Making a "gene therapy" or "vaccine" that is non-sterilizing and does not prevent transmission creates an environment that FAVORS new variants. They don't need to do secret work in the lab...

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Professional Liars.

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Thank you for the alternative perspectives. Good to exercise the brain and critical thinking skills. I can't help wondering if all of these forensic analyses of the PV videos and the Pfizer statement are causing a lot of laughter and mocking behind closed doors at our expense. Another limited hangout, distraction, diversion. "Look at them wasting their time analyzing this six ways to Sunday.... ha ha ha! Gullible Fools the lot of them!" <heavy sigh>.

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Webb (https://twitter.com/RealGeorgeWebb1) has thrown out a lot of different ways to interpret the whole thing, maybe the most accurate interpretation is that O'Keefe was just peeved that that other outfit was able to jump Bourla at WEF and rushed to outdo them, regardless of whether it amounts not even to fake wrestling but to faking fake wrestling by embarrassing a nobody.

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I agree with you. I listened to the hidden camera interview and didn't hear anything awful. I also couldn't see anything awful in Pfizer's statement. What bothers me is the question: who is Jordan Tristin Walker? He seems like somebody who might be a salesman for healthclub memberships for example rather than an executive at Pfizer. He doesn't even seem believable as a government intelligence person pretending to be an executive. Maybe the hidden camera didn't catch him at his best, but there is something very weird about this.

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He's probably the future beneficiary of a lot of defamation suits.

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"3. Secretly being my father."

If at least that gave you Jedi powers. But what could be expected here... at best a lame version of that. Like, _the force_ of being able to sell questionable substances... "those safety signals are not the ones you're looking for"

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All I want to know is when do I get some of that Death Star insurance payout money.

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The Perpetrators need a way out of this.

They are now buying everyone who may disagree.

For every 1 USD of profit, 25 cents go to pay hush-money to victims and clown-money to dissident journos.

It's a good business considering that those 25 cents come from national debt, not from the booty of the greatest swindle in history.

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"Dude, my dad totally owns a dealership"

That's all I can hear watching this video

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Or, as the young kids say these days:

"My uncle works at Nintendo."

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Personally, I have *never* seen a human make an error in judgement during a social interaction before Jordon Trishton Walker. What's more, I am *so* astonished and alarmed that a US-gov-embedded corporation in the modern era could hire anything less than a gleaming, Randian demigod to every position from toilet scrubber to CEO. *I never*!

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This is the point that I've seen many people get caught up on. In a rebuttal to Walker the argument that has been made is that Pfizer shouldn't have hired such an unhinged person due to the position.

That argument only works if we assume that every large company out there has never hired people assumed to be unhinged. Trump has been considered unhinged by some and he was our president. Elon Musk was considered unhinged, Jack Dorsey has been considered unhinged.

To implicate one in a vulnerable position for appearing unhinged is to implicate all of us for never possibly having a public freak out. I've never been put into that position, but I also would not assume that I'd approach such a situation with the supposed grace we assume that everyone should.

Honestly, the more I think about it the more ashamed I am for jumping to post my article...

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I appreciate that America still has a lot of good-old folk that can keep their cool under pressure. But that isn't most people in suburbs and cities. Most people are one second / confrontation away from flipping out at all times. That's why World Star exists.

Even when you hire and train police, they aren't going to keep their cool under pressure until they have been through enough instances of pressure to desensitize. That's why I find most reactions to videos of police flipping out to be lacking in perspective. These are just future competent police getting their freak-outs under their belt, it's the way it has to happen.

So anyway Walker is just being normal, for better or worse.

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The guy just scored a job with an huge, in-the-news company and is probably making more cash than he ever has and thinks he can parlay both the newfound income and the fancy job title into a lock on a one-night stand or at least a second date with this lady. And all these assholes are tearing the guy up like he's the suited exec dancing the marionettes around the stage.

