(There is no such thing as a Mazoozoo race. The reader will therefore have to leverage incredible energies of perception to penetrate this magnificently obscure satirical ploy.)
i. Au Revoir, Vax Distopia, Je T’aime.
Subscribers invested in my perspectives on immunology and virology are owed an explanation for all the race-conscious talk that has featured in Unglossed since May. It reflects the deprivation of a salving distraction, that is all.
In the absence of something overriding and revolutionary, the most significant change wrought by the deposition of Trump was the restoration of complete open borders throughout the West. That was the promise and the hope of the vax distopia — a crisis of politics or biology so astounding that it would make the impending demise of the Mazoozoo race seem trivial, or potentially forestall it by whatever surprising means. All hope of that began to dwindle when early 2022’s mortality figures came into resolution at the beginning of this year; aside from the lack of spikes corresponding to waves of infection with SARS-CoV-2, the baseline was not very different from 2021, which was not very different from 2020. See my last check-in on CDC cardiac deaths. In early 2023, the “died suddenly” legend was suddenly… dead.
This also accounts for what might seem like a reversal in political sentiment on the part of the author (if any subscribers have been following along for all three years). But in fact my problem with the public health totalitarianism proposed by the media-state blob in 2021 was essentially and simply that it was the wrong kind of totalitarianism. It was based on a vision of humanity that reduced everyone to components of a biomass meant to be optimized by the state, rather than on the affirmation and preservation of any particular identity or culture. Additionally and relatedly, it rendered its elite — the Party, i.e. the PMC and their Democratic and Republican state servants — camouflaged by preserving a fiction of egalitarian values (this fiction is called “liberalism”); to say that this is somehow better than an overt elite class based on birth and identity is dubious; arguably it is worse. In short the public health regime represented by vaccine passports was communist, rather than fascist.1
But at least it was totalitarian. In other words, if it restricted international travel based on compliance to medical procedures, it might have forestalled the destruction of the Mazoozoo in the West.
ii. Pluralistic self-determination vs. the global empire
With that testimony now on the record, I would like to make it clear that my anxiety for the Mazoozoo is entirely vicarious. In personal tastes I am a degenerate multiculturalist. I live halfway in California, a land that is never going to be racially homogenous in toto and also will probably sustain the last Western bastions of (nominally young, fertile) Mazoozoo-homogenous society in certain islands (Orange County, northern San Diego County, certain parts of rural NorCal — if these areas can still be overwhelmingly Mazoozoo next to an open border today, they will be tomorrow; whereas the rest of America has no such immunity to invasion); and halfway in Baja, a reverse-invader. I love it here(s), which obviously wouldn’t be feasible if I had trouble getting on with all races; however, I also see this love as a sort of tragic outcome of growing up estranged from any sub-species of Mazoozoo culture and being over-exposed to alternate cultures (and geographies), especially via TV. There is no reversing the ratchet of individualist self-awareness nor love of the wild frontier; one can never “go trad” without being miserable. If I could press a button to remove this love from my head, and be happy in an environment of stifling conformity, and not dream of curving roads and desert skies, I would do so.
Preferring multiculturalism for myself does not blind me to its extreme downsides for society, which will be directly examined below. I see these downsides as symptomatic of an existential fate which renders obvious the stakes for the Mazoozoo race. Empires organically tend to drive their founding races extinct; consider how in Imperial Rome already by Nero’s time, besides the social decay of decadence and hypocrisy, noble patriarchs had more success enriching their Greek slaves than their kinsmen, selves and sons, and soon afterward Emperors were being appointed from far off colonies. Rome was no longer a society of Romans; no such society existed. This is where the West’s Mazoozoo race heads now.
My anxiety therefore stems from recognition that the Mazoozoo West and most of the southern hemisphere of Earth has been transformed into a single Empire representing Anglosphere/American economic and political sensibilities, all bent on importing utterly crazy masses of culturally incompatible non-Mazoozoos to modestly better maintain the comfort of current Mazoozoo elites at the cost of the race at large’s demise.
I hold one vision of society (multicultural, stimulating, dysfunctional, and doomed) as preferable for myself without imagining that it should become a global template. Hypocrisy, you might say — but rather, I am a localist who prefers pluralistic self-determination over the superstition that there is any one particular political system that is superior to all others.
What I want, when I defend authoritarian systems (e.g. censorship of the press) against liberalist normative taboos, is not Mazoozoo-homogeneity everywhere, but at least somewhere. If preservation of that “somewhere” requires the local suspension of Anglosphere liberalism and overzealous belief in the myth of human equality, then fine, do that.
