An interesting other question here is:

Why are birds such good reservoirs of Influenza strains? Or, rather, some bird species?

Is it because they have had millions of years of exposure and humans have only been keeping such birds for perhaps 10,000 years and even then not all human groups have close association to birds?

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Dec 28, 2022Liked by Brian Mowrey

Others speculate that increased glycosylation is the cause decreased immunity to newer strains:


They expend a great deal of effort looking at the replication efficiency and virulence tradeoffs of more or less glycosylation on the HA binding site.

However, no one seems to be looking at how nutrition affects the ability of hosts to fight off viruses.

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Brian Mowrey

Do I detect sarcasm about Original Antigenic Sin?

"Humans far and wide, despite being “sinned” with immunity to previously circulating groups/strains, had mounted an immune response tailored to a “subsequent” strain."

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Brian Mowrey

The "Ann Arbor school." Ha ha ha

Here in Ohio, we also try to avoid uttering the vulgar name of that school as much as possible. Instead we refer to it as "that school up North" (TSUN).

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Brian Mowrey

Ok, I admit, some of your data is pushing on my barriers of comprehension. I understand how you don't think OAS exists, but what about "tolerance"- as explained by Igor Chudov? Is that something different? Similar?

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Brian Mowrey

But what does it mean? I've noticed so much disagreement among those experts in virology. You'd think the immune system would have been figured out by now. The hubris of scientists who would tell us the introduction of strange things like trillions of spike proteins running loose in the body will save us because they know best. Unfortunately, what they know best seems to change over the years.

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