I honestly feel bad for him. A few weeks ago he was on the phone with his mom and they were both thrilled about his new gig. Then he screws up trying to impress his date and now he's the face of the Pharma-Defense Complex.

This whole To Catch a Predator hidden camera garbage always makes me feel a little queasy. It would have a completely different feel if they were in an office somewhere posing as a contractor and he's spilling the magic beans because he thinks he's legit just doing his job and following protocol. Catching a guy telling his date what he thinks she wants to hear is as meaningless as it gets.

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I am so glad you said you felt bad for the poor chap! I thought it was only me! Young, drunk, trying to impress. Initially I did wonder if he was an Actor, but I think he is just a naive young man?

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Also: If I want to write an article, I need to start my own stack instead of abusing your comment section.

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I certainly don't mind free content-contribution, haha. If I could afford an intern I would send out comment highlight posts like Andrew Sullivan.

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I don't think Walker knows much of anything technical about the topic. What I find interesting about this is not so much what they deny, or not (I found it difficult to parse out exactly what they were saying), but that Walker's date-enhancing story presents a window into the type of thinking going on at relatively high levels of decision making in this company. Tell us what you really think? SARS2 was lab made, duh. Wink wink. Wouldn't it be great for business if we could figure out / design the next variant and sell a crap ton of shots. Don't tell the rubes!

This makes Pfizer a very dangerous organization, but we already knew that.

I don't think it's possible to predict future variants of covid, unless you are making them and releasing them.

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I haven't attempted to verify the meaning of the "director" title but I am provisionally persuaded that it is a meaningless entry-level position. It is impossible for it not to be, since he evidently entered at that position. Part of the reason Pfizer's non-denial *is* a non-denial is that I don't think Walker even knew, like most people, that there's robust "GOF!" activity for Paxlovid required by the FDA.

So he is presenting this big secret thing (from the second video, it's clear that the Veritas catfish has cast Pfizer Secrets as some type of alluring subject), and the catfish says "isn't that 'GOF!'?" and he isn't in the know enough to realize that "GOF!" is part of the Paxlovid dev process.

So it all comes back to Pfizer just being an intermediary. This injection exists, the FDA is pre-determined to EUA and approve it, everything Pfizer has done is the perfunctory, minimum requirement to facilitating that process. They aren't innovators.

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But, I think he was describing serial passage experiments, which is much worse than the things they admitted to. Making chimeras to mimic existing viruses in nature is not nearly as dangerous as evolving new ones. Where did he get this idea? I mean the idea is easy to come by, but he in particular doesn't strike me as an innovator.

I like your characterization of Pfizer as an intermediary. The company has evolved to be basically solely a vehicle for the revolving door to the government and regulatory capture.. a sort of dried skin forming the outer layer of the government slime pit. And Walker seemed quite proud of this as well.

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Right, and the problem Pfizer faces is that they have been requested and have engaged in trying to "future-fy" SARS-CoV-2 for Paxlovid escape as a routine FDA request. So they can deny having done what Walker said, future variants for vaccine dev, but can't deny any attempt to make a future variant because of Paxlovid. And, I argue, there's no way they are going to deny planning / later doing anything, no corporation ever would.

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You’ve gone too far this time.

The Seinfeld finale is no laughing matter.

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Hi Brian, I'm just going to repost what I wrote on the Wholistic Sub earlier.

"I don't trust Malone one bit. He also tweeted that Pfizer "buried" this "bad news" on a Friday night. WTF? Pfizer could have come out and said literally anything they wanted, and if they wanted to say something, they would have released it on Sunday so it was major news on Monday. They basically own the media now, so why should they care anyway?

We are absolutely being played, the narrative is flipping in real time and that is never a good sign."

This whole thing smells really bad and I am trying to work out what the psyop is. Maybe they want to throw some "junior" people under the bus (I know people are claiming this guy is senior, but every low level analyst in US banking has "Director" in their job title).

