Late to this as usual =| but your humble impoverished Mazoozoo reader has found the podcast on Youtube too:


I'm only just starting to get into Nietzsche through Michael Sugrue's Youtube channel, but what attracts me is that his work doesn't just appear to be a reactionary layer on top of a previous philosophy.

My own critique of philosophy as a whole is that layers of reactionary philosophy appear to back the field into an intellectual ghetto divorced from reality.

The left wing/progressives seem to be using Foucault/Derrida as a kind of playbook leading backward to a cultural form of Marxism, rather than a method of critiquing modernism. It seems to have made the long march through the institutions successfully but hopefully enough of it will eventually self destruct on continued exposure to the real world.

Witness the resignation of Scottish leader Nicola Sturgeon over the lunacy of her belief in gender self ID absolutism, though there was a looming police investigation around the improprer use of party funds.

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Very interesting, thank you for your notes.

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I think analyzing BAP's work through his participation in a political(ish) podcast runs the risk of overemphasizing the political nature of his core philosophy. BAM is mostly apolitical in a sort of "politics is downstream of culture" sense. His criticisms of contemporary conservatism aren't made with the intent of proposing any actionable political strategy.

Charles Haywood (The Worthy House) has a good 30 minute summary on the Bronze Age Mindset

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Thank you, I will seek it out.

In reflecting on the interview for a day there does seem something political and radical in his pointing out that leftist rebellion is a degraded but acceptable form of the pre-modern right-wing avant garde, though. But does that change the fundamental dynamics of burnout and "selling out"...

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Aug 17, 2023Edited
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What I am most jealous of is not perceiving that there was this easily perceivable, entirely silly, dissonant interpretation of Nietzsche with a post-War anti-3R geopolitical context that I could be the one to deconstruct :(

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