Nobody likes an apologia. So I was pleasantly surprised with the reception to yesterday’s post - a mixture of patience and generosity, as well as a plethora of brilliant comments which are well-worth a read.
Thanks to helpful critiques, I have added more context about the subject-matter itself. The essay is, indeed, about the recent fad for “not believing” in viruses. I did not mean to be quite so obscure on that point. The added bit begins here. The gist:
Like the rituals and mythologies of the Believers in the Experts, like any set of laws, like any religion, the missionaries of Virus Trutherism, aka Host Theory absolutism, are only propagating a set of concepts that was propagated to them. A meme, in other words. The infection of the comment threads in “Covid-vaccine skeptical Substack” by Virus Trutherism was only a matter of time (if you haven’t yet been accosted by a Truther, count your blessings).
I can’t believe it’s not Buttr!
I have created two Gettr accounts.
The first is for myself. I think I will primarily use it to share noteworthy works from other places, which I hesitate to do here (from my own user-experience, a substack subscription can easily feel like an endless series of “homework assignments” as it is). Perhaps also the occasional take on the vaccine/virus news of the day, if it doesn’t start to feel too distracting.
The second is a satellite outlet for this journal. It will provide salient excerpts and key takeaways from posts going forward. In other words, “Shorter Unglossed.”
Thanks for any follows (or bookmarkings) to un-unglossed, and thanks for subscribing to Unglossed!
Do you think you'll keep writing for your substack? I ask because I have three Patreon accounts I subscribe to, and I've recently decided that I enjoy your work so much that two of those Patreons are going to get axed so I can divert those subscriptions and become a paid subscriber to your substack. LOL!
Also, I hope you'll keep your writing style. It's one of the reasons why I continue reading.
"Virus trutherism" is a reasonable response. It only becomes a nuisance when people insist it's an absolute truth and there is no room for discussion of any alternative, but that's inherent to any topic.
It may have been seeded to distract and discredit, but I think TPTB will end up regretting it in much the same way as they are growing to regret the BLM project, now that BLM's attention has come around to the subject of occupied Palestine.