Or they will declare victory over the disease, because they got so many people vaxxed and masked and socially distanced. Despite mounds of evidence that none of these factors impacted the result, they will still push the narrative that that is what made the difference. One listen to last week's SCOTUS argument will tell you that that is true.
Or they will declare victory over the disease, because they got so many people vaxxed and masked and socially distanced. Despite mounds of evidence that none of these factors impacted the result, they will still push the narrative that that is what made the difference. One listen to last week's SCOTUS argument will tell you that that is true.
This is what those who seek power beyond their mandate often underestimate; true believers actually believe, and you can never out-crazy a crazy person.
I enjoy seeing repugnant people getting eaten by the alligator they fed for so long.
Or they will declare victory over the disease, because they got so many people vaxxed and masked and socially distanced. Despite mounds of evidence that none of these factors impacted the result, they will still push the narrative that that is what made the difference. One listen to last week's SCOTUS argument will tell you that that is true.
This is what those who seek power beyond their mandate often underestimate; true believers actually believe, and you can never out-crazy a crazy person.
I enjoy seeing repugnant people getting eaten by the alligator they fed for so long.