Very good dissection of the study design! Wow!

Could you please have a look and second-opinion this post of mine as suggested by Igor Chudov?


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More spam and GIGO. You noted that they were using PCR tests as "Confirmed Covid." We know that this is nonsense.

I believe that all metanalyses since 2019 are deeply flawed for this reason. Steve Kirsch believes that the metanalysis is the highest form of medical information, which might be an appropriate assumption for an engineer.

I have routinely had JAMA comments rejected "Not meeting our community standard" when I asked that the PCR Ct's be revealed. I actually saw one the other day where this consideration was buried in the comment section of JAMA online, though.

As there is no incentive for honest research, you will have to keep trying to show the lies from the available corrupt datasets. I very much appreciate your expertise, our epidemiology lectures were so deadly that I took the day off and went skiing for many of them.

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Can you clarify or confirm something for me, please.

With any multi-author scientific paper, is the author who contributed the most named last?

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