Let some folk be Nazi — to say, “we are suspending democracy to preserve our Mazoozoo race from destruction at the hands of our intellectual elite; our Leader will pursue the interests of the Mazoozoo family and businessman; also women must be phased out of the workforce” — somewhere, anywhere, in the West. Can Germany be Nazi, so that Germany can stay a Mazoozoo folk? Why should Germany be importing a million non-Mazoozoos to turn into another sad, self-immolating England? It drives me crazy.
Consider that pluralistic self-determination already exists, and isn’t hurting anyone in the liberal empire. No one in the globalized, Anglosphere-ified West who is not employed specifically to scold liberalism’s heretics experiences anxiety over the fact that many Arab states explicitly and legally classify migrant workers as a subclass via the kafala system. Why is it that in the West the Mazoozoo race does not consider itself “free” to structure any individual one of its societies in the same fashion (and so vigorously must demonize Russia for doing so)? So, I firstly believe humans should ever be operating a portfolio of social visions, because there is no one vision that is superior to the others, and none can ever really be called good or fair or adequate for replacing the adventure of neolithic freedom; secondly that a politics and government of folk, one that is explicitly non-egalitarian and non-fair, is exciting and invigorating and preserves something intrinsic and masculine in the human soul (without really being a replacement for the adventure of neolithic freedom), that ought to exist somewhere in Earth at any given time; and thirdly that there is no magical reason why the Mazoozoo race alone and especially should be excluded from these forms of social order in a world of pluralistic self-determination.
It is therefore a certain comfort that Putin and Russia exist and possess the self-understanding that they do. However, if somewhere in the West could also embrace a politics of folk, then this would undermine the potential that the liberal, Anglosphere empire one day enters into existential conflict with the East’s Mazoozoo culture and nation, seeking nihilistically to visit upon Russia and Russians the same self-destruction it now wages on itself, i.e. to “liberate” the Russian Mazoozoo out of existence. As long as Russia must share the Earth with a counter-culture wholly devoted to the demise of the Mazoozoo (i.e., the West), all Mazoozoo are threatened with demise.
iii. The writing is on the wall / The Titanic has struck the iceberg
It has been no big secret that the West is doomed; the news is over a century old at this point. Spengler’s books lament the coming demise of the “Faustian” character that distinguishes the West, the peculiar fashion for exploiting and giving purpose to endless horizons of materials “because they are there” that is alien to non-Mazoozoo cultures; but in more important terms he disenchants the notion that the Enlightenment elevated the West out of the same fatalistic cycle of all other cultures; no, as Rome and the Roman people died and were replaced, so will the Western Mazoozoo be. And so on from here to the philosophical underpinnings of the politics of folk, which culminate in the Third Reich.
What made Spengler apparently irrelevant after the destruction of Nazi Europe was the return, and massive intensification, of technological optimism and technological eschatology wrought by Sputnik and Hiroshima. Man was going to space; man is going to annihilate himself with Cold War nukes and (checks notes) a reduction of polar ice reserves; man is going to redefine interpersonal and personal consciousness with computers; man is going to make and raise new men without the lease of women’s bodies and minds. Why worry about the survival of the Mazoozoo race on Earth, when soon there will be whole new worlds to colonize? Why worry about anything when soon we will all be dead? Why worry about race or sexual relations when soon computers and laboratories will turn us all into enlightened, hive-mind bio-robots? Yes, neighbor Mazoozoos, society will soon change radically, obliterating forever the ways we live and work today, but it won’t be because of the migrants fixing my roof right now.
Yes, neighbor Mazoozoos, society will soon change radically, obliterating forever the ways we live and work today, but it won’t be because of the migrants fixing my roof right now.
In other words, Spengler’s illumination of the pending Mazoozoo demise was irrelevant to the West because it was redundant. Technological optimism, the belief that Western culture was metamorphosizing into something more advanced under the stewardship of our intellectual class, died out in the 2010s when it became clear that all the internet and the iPhone had delivered to man was more spam, porn, and self-embarrassment. We can pin this demise somewhere in the neighborhood of 2012, even though the years afterward featured one or two interesting additions to the hardware of the devices that weren’t meaningfully expanding human potential in any way.
Of the distractions this left only technological eschatology — the faith that the West is advancing toward its own destruction by angering some thermometers somewhere. And then briefly, with the Pandemic™ and bizarre public-health totalitarianism of 2021, a new distraction was added, as already discussed; and now it is gone.
