Oct 14, 2022Liked by Brian Mowrey

other college students:

Cornell Univ.

Ms. Daniela Lee, 21, was a senior communications major at Cornell University (Ithaca, New York). But Ms. Lee was pronounced dead on April 19. She apparently died on campus. Cornell is withholding details.

We covered the story of Ms. Lisa Ngunda. She was the Cornell sophomore who died unexpectedly in March. At least four Cornell students have died since January. The university had a booster mandate in place for the Spring 2022 semester. But sometime in the last two weeks, Cornell lifted the booster mandate and now “strongly recommends” booster shots. One cannot help but wonder if the university’s policy change is in response to all the sudden and unexpected deaths of students.

Mary Frances Cronin, 23 yo, was a soccer player and Dean’s List engineering student at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton (Canada). Ms. Cronin “died suddenly” on Friday, April 29, 2022. The autopsy determined she had a pulmonary embolism. The University of New Brunswick implemented a vaccine mandate in August 2021.

Mr. Nathaniel Hopper, 22 yo, was a senior music major at The College of Saint Rose in Albany, New York. Police were called to his dorm room in Hahn Hall on Thursday, May 5. Mr. Hopper was found unresponsive, and was unable to be revived. All College of Saint Rose students were required to be fully vaccinated to register for classes in the Spring 2022 semester.


Mr. Andrew Bryan, 19 yo, was a freshman engineering student at Arizona State University in Tempe. We was swimming laps at the Sun Devil Fitness Center on April 16., 2022. ASU Police were called to the scene, they performed CPR. But Mr. Bryan was pronounced dead ten minutes after they arrived. His obituary says he “passed away unexpectedly.” ASU had a reqmt last summer that all students be fully vaccinated.


I think these are from The Covid Blog

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I'm a non-medical health practitioner. I don't ask about vaccines, as our board advised us not to since it is not within our "scope of practice". However, in casual conversation, I have had two people share with me, what I'm sure is related to having the cookies. One, the nephew of the patient, 36yo healthy guy found dead on the couch by his mom, in Canada. The other, the patient himself, in his sixties, having recurrent bouts of, severely high blood pressure (190's-200's), and symptoms of ischemia, without a history of either. He's had multiple tests, nobody knows why it's happening. Meds don't work very well. So... I'm sure something is going on. The actual magnitude of it, I don't know.

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Should we consider it progress if they're starting to blame it on the virus instead of blaming the evil, selfish, unvaxxed, toxic minority?

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I've personally been thinking of treading lightly into these sudden deaths for the fact that, without any context, it's easy to see these incidences and ascribe them all to vaccine alone.

This doesn't mean that there are a lot of concerning issues going on, and I am concerned about many of the college students who are forced to get vaccinated, but we're also seeing many other people attach every death under the sun to the vaccines and I think this can prove quite messy when we try to sift through the data, hence why I tried to add that context in my catecholamine posts, and also why that death of the person with Parkinson's everyone was writing about should be looked at through the lens of Parkinson's and how that may have played together with the vaccine.

That's my personal take, and certainly it's not a call to tell everyone to do the same but it's just a reminder that we should still try to keep a head of skepticism on us when it comes to anything.

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Thanks for the post. I remember a couple articles finding that deaths generally occurred around 5 months after a vaccine injection. So then maybe that would account for the delay (assuming all those who died at Dartmouth were injected). I too have wondered about this winter, and what we are in for. We will continue to find out. 🙏💕.

I appreciate hearing about Xie and the fear mongering around covid. I had a friend over who I hadn't seen in a year, she was afraid to see me. She was injected three times and was having heart problems. She told me she wasn't going to take another, but texted me a couple weeks later saying she took another for "protection" because she is flying to Europe. I couldn't imagine what she feels she needs protection for, except she's being influenced by some fear ridden friends. But now I know that it's in the news too.

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Thanks, it seems the 'anecdotal' evidence is all we can rely on, someone posted this on NNN, saying comments were enabled:


albeit I dont see them

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VERY SAD for these young uns' who are gone way too soon!

Some (MOST?) are victims murdered by quackcines.

STAY WELL NATURALLY! I post publicly and freely on MeWe.


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Oct 9, 2022Liked by Brian Mowrey

A must listen ....Ed Dowd!


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Oct 8, 2022Liked by Brian Mowrey

Since "the experts" denied immunity from infection was a thing, many (most?) people who were infected and recovered went on to take the jabs and boosters. Short of expensive and sophisticated testing, there is no way to distinguish between infection versus injection versus both CoDs. IMO, most long covid is actually long vaxx injury, but "the experts" and their minions in the media will always blame the virus. And the vaxx-injured and their loved ones will as well.

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Oct 8, 2022·edited Oct 8, 2022Liked by Brian Mowrey

As an added wrinkle, my 42 year old neighbor has myocarditis, which he got after his latest bout with Omicron. The chronology was as follows- He got a J and J, then had a booster in November, then caught Omicron in April and then was diagnosed with myocarditis. Igor Chudov suggested that maybe he had an already elevated rate of spike proteins from the booster and new infection then pushed the damage further in the heart area. So we can expect all sorts of weird timings with the damage going forward.

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Oct 8, 2022Liked by Brian Mowrey

The Ivy Leagues are absolutely the worst. My son was attending Harvard, but got depressed after the dystopian measures and I was glad we yanked him out before the boosters were required. Yale is equally awful and maybe Columbia is even worse. All of this fake diversity- but they lack diversity of thought. Scarily stupid institutions.

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Oct 8, 2022·edited Oct 8, 2022Liked by Brian Mowrey

(ok this is my internal dialogue to try to figure out why people are not MORE outraged)

Youth; why are we dying alot?

Internet: Because you were born and you are using too many resources.

You should be glad people are dying, cuz that's what we need, right?

Hooray for you!! You are dying!!

Youth; Oh, OK. That makes sense! : ) Yay we are dying, good for us!!!

(where the idea of depop meets your own self, awkward to say the least.....)

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Somehow the more educated have the least common sense.

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Oct 8, 2022Liked by Brian Mowrey

I am afraid this will be a continuing saga with waves months after the last jab. The federal disabilities statistics after the vax release from Ed Dowd are scary too.

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I wonder how big of an Endowment or payoff from one of Gates foundations to get the three shot requirement to get an education?

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