This post is just to alert readers that I am finding myself active on the new substack notes platform. Follow me there, if the current sparse output at Unglossed has left a void in your soul. Yesterday I posted a curt review of Raoult et al.’s update on hydroxychloroquine plus azithromycin early treatment in Marseille:
(If you click through on this note, it should expand to my other comments, theoretically.)
Content here has slowed for the same reason as other Covid-vaccine-skeptic substacks have reduced output; revelations regarding the virus and the vaccines have entered a more boring, protracted phase. This is wonderful as far as tackling older, unresolved controversies, but those same projects take more work, which must still be multitasked to some extent with core research, study reviewing, and personal life.
So, the arrival of notes is a fortunate accident to help keep the reader in tune with those other projects.
As always, thanks for subscribing to Unglossed!
That subtitle speaks to what I was thinking! Ok now back to read your actual article.
I'm still trying to understand Notes. I can see posting things there that point potential readers back to the blogs, but if the content itself shifts from the blogs to Notes, what becomes of paid subscriptions?
I see that there is a "Subscribed" filter button for Notes, and I would hope that it picks up all notes from subscriptions, but I depend on subscription emails to identify what to read and and in what order, giving priority to paid subscriptions, taking advantage of features of my IMAP email client, and often using it to read offline. With Notes, no emails.
As for there being less to write about,
1) Good. Glad for that change.
2) Just wait a little while. There's more coming.