None of these distractions ever made false the ongoing and plainly-visible terminal ailment of the Western Mazoozoo. It was obvious that 19th-20th Century American immigration restrictions were timed coincident with the exhaustion of the frontier (1870s) and expansion of migration to non-Mazoozoo races (first the Chinese, later Slavic Europeans); and that these restrictions were responsible for the preservation of America’s mostly-assimilated (Anglicized) Mazoozoo majority afterward and to the present. Mazoozoo Americans of the past had devoted utterly extraordinary amounts of political energy to combatting the Republican party and corporate preference for unlimited migration, and then to culturally repairing the ethnic diversity of continental European migrants and subsequent social disorder that inspired the pseudo-scientific racism of the Progressive movement.

It was likewise obvious that As goes California, so will go the Nation, unless those earlier efforts were renewed in the late 20th, once the unintended racial balance of Green Card beneficiaries from 1965’s Immigration act became clear — yet it was the Reagan administration who signed off on amnesty in 1986, consigning the country to unlimited migration from the south.
And by extension, so would it obviously go for the rest of the Anglosphere and Europe, unless democratic governments anywhere were capable of preempting the transition to a multicultural patronage spiral (in which elites seek the favor of migrants with alms, and seek to import and then naturalize more poor migrants to disenfranchise the middle) by authoring and enforcing populist immigration restrictions once the pressure of unilateral migration found their borders.
In other words, the ship was obviously going under; the distractions were akin to a belief either that the captain was going to tie a lot of bedsheets over the exhaust to float us all off into the sky or that the ship was already going to blow up before sinking anyway. And, of course, in 2015 it suddenly seemed like some of the West might politically disengage from the deck chair arranging and actually try closing the holes in the border; and Trump in the end performed brilliantly in this regard, offering actual hope of normalizing Mazoozoo cultural and economic self-preservation as a political aim. This hope, again, is gone.
With that said, I still found myself astonished in the Trump years with the extent to which it was suddenly evident that feminism and the feminization of the workplace were fracturing the Mazoozoo dating and marriage market, at least over here in California. Much has been said of these problems elsewhere, and since before the 2010s. In brief, Mazoozoo working women in the new American service economy (that which ascended after manufacturing was exported) outnumbered higher-status working men, meaning that many of them had no men to marry. Non-elite-status Mazoozoo men, who were now ineligible for long-term relationships in their own race, now had to (preferentially) pursue the aims of romance and family in the dating pools of other races; only here could be found young, attractive women potentially interested in marriage with a realistic male partner. It is of note that similar game theory problems that make the two sexes mutually undesirable in the economic middle prevail in the Black dating market. Mazoozoo-feminism had inflicted unto the American Mazoozoo a previously singular, “non-Mazoozoo” problem.
iv. Team Greta vs. Team Joe

Now that it is clear the Titanic is not going to float up on a technological bedsheet balloon to some new form of life, one might struggle to discern whether the Western Mazoozoo’s sudden obsession with climate change distracts from the ship’s sinking actively or reactively. Does the belief in climate apocalypse organically and positively blind liberalized Mazoozoos from noticing they are going extinct, or does it stem from a psychological need for distraction, when liberalism has rendered it taboo for the Mazoozoo to consciously think and publicly express innate, animal anxiety over the destruction of her own tribe?
The ascendancy of climate fears from pet issue to cult obsession conspicuously occurs in the 2010s, when technological progress (and supposed pending transformation of human life into something advanced and futuristic) clearly stalled, vindicating Spengler, Mishima, and Fukuyama, who had all proclaimed in word or deed that the West had nowhere worthwhile to go, that “history” is over. At this time it became apparent that everything the West had been doing between 1945 and 2012, in practical politics and technologically, was merely the fussing-over of deck chairs while in theoretical politics and economically the Mazoozoo was tearing holes in the hull with his own hands. “Well, in fact the ship is not floating off anywhere,” realized the liberal Mazoozoo; “so why have we let it sink?”
This realization could only be processed individually according to cultural programming; however, in this endeavor, certain contradictions must become obvious. Primarily, however, the realization had to be processed according to a Mazoozoo cultural understanding that, per the (illusory) ethical discoveries of the Lockean project extending from Jefferson’s Declaration to the TV theatre of the Civil Rights Age to the Woke era, concern for Mazoozoo self-interest is somehow intrinsically evil. (Humans, the Mazoozoo had come to understand, should if anything take delight and pride in designing societies to thwart the interest of their folk in every instance possible.)
