After much consideration I've concluded that both Banal and RatG13 are real viruses.

I agree with you that banals are the back bone.

I however am not entirely sure that the HIV sequences weren't designed and intentional.

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Mar 27, 2023·edited Mar 27, 2023Liked by Brian Mowrey

Looking forward to your next article!

I'm hoping you can also address the fact that neither BANAL or RATG13 could end up being the mother of COVID-19. In strict sense we of course already know this, as neither of them are a perfect fit, but thinking after our previous conversation, the more I'm convicted the hard line between BANAL and RATG13 is a silly concept.

It is very likely if we would do more expeditions now in Laos and South China or surrounding countries we would find more of this family. That is important because if I entertain the idea of a different lab than WIV, then why Laos? Whatever the mother, its samples were collected at least pre-summer 2019, as September 2019 was when the earliest COVID-19 infections were recorded. Likely much earlier as you don't develop and leak (intentionally or as an oops) something in just a few weeks. Perhaps the samples were collected years earlier.

So my point is, it could have been Vietnam, Myanmar, South China just as well. After all, that is the region we now know these viruses live. If we entertain it was not WIV, then why Laos / the BANAL caves? So I think the BANAL samples itself are not that much evidence for or against anything. All we now know - which I admit is somewhat significant - is that whatever the mother of COVID-19 is, is a member of a very large family of variants.

In your own trial analogy: It is a minor setback for the DA in its case against WIV, as RATG13 itself tuns out not the murder weapon, but it still indicates WIV was collecting weapons just like the murder weapon. And still so far the only one who we know was collecting that type (and recklessly playing with them), and we also know WIV had other RATG-like weapons collected.

So unless you can prove someone else pre-summer 2019 was collecting these RATG13 (or BANAL) like viruses, I as a WIV defendant would not be convinced a jury would buy the argument of the defense. Of course, the defense always goes last, so I'm looking forward to your argument!

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Mar 26, 2023·edited Mar 26, 2023Liked by Brian Mowrey

Hi Brian. Sorry for a brief comment, I am flying with bad internet


Regarding HIV inserts: take a look at my latest post.


1) HIV inserts were bread and butter of virology and vaccine research for years

2) These seemingly random HIV inserts fold together to form gp120 and gag analogs (Pradhan)

3) The HIV inserts on the spike are able to engage DC-SIGN and immune cells so that HIV stuff has a function

4) This ability of SC2 to target immune cells is separate from its more commonly known ACE2 receptor engagement

5) So they are not just random, useless genetic junk - they are there for a reason

6) One of the articles that I refer to in my post "SC2 is killing immune cells like HIV" to is written by Shi Zhengli who first described SC2's ability to do so (Nature, Feb 11 2022 IIRC)

7) This targeting was described in the DEFUSE proposal

So the HIV inserts are far from random genetic junk

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Mar 26, 2023Liked by Brian Mowrey

John Campbell continues his journey to the dark side:

"Australian Government Biodistribution Data"


Shows that the LNPs get into the plasma quickly and go everywhere including the ovaries in females etc.

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by Brian Mowrey

Great analysis. A Swiss group has arrived at some similar conclusions, near the end of this article: https://swprs.org/the-lockdown-lunacy-in-retrospect/

"In short, the genetic evidence and additional evidence strongly indicate that SARS-CoV-2 is a lab-engineered virus, not a natural virus, and that it was engineered in the United States, not in China. Furthermore, SARS-CoV-2 is a highly infectious but rather mild virus, not a “bioweapon”.

This gives rise to three plausible scenarios regarding the origin of the pandemic. First, a lab leak in the US followed by transmission to Wuhan, e.g. via the Wuhan Military World Games in October 2019. Second, a lab leak in Wuhan, caused either by WIV scientists or by Western scientists working at the WIV until November 2019. And third, a deliberate release of the virus by the US to launch an artificial pandemic as a global “biosecurity exercise” and put the blame on China.

Since 2001, there has been a series of such murky biosecurity events, starting with the anthrax letters in 2001 (originally blamed on Iraq and Al Qaeda, but turned out to be linked to the US military), the 2002/2003 SARS epidemic (apparently a natural outbreak, but followed by several lab leaks), the 2009 swine flu “pandemic” (a mild synthetic virus that leaked or was released on purpose), the 2014-2016 West African Ebola outbreak (a lab leak or biosecurity exercise), and a few more."

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by Brian Mowrey

There can be suspicious government (and super-governmental actor) “preparation,” and a rogue actor. Think Gen. Jack D. Ripper in Dr. Strangelove, he didn't draft/approve/install Plan R, but once it was approved, he did take advantage of it. From Purity of Essence to JJ Couey's gain of purity, perhaps.

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This is getting scary. I'm starting to understand Brian's posts without having to read them several times.

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Furin is the keyword in your article. US Weaponization, clear and simple.


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Wherever it came from, it was the panicked response to it that did the damage. Whether it came from point A or point B, those who forced us into lockdowns, into masks, closed the schools, denied medical care, mandated the shots remain responsible for their actions.

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Brian Mowrey

Maybe it wasn't X or Y but X and Y. Why is it so hard to believe China and US were partners in what was clearly an Globally Coordinated Event where everyone except some African nations used the same playbook. Even if you want to resist the argument that both governments could cooperate on this, you may consider it was rogue elements within and outside of their respective governments.

Much of out politics and indeed geopolitics is looking like Fake Wrestling. While there may be real differences among the different wrestlers, they both agree on the larger goal which is to get paid by putting on a good show so the producers will be satisfied. The Producers are the ELITES who control every government (in China the Elite are within government, or at least the CCP). The ELITES objective is total control of the population and conserving resources for future human upgrades. Chinese and Western Elites are in full agreement on this, even if they differ on other matters. The PANDEMIC helped them make progress in reaching that objective.

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