"Here I should give a nod to the blogger who goes by Sage Hana’s excellent representation of the “Team Distraction” argument:"

- Yeah, Sage is doing a good job on this. Fair play.

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I do hear Friday evening referred to as the main news hiding time in beltway punditry. The timing is also just about what would be expected based on Veritas releasing on a Wednesday. Isn't that funny.

It's really starting to "trigger" me when Malone + his ghost writers keep calling Walker "senior." It's maximally insulting of intelligence. I *know* it's got to be overreach on his part in terms of some of his audience detecting something wrong about that statement, but he keeps posting so fast that there's no time for audience pushback of any sort to crystalize. He's got to keep mowing down the Chaos Agents!

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Is it all kabuki, though? When did these "dates" occur? When did the confrontation with O'Keefe occur? Don't you find it strange that "Google" started to scrub the good Dr. Walker from the internet (oh-no) right after the PV video dropped? I really want to know the timeline.

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I think there is a substitution / conflation of some linkedin profile scrubs with google blacklisting? Maybe I am wrong. But I have not much doubt that Walker would have appraised his Pfizer manager the night of the O'Keefe ambush and damage control would be underway, even if he was just an uninformed contractor. I was in more frequent email contact with my Apple mangers when I was still a VOLT contractor vs. an employee.

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I've seen screenshots of searches for Walker that brought up a message that information was changing very quickly, which is odd and dystopian. I didn't pay attention to the story until the next day, when all the scrubbing was done. It's odd and suspicious that it didn't happen until the first PV video dropped.

The notion that Pfizer is so all-powerful that is can scrub someone is laughable. We're stuck in a Nikita episode and Nerd used his special skills. IMO, the timing of the scrub was part of the op and was meant to frighten people. Pfizer is player in someone else's show.

When did the confrontation with O'Keefe happen?

When did Walker talk with his Pfizer manager?

The whole thing smells, but Dr. Horsie says it's important.

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The screen shots are real. I personally saw the same image as shown by Tucker on his show. Substack also went into melt down at the same time, I don’t know if that was just a coincidence. The Google information suppression was in overdrive, searches for his name as shown by Google trends went through the roof, I should have taken a screen shot. If you look now it looks like there is no interest what so ever. There was an interesting spike late Dec early Jan before it went to the moon (pre-emptive scrubbing?)

The Google misinformation clean up crews have already been and gone. Mutton Crew went on the attack on twitter. It sure rattled some cages.

I’m a bit like Brian, I couldn’t give a toss, but I have to admit it’s a pretty good cartoon. I used to love Spy vs Spy as a kid.


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I find the delay in scrubbing Walker from the internet to be curiously well-timed with the drop of the first PV video.

Did Walker keep his confrontation with O'Keefe from his employers (and hope for the best)?

Why would they wait to do the scrubbing until the last possible moment (unless the whole thing was an information psyop)?

Does Pfizer (through business and high-level executive connections) have the ability to enforce the scrub and the timing? IMO, no, they do not. But the US government does.

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I'm with you on the ghost writers. I noticed months ago the vast improvement in the style, coherence and quality of writing compared to when he first began posting.

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Interesting - I have only very rarely read anything there since the summer, when my correction of the huge mistake on the imprinting paper review went unacknowledged. But even from the very start, with the sociological and philosophical stuff, the output was unrealistically fast for someone managing all those interviews. And I wouldn't shame anyone for cheating the clock with some Fine Columbian but it's pretty clear that Mr Dulcet doesn't roll that way.

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"It's really starting to "trigger" me when Malone + his ghost writers"

Thank you so much for that. I thought it was just me! Yeah, this guy is an ace scientist, he knows everyone and everything, constantly farming and flying all over the world and has time to bash out a 4,000 word article while he's on the loo.