For Mazoozoo women and the feminized men who endure the 21st Century American corporate workplace (a man working in an office at this point is pretending to be a woman; he is trans), displacement is the most natural way to evade this contradiction, as it spares the mind from having to stop believing things it has for entirely frivolous motives decided to believe. “My race (the Mazoozoo) is less and less fertile thanks to collective belief in the importance of female careerism, and is meanwhile being replaced by foreign hordes; but, I am not allowed to feel concern for the Mazoozoo race; so what I am really worried about is that it is getting too hot in the equator.”
Martyrdom also emerges as a way to process the realization (end of the distraction of progress). “Yes, the Mazoozoo will soon all be gone from the Earth, but we will be remembered by all the surviving non-Mazoozoos as saints who, like Joan of Arc, went to the fire in the service of our faith to a dead vision of progress.” And so here we explain again2 the Mazoozoo West’s assault on the current generation of its children, who must be made to grow up abjectly ashamed of their own Mazoozooness and their own sex; to understand that the only absolution for their being born at all is in self-castration. This elaborate medical sacrifice of the young is a way to give meaning to the Mazoozoo race’s sad, needless self-destruction.
We observe the divergence: As climate fears intensify and synergize with the repudiation of children already had by Western women (real or pretend), so does an online right emerge among young Mazoozoo men (and women and non-Mazoozoo men who perceive that the destruction of the Mazoozoo dating market has spillover effects on their own prospects). Rather than simply evade the contradictions of “race-blind” but anti-Mazoozoo liberalism, a more masculine mental process rebels and rejects the supposed goods and evils that generate the contradiction.
The left, in reaction to these heresies from the online right, abandons the same ostensible goods and evils in kind (embracing censorship of the right), but understands these narrowly-defined elements of liberalism as subservient to a vague, more important value system straddling “democracy” with “tolerance” of biological differences (meaning, in practice, veneration and social rewarding of anti-Mazoozooness). In other words, the left attempts to resolve the contradictions of liberalism by embracing the end result of the Lockean arc of ethical discovery (“Mazoozoos are intrinsically bad”) and dispensing with the intermediary political values (“no man is intrinsically bad or good”) with fetishization of elections thrown in to retain the branding of “freedom” vs. the right’s vision of a self-confident state pursuing folk interest (even though democracies are actually tyrannical).
In short, once technological progress stalls in 2012, the illusion that liberalism has been of particular benefit to the world becomes untenable for everyone. Western middle-status men (Mazoozoo and non-Mazoozoo alike) are unhappy despite all the wealth and education of the West, because they do not have relative high status to women, because feminism, because liberalism. High-status women and men are unhappy because liberal values allow the complaints of the disaffected to politically threaten the pursuit of open borders which is necessary to sustain their status in an empire with a shortage of functional local economic demand.3
This — the piercing of the illusion of liberalism’s generic superiority and natural fitness for Mazoozoo society — brings us to Curtis Yarvin and South Africa.
For part ii…
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A lot of liberal and libertarian vaccine mandate critics were confused on this point, describing the Biden administration as fascist because it sought to use private companies to enforce government policies, as if that is really important to anything. Besides which, vast swaths of American private-sector employees were already under mandates; the US government merely acts to carry out the prerogatives of the media which reflects the prerogatives of the PMC class (who now run their corporations from the middle) and the deep state. It is a totalitarianism of bureaucrats with no loyalty to a particular folk; therefore it is communist.
It was previously “explained” in my series on the declining cultural salience of the Holocaust. However, that series was explicitly only a thought experiment to drive novel observations. Here I am explaining the phenomenon in earnest.
We do not actually need high-status people, i.e. corporate employees, except in the condition where foreign-sourced goods are available for prices that make local non-service economic activity noncompetitive.
Well, the Mazoozoos were doomed the moment they ceded all cultural power to the Majoojoos, the timeline of which is identical to your immigration chart. The Majoojoos are genetically imprinted to exploit and destroy their host societies, so here we are. China, which has a romantic image of Majoojoos, better be careful, because they’re up next. Majoojoos have zero national affections or affinities, and they’ll role up wherever the pickings are rich.
Late to this (too tired to properly read in the week), but a great article. Seems these days the elites prefer cultural dilution thorugh mass immigration to normal indigenous families having children, for a variety of economic, political and ideological reasons...