Appreciate you persevering through these posts Brian. There's a lot to consider when looking at immunity and it's strange how quickly researchers and those in the public will be quick to jump onto results that align with their perspectives. Never has the immune system been both so complex and so heavily simplified! But anyways I'm glad that your providing continues pushback against staunch OAS believers.

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Is the PCR methodology used in this study outlined? Hasn't FDA RT PCR EUA for CoV2 been twilighted ? Since the Cov2 PCR tests are abject fraud seems quite the waste of time and kilobytes to me. The chicanery starts long before study design.

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Love the term psyop-sy! 😄 And your scientific term bonkers - "indicative of the consciousness of the observer in quantum physics".

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Great article, to be honest I am tired today, but I will read it later.

If OAS was not a thing, most 65+ year olds in the UK would be N-seropositive after Omicron. But they are not

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