"he keeps posting so fast that there's no time for audience pushback of any sort to crystalize"

He doesn't allow people who aren't paid subscribers to post on his Stack. It's a deliberate echo chamber (for the record, if I was able I to, I would give everyone I subscribe to for free an annual paid subscription, including you of course).

"I do hear Friday evening referred to as the main news hiding time in beltway punditry. The timing is also just about what would be expected based on Veritas releasing on a Wednesday. Isn't that funny."

- YES! That tells me that this isn't for the normie-sphere, as per my comment. This was deliberately released for the target audience, i.e. US. Even Dr. Campbell has a video out on it.

If Pfizer really thought they needed to do damage limitation, they a) wouldn't have released what they did and b) would have released it for immediate carpet bombing MSM coverage on Monday.

Again, I can't definitively say what the op is here, but it really seems like an op to me.

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"Op" is consistent with PV. McCairn and Rixey were mentioning the DEFUSE leak https://rumble.com/v27duyg-uranium-red-lines-pfizer-vaggotry-other-assorted-madness.html , which also struck me as an op at the time (limited hangout for WIV GOF to distract from intentional release), and that was when I started to wonder about Malone as well. How can you listen to someone with CIA ties talk about a leak but said someone does not interrogate if the leak itself is an op? Big warning sign.

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Thank you for that. I think you mentioned in another reply to me the other day that you thought the DARPA PV leak was also a psyop? Not sure if this is the same thing, but the use of SARS-WIV??? seemed odd: although that did seem a limited hangout I think some of it was true (specifically in regard to the quasi species swarm).

I'll watch the rumble link you posted tomorrow. Thanks mate.

My major concern with Malone is that he's this big-brained renaissance man polymath and yet he was dumb enough to supposedly get vaxxed twice with Moderna, which everyone knew had more of the bad stuff than Pfizer, then claim it almost killed him, then suddenly become the saviour of the medical freedom movement? "I invented mRNA, always knew it was dangerous, hate the people who invented pseudouridine, work with government agencies but somehow didn't know that injecting myself with this would be a bad idea".

Nope. Not having that.

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Pay attention to Malone's "vaxx injury" timeline. Per his story, published a year ago on Telegram, he "almost died" from his reaction to the second Moderna dose right around the time that he had that three hour powwow with Kirsch and Weinstein in early June 2021. He didn't look to be dying at the time to my eye, but I'm not a doctor.

Sage Hana wrote an article awhile back that contained a LinkedIn article written by Dr. Jill in that same time frame in which she complained her husband wasn't getting the proper credit for his early work on mRNA vaccines. Hmmm. Seems odd that she would want him to get credit for the technology that almost just killed him, no?

There's also video in September of 2021 in which Malone and Dr. Jill are speaking to a group of young people in Hawaii. He does not discourage them from taking the jabs that almost just killed him a few months before.

To my knowledge, Malone never mentioned the "vaxx injury" publicly until that Telegram post in January 2022. He claims, in that post, that he is private. LOL. Yeah, sure you are. He never mentioned the "vaxx injury" in that marathon podcast with Kirsch and Weinstein. I know 'cause I watched it again. I hope you all appreciate my sacrifice.

I read his article today (once again, I hope you appreciate my sacrifice). He is soooo busy that he didn't have time to see the doctor to adjust his medications for his tachycardia. I mean who needs to worry about little things like proper heart function when the world calls.

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Right, that was always a narrative conflict as well, and one a lot of other people refer to as the first red flag. "I thought and still think mRNA is a great vax platform, I just never imagined it being use for a toxic protein like spike," to quote my 1.5 year-old memory of the Weinstein video. So, wait, you didn't know that microbe proteins could be toxic? Even though loads are literally labeled "toxins"? Hmm...

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Great point, but also, if I knew that Moderna's 2017 study showed that the lipid nano tech could cross the blood-brain barrier (don't quote me on this but I think I read earlier that even mRNA can as well - verification needed), that should have been enough of a red flag to not go anywhere near it, regardless of whether the spike was a toxin or not.

