Dec 31, 2021Liked by Brian Mowrey

It is my opinion -- and I tend to see confirmation in this piece -- that concerning "vaccines" we know nothing. You mention Jennerian smallpox "vaccine": never tested (smallpox was never really studied fully), never evaluated, pushed by public health authorities as a public health tool -- i.e. submitted to political propaganda data manipulation, suppression and invention -- for more than a century. What you conclude from the Leicester example is guessing, because who knows how the Leicester method affected virus transmission, blocking, protection...

And in my view the biggest error in this approach is believing that just using a same word -- vaccine -- allows one to compare a donkey and a wart as one same thing. There are comparisons possible -- f.i. for the political public health strategies (such as censorship, mandates, manipulation, fearmongering...) imagined and implemented -- but certainly, because of the political mess "vaccine" realities have always been evolving in -- one can't compare effects of "vaccines" through time, All we can really conclude from "vaccine" historical study is that the approach from the start (1798) up to today, was the wrong path to follow from a public health point of view.

That said, I love your blog. You are right all in all, in my opinion. Reading you is challenging and I really take in your courage in inviting me to look more carefully and honestly at the emperor's new clothes, at the beautiful variety of the colors of truth, whatever and however unglossed they might seem to me.

I thank you -- and I'll add an adverb -- greatly.

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Dec 30, 2021Liked by Brian Mowrey

Behold, a table whose description starts with the word "modelled", at which point I stop reading it.

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Dec 30, 2021Liked by Brian Mowrey

Flu is a good example. I asked this question many times and I never get an answer. Those vaccines are as "leaky" as they get and they don't seem to have much of a negative (or positive) effect. If I recall correctly, mass vaccination also took place during the H1N1 pandemic (at least in some countries -- ironically I watched a talk by chief Belgium virologist who was in charge of "selling" H1N1 vaccines to the public then) without dire consequences.

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Dear Mr. Mowrey,

I have been wondering; but, now I can imagine it. I do believe that relentless, righteous fury with malice aforethought would be very becoming on you...with stilletos, of course.

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Pretty sure this is anti-OAS:

Omicron infection enhances neutralizing immunity against the Delta variant


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OK unbanned. I don't actually disagree with most of this.

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Dec 29, 2021·edited Dec 29, 2021Liked by Brian Mowrey

"circularly asserting your argument is true because there is “abundant evidence” (i.e., prior posts asserting the argument is true)"

Ah yes the woozle effect. As seen in many social science circles, studies and theses, not to mention creation of things like the cancerous Title IX.

Brief digression: I appreciate all and any discourse that is contrary to the narrative, however it does rankle when self-professed millionaires exhort "How you can help us end the vaccine madness for just $25". Does this offer come with a money back guarantee perchance?

This $25 offer is reminiscent of the multiple local legal cases we had where 100k+ was raised each time via gofundme etc, and then blown for no effect other than setting up deleterious precedents as the court cases were conducted by people who clearly did not know how to argue from a biological POV.

Back to OAS et al: I am slowly wrapping my head around B and T cell adaptive immunity. I can learn but it needs to be bedded down at an intuitive level before I am comfortable writing about it. You bolstered my initial misgivings re: claims of OAS, however the ongoing disbelief in the phenomenon tracks my growing B and T cell adaptive immunity understanding.

One thing that I have not read yet from the priests of the church of OAS is the description of the mechanism itself. No mention of epitopes or antigens, Th1 or Th2, Th17, t-cell independent B cell activation. Nothing. All we get is "this thing is a named thing and this data confirms it's happening."

Occam would ask us to look for simpler solution to the data first.

I am surprised you have been banned from commenting somewhere. Disappointed.

I would far prefer to be challenged in any assertions I made / writings I published. Encouragement is welcome too, but challenges can only make us (or our arguments) stronger. Just as with our immunity, I think we can develop a counter-argument debt that leads us down a path of argument weakness. If the challenge came from someone with understanding of the subject matter, all to the better.

As I said - my understanding of adaptive immunology continues to develop, but the further along the path I travel, the less sense OAS makes.

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I have seen one other state that these variants were already in existence before vaccination and many state that the vaccines were not made for them. For whatever that is worth.

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Dec 29, 2021Liked by Brian Mowrey

Faith, the unmistakable signal of a cult.

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deletedDec 29, 2021Liked by Brian Mowrey
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