rifle… without being seen or stopped by the police or Trump’s security. And that they ignored warnings of a man with a rifle and allowed Trump to continue to speak?

Multiple shots were fired in the direction of Trump. We are told that one member of the audience was killed. What happened to the other bullets that were fired?

How did they get to the roof and take the guy out so quickly? If the police and security detail purposely ignore warnings, wouldn’t they take their sweet assed time trying to kill the shooter? Wouldn’t they let him unleash at least one full clip at Trump before acting?

The weapon found at the scene was an AR type semi-automatic rifle that generally holds up to 30 rounds. Each pull of the trigger unleashes a round so the entire clip could be easily emptied in well under 10 seconds. Did anyone hear 30 rounds being fired? And if so did the shooter fire only two into the podium with the rest completely missing?

Surely if the shooter was on a suicide mission he’d try to wastes some of the men who were coming for him. Yet we hear not a single shot from the cornered rat.


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Jul 9·edited Jul 9

Find your analysis of current events from a more scientific, logical point of view to always be persuasive. In this case, I do think there are a couple of points that bear on this that are worth mentioning. Comparing the situation with Hillary Clinton in 2016 to current events, I would note that no one expected Donald Trump to win that election. No one expected Donald Trump to come even close. There was little danger in publishing information about Hilary that may have been somewhat damaging, but could be successfully dismissed. Things are, of course, much much different this time. I might also see the key to what drives the mainstream media Is not necessarily what they report but what they don’t report or what Is missing from their reports. What was missing from reporting on border crisis, or the failure to cover crucial scientific and medical evidence regarding Covid and vaccines, cannot be explained in terms of whether the story was interesting. I think they can only be explained in terms of whose interests- political or financial, the media were supporting.

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It's sort of funny, I've been giving my usual "there is no unified 'they'" in your comments on the last post, but now I feel like I'm going to say what almost seems like the opposite. The legacy media is almost entirely "sponsored by" interests who find themselves at the current moment aligned with the Democratic Party. We can probably thank Trump for this, who definitely seemed aligned with a different cabal of sorts (though seems to be more and more trying to appeal to folks in the military industrial complex). As such, the media's actions (and inaction) makes sense. They were going to back up Biden fully until the majority of donors and special interests decided that was no longer viable. So, in a way, it's democracy in action, but more precisely, it's the oligarchy doing it's thing. Of course, control isn't total and not all stakeholders are on the same page, which is why we've seen blimps of reporting Biden's decline (such as after the decline to prosecute over the classified documents). I'm sure some have wanted Biden out for awhile... I do suspect and did almost immediately that the early debate schedule before being the actual nominee was largely done to set us up for this current schism. That all said, already being the President does provide a certain amount of institutional power and it's possible that Biden could turn the media narrative around in the coming weeks. The media has no problem turning around on a dime, a recent example being Israel and Palestine, when the US wanted to put pressure on Netanyahu to tone down the attacks on civilian population centers.

The mainstream media is definitely a huge source of why some people, like the gentleman I was talking to in the other post, have this perception of a monolithic ruling class and certainly, it is disturbing how lockstep they can be on certain big messaging (like the pandemic). But it's all the result of being owned and supported by largely the same groups of people. As it's often repeated, there are only six major media companies left in the world so it's not incredibly difficult to make agendas shared by a variety of elite interests fairly uniformly promoted through the TV, newspapers, movies, etc.

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It's an interesting arrangement because the Democratic party depends on the media for propaganda, and besides, depends on letting the media determine what forms the propaganda takes, and how does this happen, well, the media fills itself with people who have been propagandized themselves, so no one thinks they are even propagandizing the public. For these reasons there are very low stakes to a mutiny; Stephanopoulos isn't worried about being walked to the firing squad if Biden is still around a week from now. But these also aren't imaginative or initiative-taking people (in the media) so the default is to stick to their role (which they do not even understand the true nature of).

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Appreciate the analysis

After the destruction of thr first two Obummr residencies T45 set the economy on fire, maybe even too much, only to stall out under the third communist obama regime.

Once again, two weak choices, but Biden and Obama are simply disastrous in comparison

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Alex Berenson claims he broke the story on Saturday, and I did see his substack article on it.

However, there is still the obvious question of why nobody noticed it last year and why everybody in the MSM is all of a sudden using the same script.

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9Author

Because there's nothing to notice in of itself. Absent a report or documentation of his actual activities in any of those visits, it only has remarkability from the vantage of 'we've decided to flip out about the long-obvious mental decline of Biden.' *eta: Regarding timing I saw some two-day old articles on the story as of yesterday, I don't really know or care if Berenson broke it.

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Berenson is fundraising by whining about his unacknowledged scoop. Sorry Alex, regular people don't care diddly-squat about scoops. That's too inside-baseball.

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Also, Berenson's article reported that Megan Nasworthy, who met with Dr. Cannard, is responsible for coordinating primary medical care for "the President, Vice President, their families and appointed Cabinet Members".

I can't think of anyone else on that list, who seems to need a Parkinson's specialist? And furthermore, on one occasion Dr. Cannard met with Biden's personal physician.

Together with Biden's obvious symptoms, I don't see much basis to doubt that Berenson is correct, about the reason why Dr. Cannard was called to the White House.

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Actually, there's a meme going around that Harris seems to be in cognitive decline as well... Maybe she has brain fog from the virus.

But (semi) joking aside I don't think Nasworthy limits the scope of the visits (and doubt that this is the limit of what she handles anyway).

Now we have, per Biden's physician, the claim that these are part of regular series of neurology clinics for service members at WH, ongoing since before 2020 (in Trump's term where the logs weren't published) https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/white-house-doctor-offers-explanation-parkinsons-experts-visits/story?id=111764565 (scroll down for O'Connor's letter).

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" brain fog from the virus." Why leave out the jab? And Joe has been jabbed 4 times, perhaps that has accelerated his decline.

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I wasn't going to swing so widely without even watching a recent video of her. Based on one I've now seen, her only medical issue seems to be overuse of botox...

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