The risk of neurological damage and disease was a known factor, to the extent that it was the first thing (ADE aside) that I was warning people about.

There is zero chance Malone didn't know that, if he is who he claims to be (and no, I'm not giving Berenson a "win" here either 😂).

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Hahaha, you’ve got the Devil’s Advocate schtick down pat :)

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Sure, it’s a distraction, but so are the NFL playoffs. Does everything have to be a part of a grand scheme? Seems like it’s just a dude spouting off about things that he doesn’t know a lot about, and then people who have a personal agenda (for perhaps good reasons) against the company he represents seize on an opportunity to drag them through exaggeration.

Maybe my mistake is not assuming that anyone is after truth, but rather wanting to “win.” And that doesn’t require elaborate multilevel disinformation psyops, it just requires being a human in a culture that embraces competition in all aspects of professional life.

The only real interesting thing to me here is how quickly information can disappear off the internet, but that’s not exactly new either. It really has become a small World Wide Web after all.

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The claustrophobia is extreme. I can't get over how *out of the entire population of Earth,* just a handful of smart+honest writers ended up joining a community premised around not taking an experimental gene injection for a hyped up virus that can be treated by other means (meaning, most writers here are not both smart+honest).

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Thank you.

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This samurai lives to serve supporters and to fall over and break pinkies when confronted by dogs.

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That's the spirit!!

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Sorry, are you referring to other writers onSubstack?

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Yes. There are some smart ones and honest ones, but not many are both. This is why I do not show up in other stack's comment threads anymore, because the authors just ignore really basic-level peer review.

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I understand your frustration, especially as you are so detail focused. May I suggest 2 things? First, it might be hard for the writer to accept your criticism after working long hours compiling data - is there a way for you to reach out privately without their other readers seeing your constructive criticism? Second, I find criticizing others is rather tricky, and the language choice is kind of important. If you catch yourself only ever making negative comments and never some positive ones, that also will make them less likely to absorb your points. I’m sorry if this comes across at all patronizing, it’s really not meant to, I think it must be hard to have this select group of writers here and you feel restricted from giving your honest assessment or feedback.

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Other substack writers are not acting in good faith. This whole thing has tentacles and wheels and whatnot all over the place.

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Not patronizing at all. But, if someone genuinely wants their work to be solid, they shouldn't let their mind be clouded by tone. If I make a mistake (impossible, obviously) I don't care about how insulting the person who catches it is, they are doing me a favor.

*I should mention, this is why I get along with Igor despite frequent disagreement. He is not thin-skinned nor fixated on his first conclusion about anything.

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Jan 29, 2023Edited
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And I've been using that (among other things) to help me make judgments about all of those others. Again, thank you.

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I think you missed my point. Dr Yeadon worked for Pfizer for, what, 19 years? He never thought they were an evil company, to paraphrase, he said "Yes, we were embarrassed when the marketing people screwed up, but we were doing our best".

As I posted on Crawford's blog last night, I could see Pfizer was an evil company and it took me quite a long time to redpill one of their best salespeople that they were working for pure evil. They only finally realized after almost committing suicide after taking Champix to stop smoking. I have some skin in the game here.

Some random guy, who is clearly not qualified to be in the position he is in, blabs his mouth off to a complete stranger about stuff that is "too good to be true" for our side is the definition of a psyop. He's very likely a patsy.

He just admitted to some ridiculously shady shit when, from my own experience, people who work for this company don't think for one second they are working for pure evil. Pfizer, like any bank or big corporation, is massively compartmentalized.

"The only real interesting thing to me here is how quickly information can disappear off the internet, but that’s not exactly new either. It really has become a small World Wide Web after all."

- That I agree with, but that could also be part of the psyop.

