Congress is bought and paid for by AIPAC. They will support their pay masters. The Koolaid hair NWO NPC minions will require install the new OS update, cheer for Israel?? They will have to switch off the support decolonization, free Palestine subroutine. The narrative cognitive dissonance will be fierce.

Me, “not my circus, not my monkeys” The Canaanites and the Jews have been killing each other over that sandy corner of the world for 5,000 years. Both sides have a god that says "its yours, go take it" Getting in the middle of that is a whole lot of stupid.

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It all depends on what happens when Israel marches into Gaza. If the wider war happens, then who or what will support Israel with missiles in the air and boots on the ground? Hard to say. If it is confined to fighting with Hamas then I picked your fourth option. The Israelis will handle that themselves. Their intention is to seize full control of Gaza and wipe out Hamas without triggering a wider war. That is why they let this happen. With so many methods of ingress it just isn't credible that they all snuck through without sufficient early warning to nix the whole thing.

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At least one "serious" analyst / commentator thinks it was a genuine failure for which the IDF can... wait for it... Blame The AI 🙄


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This was linked by another commenter. A bit too moralistic for my taste. I would guess that the mass expansion of Gaza work permits of the last two years was a more relevant factor, with the pillaging thus having the ease of an "inside job" since a lot of young men in Gaza would know the terrain.

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Plus sideline recent internal turmoil.

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Yeah a lot of dogs are wagging awfully hard these days. Good thing we have manufactured so many bad guys or we'd have a real mess on our hands. Now if only those magats would get around to actually being domestic terrorists, they are really letting the country and the whole world down.

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Inhumanity breeds inhumanity, sorry to say.

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The only non-Jewish Americans that care about helping Israel are the politicians.

If the American government represents the people we would do nothing.

But we all know it doesn’t.

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Myeah... not too sure about that. I see a lot of zealous saber-rattlin' fervor amongst the evangelicals. They are always hot to trot for the End Times.

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True but due to the significant decline in evangelical church goers I’d say that’s a lot less than it used to be.

Also, I don’t know if you saw them, but some of the videos coming out of the holy land of the treatment of Christian missionaries there don’t help.

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Could be.

What I find really perverse is the flurry of LGBT support for the Palestinian cause. Like, were they even watching the rainbow-flag channel during the FIFA World Cup in Qatar last year? Freaking Qatar! https://www.dossier.today/p/the-qatari-elephant-in-the-room

Like the man said, nobody ever went broke overestimating the cluelessness of the American public.

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It is my view that it is just too unbelievable that neither the CIA or Israeli Intelligence knew this was coming. I can only conclude that this was allowed to happen for two reasons: So that Israel could get rid of their "Palestinian problem" once and for all, and so that the entire West could be stirred up in support of Israel Isince clearly the Ukraine gambit did not work), and thus usher in a state of fear that Muslims will "get us" and therefore there needs to be far more surveillance and big government for "our own good." So far from what I've seen 99% of the populace is falling for it.

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Here's the Money Circus guy waxing longwinded on these and related themes:


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Yes, I've read this. I thought it was one of his best essays.

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Agree - Probably allowed to happen, like Pearl Harbor. 99% - much higher than the amount of interest in the attack that I have encountered

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Well, maybe I'm too influenced by the hysteria I've seen on X for the last four days.

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The Biden Admin will likely be unwilling to jump in since 2024 is an election year and it would appear too Republican to defend Israel fully. The Squad is too influential, as we've seen in a plethora of issues since Biden took office.

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My guess is there will not be an election in 24

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I wish you were right. Biden or whatever is making Bidens decisions, is clazy. He will walk into anything, careless.

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There is a new interview of Scott Ritter by George Galloway on YouTube discussing this issue. It is the best 20 minutes of political analysis I have ever heard on the Israeli Palestine issue.

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Will seek it out, thanks

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Biden Administration will not denounce Iran because Valerie Jarrett is a major player behind the scenes and very pro-Iran!

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They do appear to have Dark Brandon in their pocket. That six billion bucks will buy a lot of US-made hardware from Afghanistan or Ukraine.

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Oct 11, 2023Edited
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Only the vestigial mainstream GOP seems animated and coherent, but as said it's just because Israel is a permission slip to defend values they can't defend for America

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Oct 11, 2023
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If Shin Bet (i.e. Mossad) created Hamas, by much the same logic the CIA created modern Iran.

I don't think we'll do boots on the ground this time, but the US spook world and its munitions-export claque will never stop pulling strings and poking sticks over there.

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