EC-Does It
Yesterday’s post has been updated to include a less dismissive treatment of theECG abnormalities section of Mansanguan, et al. This change was made as a response to excellent counter-arguments offered by Stephanie Brail in her own post on the study.
In particular, Brail highlights the clarification sourced from Tracy Beth Høeg on baseline rates of ECG abnormalities before injection, which are less than 1%. This renders the post-injection rate much more impressive, in my eyes. Of course, I would still like the raw data, so I can “kick the wheels” of the authors’ findings for myself - but for now I am less on the fence.
Another writer’s work on the Thailand study deserves highlighting. While I am very picky about recommending other newsletters, here is an instance of “getting the record straight” that is at the moment being unfairly looked-over. The author “Alvin” at Seeking Health & Truth offered a review a week ago that correctly noticed and highlighted the disparity in rates between boys and girls:
What the authors don’t comment on is that all 7 participants were male. So, if we use the number of male participants (202) as the denominator, we get (7/202) x 100 = 3.5%.
This is good study-reviewing. Notice what isn’t already highlighted, highlight it. Employ imagination.
Today, Alvin provided feedback to another prominent substack on the same discrepancy, resulting in a modification to the post in question without any credit. This is bad form on the part of the other poster (who has no excuse for failing to highlight the discrepancy in the first place). While I was not aware of Alvin’s post before publishing my own, I feel credit is due for his getting this right before anyone else.
Summer Semi-Hiatus = Over
After almost 3 months of distraction, I should be able to resume full-time engagement in producing Unglossed. As such, I was going to re-enable monthly donations on my Ko-fi page. It appears those were already turned back on anyway, thanks to an update to the back-end settings.
Said page:
Prior donors - especially my super-donors! - should know that even during the last three months, additional days of work and notable posts have been specifically enabled by my deliberate efforts to offer a return on investment.
This includes the blockbuster “Tolerance Cometh” post, whose timely publishing was entirely the result of the prolific user “sunshine”s donation and comment a few days before, “keep doing what you do.” I shall.
However, as the next few days will be devoted to work on the behemoth flu / OAS project, output might still be intermittent.
Thank you for subscribing to Unglossed!
I so appreciate when you give us the strengths and weaknesses of studies, and update knowledge when needed. 🙏💕
Thank you for the kind words!