My gut is a finely tuned instrument and this whole thing is setting off my BS detector in a major way. I don't (and never do) claim to know the truth in cases like this, but I know a scam when I see one. I'm reserving judgment but I'm pretty sure this is not what we think it is.

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I guess I’m just completely confused on why this needs to be a psyop. I actually respect having a gut feeling, I feel my own serves me well from time to time, but I don’t agree with most of the premises that you’re laying out here.

First of all, what is “too good to be true” for “our side” here? It all sounded like Walker didn’t quite understand what he was conveying, which is ironically not dissimilar to the conclusions that are being drawn from the Pfizer “between the lines GoF ‘confession’.” It also sounded like to me that Walker didn’t think what they were doing was evil… he thought that they were taking a proactive approach to dealing with variants.

Companies aren’t evil. That’s ascribing human qualities to a conceptual construct. Companies do participate in immoral activities in the pursuit of profit, which is their entire reason for existence. I would argue that all for-profit organizations that are in the health “industry” are fundamentally immoral because you can’t hold money over someone’s well being and provide the highest level of care. Pfizer is likely not substantially different from any other corporation, and the people in charge can only vary the impact by a matter of degrees.

I say all that to sort of provide background from where I’m coming from, because I feel we probably agree on a lot, it’s just a slight difference in perspective. I agree with Brian that the continual assertion that Walker is some sort of “senior” level executive is not justified and misleading to tell a narrative. I do not believe that’s an indication that this entire ordeal is an orchestrated event. It gets tricky because to my eye, the scrubbing of Google results, the removal of Walker’s LinkedIn is very clearly orchestrated. However, it does not mean that Pfizer is admitting GoF, it could simply mean that Pfizer doesn’t desire the PR hit from the optics and has the ability to mitigate it. It’s only logical that they would.

By the same logic, Malone and the counter insurgency gang’s exaggerations don’t mean that this is part of a coordinated distraction. It could simply mean that they’re trying to take advantage of a situation that has somewhat organically developed. PV contacted Malone to be in the original video, so he obviously feels a personal connection to the story.

To try and conclude and summarize, I just grow tired of psyop assertions when we have little to go on but how something feels. Anything is possible, but my questions would be: who is behind it? For what specific purpose (anything can be a distraction)? What would have happened if this story didn’t connect with 20 million viewers (or was that coordinated too?) It’s just in my life experience, it’s hard for any organization to accomplish even mundane tasks and the level of coordination it would take to manipulate this event and both sides of the conversation is frankly extreme and unbelievable. True media manipulation and propaganda is more subtle and uses existing events to take advantage of.

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I have to admit that I also waver between understanding what players are evil (although some like Gates stand out), and those just suffering from hubris and stupid- mainly the frontline players. Walker does look more like the latter, but the info he is spouting might be something some of the evil ones mentioned in meetings. And I certainly don’t pretend to have Brian’s scientific expertise, but I do believe Pfizer now has in excess of 70 lobbyists alone working on Congress at any given time and truckloads of cash. I think they can basically study whatever the Hell they want, and won’t get push back. Plus, there’s the angle that they might be a de facto arm of the DoD anyway.

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Malone just dropped this on substack- it refers to an interesting article in STAT


We really don’t know what they are doing in their Texas lab. I still think Baric basically did 98% of the covid sars 2 in the lab at UNC and then just had Wuhan do the final 2%.

Just wanted to also add that Pfizer is so cash RICH, the sky is the limit.

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Appreciate the link as I missed both posts. The STAT article clearly restates the experiments in the first disclaimer, existing variant spikes are chimera-ed onto original recipe to assess vaccine performance. Then the results are published as a boring "cross-neutralization" paper. I believe I remember reading the STAT paper at the time and being peeved at the construction of "staying ahead" by chasing existing variants, which by definition is staying behind.

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This article felt like a waste of time to read after the 6th paragraph or so...

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The feedback is appreciated.

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Mature attitude towards feedback :)

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