Oct 6, 2021Liked by Brian Mowrey

I would also agree that the presence of giant cells indicates a system wide inflammatory process. Similar to that seen in strep M protein induced carditis. As far as I can recall, the epidemiology of strep induced cross reactivity to heart myosin is seen primarily in the young. Curiously I did a brief stent in such a lab years ago. The PI had worked on this project for decades and yet still didn’t have a complete model for pathophysiology. That has been my biggest objection since the start of this situation. Akin to people turning to diet pills for a quick fix the scientific community has hurried all dictums. This isn’t science at all. It takes, sometimes, numerous lifetimes to find and characterize a signal.

Now from the other side, working in a pediatric ER, I can tell you, no one inquires about vax status in a teenager presenting with chest pain. It’s not even on the radar.

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