"Saints and masochists hand soup to actual vagrants; people with bright futures successfully arrange charity dinners."

Outstanding observation.

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by Brian Mowrey

'The foundation, of course, is an ecological apex parasite for cosmopolitanism. It turns everything that is still local, particular, and imperfect in the managerial economy into a prop for ambitious managers to arrange aesthetically, mostly to sort each other for networking fitness. Saints and masochists hand soup to actual vagrants; people with bright futures successfully arrange charity dinners.'

Excellent observation.

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by Brian Mowrey

A lot of this is deeper water than I've ventured into before, but it rings true. I was part of a huge celebration in 2008 when Obama was elected. Disappointment after disappointment followed, which I managed to excuse in various ways for a long time. Whistleblowers, lobbyist revolving doors, hanging out with celebrities, accumulation of vast wealth...by now I've become thoroughly disillusioned. The Covid pseudo-pandemic revelations have only served to solidly entrench my increasing cynicism about Big Gov and Big Corp.

Yet this very minute I'm drinking from a coffee mug that has Obama's birth certificate on one side and "Made in the USA" on the other. It must be from the reelection campaign. Why is it still my favorite mug? Because it doesn't tea-stain like most other crockery. Must be the glaze or something. That's what Obama's good for, to me, these days.

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Similar to my attitude towards starbucks. I still hold their coffee in contempt, but I admire their ability to source cool new mugs and chillers in the display at the grocery store

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George Soros is a metastasis cancer to the World.

In total Soros has funneled over $32 billion into his organizations in a bid “to spread his radical ‘open society’ agenda on abortion, Marxist economics, anti-Americanism, defunding the police, environmental extremism, BLM, and LGBT fanaticism.”

George Soros… Connoisseur of Chaos is playing Gates and Obama like a fiddle. The dystopian vision of George Soros, billionaire funder of the Left….. and his hundreds of “destabilizing organizations” under the guise of philanthropy and continuing efforts to destabilize our currency and destroy America. “The main obstacle to a stable and just world order,” Soros has declared, “is the United States.”

Soros has financial ties to at least 253 media organizations globally, funding them through his non-profit groups.

5 May 2009. David Rockefeller Jr hosted a secretive meeting with Gorge Soros, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Michael Bloomberg, Ted Turner and Oprah Winfrey, calling themselves “The Good Club”, to discuss depopulation plans. “Why all the secrecy? They wanted to speak rich to rich without worrying anything they said would end up in the newspapers, painting them as an alternative world government.”

Soros’s own words on 60 Minutes , “The main obstacle to a stable and just world order,” Soros has openly declared, “is the United States.” Perhaps the most notorious of the disclosures concerned Soros’s Open Society Foundations. Underneath its lofty rhetoric, the organization was clearly devoted to the eradication of the United States of America.

The most frightening thing is……you rarely, if ever, hear his name in the news. Think about that for a minute. He not only controls the leftwing media, but even on Fox News it seems mentioning his name is forbidden. Not simply forbidden, but feared all the way to the top of every news organization…..He will destroy you type fear.

This is the man interviewed on “60 Minutes” and said, “the best time of my life as a teen was during World War 2 in Hungary during the German occupation when they were shipping the Jews off to death camps. I am a Jew but had false papers. I helped the Germans locate where the Jews hid their diamonds and gold. The best time of my life.”

The most dangerous psychotic evil man on earth today, trying to relive the best time of his life and working to remake the Democratic Party into the Social Democratic Party he knew and loved……..and succeeding.

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It is a very interesting and informative article but the length and breadth of topics sort of drove a lot of the particulars out of my mind by the time that I was done. So pulling these points out and highlighting them is helpful Brian. Thank you.

The ascendance of the foundations/NGOs is a key point of the last twenty years or so. It sort of begins with USAID, NED, and other CIA cutouts but also with Jesse Jackson and PUSH and that sort of thing. We have started talking about journalism as the fourth branch of government but we need to start seeing the NGOs as the fifth branch. Eugyppius writes about how the German government simply copies and pastes the environmental policies of the Green NGOs into law. These 'Think Tanks' are basically a way to outsource the work of government to a place where it can be done without accountability or oversight. They are the hidden 'animal reservoir' of the Deep State virus and because of their seeming detachment will be very hard to deal with even if someone makes a real go at 'draining the swamp'. The Beast has interchangeable parts.

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We to continue to ignore the most important factor behind both Obama and Biden, the puppeteer. The hateful money man pulling the strings of these puppets and funding every hateful destructive organization he could find or build.......THE DEVIL HIMSELF......SOROS.

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In your own comment you hit on why you are wrong. Soros FINDS these organizations already existing. Soros is just the lube he isn't the etc. etc. And neither of those people obey him in any sense. Obama doesn't recognize anyone as his master. He may be as close to a Miltonian devil as you will find on this earth. And Biden is run as much by neocon(D)s or whoever has the ice cream cone as he is by Soros. Blaming Soros is like blaming the gun for killing somebody. They are both naturally instruments of death and destruction but they are only enablers.

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The problem with Jews/men-behind-the-curtain theories is that our civilization doesn’t seem to require any corrupting influence, it is bent toward decadence and sacrificing blood lines to prop up faceless structures. Rome was the same way. It’s in the DNA of empires.

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by Brian Mowrey


Although I see it as being in the DNA of any human organization involving more than 50-100 people.

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True, at some point an elite class inevitably emerges and in time comes to serve only themselves, at which point mismanagement and chaos ensues and decline follows.

On an optimistic note, one way is to force accountability on the elite class - or possibly largely isolate them into a rigidly defined and largely ceremonial role and hand power to more accountable bodies (kinda like the House of Lords in the UK, hmm I never thought of it like that...)

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Right, there is a parallel with how companies have to grow to stay alive and at a certain point the only growth is acquisition, which dilutes the culture and values of the company. In Succession even if one of the younger Roys had been a Logan clone there's no real chance of the company surviving without being dismantled and made generic.

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Most organizations, including bureaucracies, can be viewed as pseudo-biological organisms.

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by Brian Mowrey

Thank you for something more to think about. The subtext is similar in a lot of ways much if what we discuss but also very different. I think I’m getting punchy. : )

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by Brian Mowrey

“That we had a Black president before a woman is merely biological reality refusing to be irrelevant.”

Wow, this statement stuns me. Not in bad way, however I am surprised and strangely pleased. I must be broken.

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Obama is NOT an "Avatar"! That is a totally inappropriate use of the term. He is more like a demon-incarnate!

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Aug 13, 2023·edited Aug 13, 2023

I'm beginning to think of politicians more as willing set props for a cabal of shadowy but influential groups. To some extent the more populist leaders work against this convention - which is why they're vilified by establishment media.

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