Jan 5, 2022Liked by Brian Mowrey

Re your artistic phraseology: "Bbboostered to the Bone" is okay, but will you ever top "Being Cron Malkovich"?

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Likely not.

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Jan 4, 2022Liked by Brian Mowrey

Worrying about the excess deaths. But there seems one glaring flaw in the thesis that the vaccines are causing material excess deaths. That is the fact that many countries who have vaccinated the majority of their populations have NOT experienced excess non-covid related deaths (e.g New Zealand, Australia, Sweden, Iceland). This would surely not be possible if the vaccines are as toxic as many have claimed?

It would also be interesting to see a proper statistical analysis of the more worrying countries vis a vis how many standard deviations outside of normal are we seeing / reliability & robustness of excess deaths measure in general & whether seasonality is being properly accounted for. Together with an honest assessment of probable impact of other factors that may be influencing things. An obvious one being the material health cost of the lockdowns / other repressive measures of the last two years. You read very widely Brian - have you seen anything that has tried to do this?

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There is a strong excess deaths signal in Europe, but it's potentially inflated by the Ukraine, which posted a lot of deaths "from Covid" this year. None of the ages go below the black/trend line in 2021 and the all-ages is above the red line since mid-2021 https://www.euromomo.eu/graphs-and-maps - most countries also stay above the trend line but Sweden is indeed an outlier.

https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-631-x/11-631-x2021003-eng.htm attempts to take a "don't say the v word" approach to estimating the "non-Covid" excess deaths toll in Canada, but I really haven't processed it at all. It's a giant set of stats. I think that's all I've seen.

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Very interesting thanks. Wouldn't you agree though that the existence of numerable outliers would seem, prima facie, to make it pretty unlikely that the vaccines are the cause of excess deaths?

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Not without seeing an age breakdown first. The problem with an all ages view is that a -1% “discount” on deaths in the elderly can buy a 50% uptick on younger groups, to throw wild imaginary numbers around. So as I said it’s more the potential virus cofounder that has me skeptical of the signal.

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Great point about importance of age stratification.

I don't quite understand your last sentence though -'So as I said it’s more the potential virus cofounder that has me skeptical of the signal.'?

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Jan 3, 2022Liked by Brian Mowrey

Ugh. We have 2 pregnant daughters, one vaxxed (6-7 months before getting pregnant) and one unvaxxed. With McCullough repeating the study suggesting it takes 15 months (or so) to “clear” the results of the injections, I’ve been very concerned about the vaxxed daughter.

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