May 6Liked by Brian Mowrey

This is a sh*tshow example of Mockingbird Media. The pro-Palestine protests have been ongoing for months across Europe and America. Only when the Hallowed Halls of Higher Learning in the USA became involved did we see infiltration and sabotage. Those "frat-boy-aligned white students" were Jewish, both in Ole Miss and Chapel Hill. Self-confessed on social media. Meanwhile, Islam is shouting "Caliphate!" in Britain and other countries in Europe, there really are no sides any more.

Watched a protest in Dublin Ireland today - too many foreigners! Irish Lives Matter!

There are Christian Palestinians too, so can't throw everyone into the same bucket. There are good and bad people on all fronts. Only thing that stands out - it's an Election Year here in the US, and all this noise reminds me of the last Presidential Election Year - the Summer of BLM Love. Same shivers, feels manufactured. But worse - the attack on the First Amendment. All speech is equal, but some is more equal than others. It's an eye-opener. Yet another of those eye-openers!

It does not matter whether I am for or against anything, it only matters that we as a global population are being manipulated, God I hate that. Hope we come through this with more wisdom.

Five stars for saying "Arab"! Haven't heard that label in 30 years, but it does serve a purpose.

Good job Brian on tackling the Elephant Football.

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May 6Liked by Brian Mowrey

There are people, who unlike, you get upset when people are genocided , 34 000 dead , 70% women and children, 10 000 missing under the rubble in only 6 months. Done by whom? By a people who travelled there from all over the world the last 100 years believing they and only they are the indigenous people of Palestine - "God's chosen people"/"God's only children" as they call themselves. Paid by whom? The taxdollars of the American people. Only a psychopath wouldn't be upset.

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This psychopath is too busy trying to get by to care much about either side of this eternal squabble for dirt. To paraphrase Henry Kissinger, "Why can't they both lose?"

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As said in the post, I tried to leave my own opinions on Israel and Palestine out of it, just focus on the protesters, but with "protesters" in quotes because I bristle at this idea that protesting is some holy American tradition. My portrayal is more charitable than the MSM, I would say.

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The Muslim presence at the protests should be self-explanatory. However, did you examine the demands made by the students themselves? Remove Israel connected investments from the school's portfolio seemed to be the main demand, but you don't mention that.

"A perennial human tendency in times of conflict is for outsiders to project their own viewpoints onto the parties involved."

You state that as if it were a fact. On what basis? And what constitutes an 'outsider?' If my tax dollars are being spent to support something I strongly oppose, then how does that make me an outsider?

I imagine most of the protesters are there for the same reason I would be. Disgust at US govt. and by extension university complicity in crimes against humanity. What to me is more germane is the characterization by MSM of these protests as some sort of radical fringe motivated by antisemitism, a word which is increasingly losing its bite, hence the desperation to reassert that narrative.

Overall I found your essay confusing and couldn't quite make out what you were trying to say, so I have to ask, why did you feel the need to write about it (when so much has already been written) and could you summarize in a few words the point you were trying to make?

Thank you.

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May 6Liked by Brian Mowrey

Great article, a possible factor in the protests is US military support for Israel, to the tune of $4B a year, plus an extra $15B following the October attacks.

OK much of it is welfare for the US arms industry, but it's also helping to kill many thousands of civilians; women and children, and it's not well supported by US voters either.

There's only one thing that exceeds the military might of Israel, and it's the incompetence of the Israeli political and military leadership in the first place. This meant the terrible Hamas cross border attacks were totally undefended against, to the cost of many Israeli lives.

At least the Hamas attacks and the attacks on Gaza are a genine outrage, whereas the George Floyd death was more the result of police brutality than racism imo.

And BTW how's the laser tattoo removal going? Just curious to know if it's getting good results?

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A lot of Palestinian lives have been cut short by US funds to Israel over the decades. Of course, two decades ago it was the default assumption of the left that the US government's most essential function was to pay the MIC for tech to murder Arabs with. Then Trump wants to actually pull out of the Middle East and the left at large is crickets. So there's not a coherent, consistent opposition to US funding or intervention to be found on the left after Trump - it's more just that we aren't somehow *stopping* Israel regardless of pragmatic considerations.

2nd zap in, I won't know for sure until two more weeks of skin turnover but I think I made a lot of progress; it's very slow though to wait for the heals / turnover. And I probably made some scars with this one due to fussing with the skin too much afterward, but it's just my wrists so not a big deal.

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May 7Liked by Brian Mowrey

With the US funds to Israel they could insist that they actually use it for defence. The Gaza border is 50km, spending say 5B on it gives you $100k per linear _metre_ - that buys a LOT of concrete and steel reinforcing.

Ironically those concrete 'Bremer' walls popularised in Iraq were invented by the Israelis to stop suicide bombers crossing from the West Bank. So the mind boggles as to why their most critical land border with Gaza is only protected by a flimsy fence...

Still with the pro-Palestine protests in the US/UK, maybe the rage is amplified because unlike BLM, so far their protest isn't making a lot of difference, but that's more down to the mediocrity of the politicians like Biden and Sunak/Starmer.

I'm glad you brought the counter-protest violence to my attention, the legacy media hasn't covered it much (not that I pay attention to it lol). There's a bit of coverage in the Daily Mail, though by not making clear who is who, some of the commenters there have convinced themselves the counter protest thugs are pro Palestinian...

Glad the zapping is working, if I remember there's some sort of siliconised dressing which could help heal and smooth out over zapped skin, it is expensive though. The videos on Youtube make it look quite promising on the whole.

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Right, this is why I feel condescended to when the pro-Zionist side insists October 7 justifies Israel's resort to total war. October 7 was a security lapse, easy to prevent in future, especially just stop having an (antagonistically) open border for day labor. But this could have done before October 7 anyway. So it's not what they want to do. Maybe Israel knows that it can't rely on its own public to support non-integration forever, knows in other words that democracies are all suicidal in this respect in the long run, so a war against the other is the only way to take eventual integration off the radar. I dunno.

Especially since mine are all black ink, it's easy to break down most of the ink to a small enough size for clearance eventually, just with the most basic form of the tech which actually is three decades old now (Q-switched Nd:YAG at 1064). And this injures the dermis each time from the kinetics of the ink molecules as they explode apart but skin is resilient. Will the immune system clear all of it, how often will I irritate the skin during healing without those pet collars to protect it, these are the unknowns.

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"October 7 was a security lapse, easy to prevent in future, especially just stop having an (antagonistically) open border for day labor. But this could have done before October 7 anyway. So it's not what they want to do."

Was it a security lapse, or is it just being portrayed that way and in fact was allowed to happen? It beggars the imagination that Israeli intelligence hasn't fully penetrated Hamas given that it was an Israeli creation to begin with, besides which, the attack couldn't have happened without prior planning and training. Hard to believe that went unnoticed.

One thing that stand out for me is how the rave was relocated at the last minute. I have yet to see a reason for the change of venue, or why the alternate location was so close to a hostile border. Bear in mind, Likudniks and Orthodox are the least likely people you'd find at such an event, which would mostly be attended by liberal youth and foreigners. I can't think of a better way to drag the outside world into the fray on the side of Israel than to have some of their own nationals kidnapped, which is indeed what happened.

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I mean in the context of the mainstream narrative, what you are allowed to think - "here is what happened" - even in this frame it is insulting to hear "classical liberals" pretending you have to think there was some magic crime that took place on Oct 7 that justifies proto-genocide. No, just a security lapse took place. But in terms of real facts, yeah, probably was an op.

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