Oct 21, 2021Liked by Brian Mowrey

After over a decade of reading nutrition studies and statin studies, I've learned to be very wary of statistical manipulation. So much of it is pure obfuscation. The words "relative risk" should set a flashing red lights in your mind. A useful number is NNT, number needed to treat. I really appreciate the baby bird analogy.

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I checked the CDC covid database about a week ago and the deaths for kids by covid in the US across both 2020 and 2021 was something like 518. Over almost two years. One death for all October 2021 as of the time I read it. The data is hidden in plain sight and yet people are panicking because most people skim news headlines or watch TV and don't both to go read the data for themselves.

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Oct 20, 2021Liked by Brian Mowrey

Its funny - but if I had written this trash science in medical school, my mentors would have ripped me a new one. The flagrant manipulation of the analyzed populations is a joke. And why they would want all these kids vaxed - its just beyond me. But I tell you Brian. This is the result of the total lack of competition and accountability in medicine. My discipline is surgery. We live in a world of outcomes and analysis of complications. As you can see, the rest of the medical world lives in a different place. And surgeons more and more so. Success is no longer defined as a patient doing well. Its defined as did you do what we told you to do? We have shifted from making patients well to blaming the patient. Horrible.

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Oct 20, 2021Liked by Brian Mowrey

Brian - here's a riddle: what do Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and wormwood all have in common? Answer: all function and succeed as Covid (coronavirus) prophylactics/treatments. Do you think we should re-visit the whole definition of a virus? I saw on Mercola.com today that wormwood (an ancient anti-parasitic) is now showing results as a treatment for Covid. Very familiar with Ivermectin and wormwood, as a holistic dog parent. Had to look into H - the French used to buy it OTC in advance of their North Africa vacations. It is very interesting that they all help to alleviate Covid. A theory: we are all riddled with parasites that affect our immune systems. Ever kissed your dog? Growing up with a dog is proven to boost your immune system. Are we actually fighting the wrong frontier?

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Oct 20, 2021Liked by Brian Mowrey

I do not understand how anyone has determined efficacy in the population for these vaccines. Our testing is flawed. Our reporting is flawed. You cannot determine whether a specific 12-18 year old was aided by the vaccine when you do not know what their baseline reaction would have been from infection- would they have even gotten infected in the first place? We all know of the 'perfectly healthy' 30 year old who was hospitalized and a 90 year old who barely had the sniffles. Granted, who knows if they truly had the virus or if their PCR test was a false positive, or if the hospital reported it as C19, but wasn't. We are making decisions based on unknowable data. We simply do not have enough reliable data across a long enough time period to infer anything.

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Another impressive report. Thanks.

The government has dumbed down the failed education system for several generations, guaranteeing a dwindling population able to understand the math. They are confident their statistics fraud will go unchallenged by most people. They're confident their incitement to panic will be heeded by most people. They're the real "domestic terrorists."

When I was a kid, a popular joke had a kid sitting on the curb snapping his fingers. Another kid asked why. First kid said keeping elephants away. Second kid said there's no elephants around here. First kid said it works, doesn't it. Probably most kids these days wouldn't understand that joke.

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Oct 20, 2021Liked by Brian Mowrey

In the peds ER where I work, so many things are now, “because of covid.” And rest assured nothing will ever be because of the vaccine.

For example, the supposed RSV surge, “well we let up on covid measures and people stopped wearing masks as much.”

Another case, Kawasaki disease though rare, does occur. Think anyone codes for it now? Nope. MIS-C is the money shot.

Everyone is wearing covid tinted glasses now. The selection bias is through the roof.

Me, I feel like I’m wearing those glasses that Roddy Piper had in “They Live.”

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