I continue to be on mobile only this week, which limits the nature of content I can offer. An easy one, is highlighting other writers who deserve a wider audience.
Please consider reading and supporting Katherine Watt, who gets into the nuts and bolts of the legal groundwork for the virus-based global hegemony that has defined so much of human life for the last two years:
We did not do this to ourselves.
We did not consent at some time in the past that we just forgot about or failed to understand at the time, such that it's not fair to the bad guys to fight against them, because they're really just giving us what we said we wanted.
They never asked us what we want our lives to be like.
We don't want what they're trying to do to us as far as digital id's, social credit, owning nothing, splintered families and friends, injections, centralized digital currencies, etc.
They don't have a right to make us accept it.
Thanks, loved her post. 🧡
Thank you for the shout-out! Much appreciated.